[TheClimate.Vote] July 17, 2016 Daily Global Warming news for voters, candidates and officials

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    Hillary Clinton:*Climate Change*'Is an Opportunity as Well as a

CNSNews.com 	 -‎18 hours ago‎ 	


(CNSNews.com) - Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, speaking at 
Northern Virginia Community College in Annandale, Va., on Thursday, said 
that*climate change*is "an opportunity as well as a problem." Clinton 
said it is an "opportunity that smart*...*

    Changing cloud pattern worsens*global warming*, study says

Columbus Dispatch 	 -‎3 hours ago‎ 	


In a new study published in Nature, scientists say they have for the 
first time thoroughly documented one of the most profound planetary 
changes yet to be caused by a warming*climate*: The distribution of 
clouds all around the Earth has shifted, they say...
--Clouds increased over the northwest Indian Ocean, the northwest and 
southwest tropical Pacific Ocean and north of the equator in the Pacific 
and Atlantic oceans.
--Clouds decreased over mid-latitude oceans in both hemispheres — 
especially over the North Atlantic — over the southeast Indian Ocean and 
in a northwest-to-southeast line that stretches across the central 
tropical South Pacific. 

    *Climate*activists try to engage millennials using 'Pokemon Go'

Chicago Tribune 	 -‎7 hours ago‎ 	


Aiming to register millennials to vote, members of 
NextGen*Climate*Illinois held a "Pokemon Go" event at Logan Square on 
Saturday, using the popular gaming app to help spread the word on 
environmental issues at stake in the upcoming general election*...**.* 
digital director for NextGen Climate Illinois, said the organization has 
embraced "Pokemon Go" as a tool to engage young voters throughout the 
2016 election cycle... It’s just been a great way for our field 
organizers to meet people where they are, to have conversations in their 
communities. Even if they’re just getting off the 'L' and walking home, 
people are playing 'Pokemon Go' in our neighborhoods," Files said. "So 
we’re all about being able to meet people where they are, and engaging 
the millennial base to turn out for the election."...Organizers dropped 
"lures" — a tool that helps people catch Pokemon characters at game 
locations called Pokestops — around the square, to draw people to the 
area. Once they were engaged, members of NextGen approached gamers to 
talk to them about the importance of being registered to vote and 
committing to vote for candiates the group considers clean energy leaders.

    Nation's Largest Teachers Union Endorses Teaching "*Climate*Justice"

Huffington Post 	 -‎9 hours ago‎ 	


In May, the Portland, Oregon school board passed the country’s first 
comprehensive "climate justice" resolution. The school board voted 
unanimously to "abandon the use of any adopted text material that is 
found to express doubt about the severity of the climate crisis or its 
root in human activities," and called for all schools to teach a 
"climate justice" curriculum. The Portland resolution said that students 
in city schools "should develop confidence and passion when it comes to 
making a positive difference in society, and come to see themselves as 
activists and leaders for social and environmental justice—especially 
through seeing the diversity of people around the world who are fighting 
the root causes of climate change..."   That effort received a big boost 
last week in Washington, DC, when the country’s largest union, the 
National Education Association (NEA), voted at its national convention 
to support the Portland resolution and to encourage state and local 
affiliates to create and promote climate literacy resolutions in their 
own communities, using the Portland resolution as a model. The NEA has 
close to 3 million members, and its convention is dubbed "the world’s 
largest deliberative assembly," with 7,000 delegates.Oregon teacher 
Kathleen Jeskey was one of the delegates supporting the NEA resolution: 
"Clearly teachers from all over the country see that it is past time to 
teach our students the real science of*climate change*and properly 
prepare them for the*...*

    'Chains of causality whose ends we cannot see'

The Hindu 	 -‎11 hours ago‎ 	


It’s time we humans shed our hubris to reckon with the forces of nature 
shaping lives and fates, says Amitav Ghosh
It was happening, we knew that at the back of our minds, yet we 
continued to ignore it, until one fine day it came to claim our lives... 
Climate change — the upsetting of weather patterns across the world — 
forms the core concern of Amitav Ghosh’s latest work of non-fiction, The 
Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable. It is dealt with 
a touch of Márquezian magical realism as Ghosh speaks about the 
inevitability of the very real ecological disaster unfolding in our 
midst, so familiar yet unfathomably fantastic in its proportions. The 
book, parts of which he delivered as a series of lectures at the 
University of Chicago in 2015, not only raises crucial questions about 
our lack of intellectual engagement with this natural phenomenon, but 
also calls for a radical dismantling of the Enlightenment-era hubris 
possessed by mankind, which sees "nature" as something outside of man... //

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