[TheClimate.Vote] Daily News of Global Warming Issues for voters, candidates and officials July 16, 2016

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/July 16, 2016 - by forwarding this email you help keep voters and 
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    On*Climate Change*, Pence and Trump Are a Perfect Match

Mother Jones Donald Trump calls*global warming*a "hoax." He 
claims*climate science*is "bullshit," and he's even described it 
(supposedly as a joke) as a Chinese conspiracy....So perhaps it isn't 
that surprising that Mike Pence—whom Trump just named as his running 
mate—has similar views...."Global warming is a myth," Pence wrote nearly 
two decades ago in an op-ed unearthed by BuzzFeed. "Environmentalists," 
the Indiana Republican explained, "claim that certain 'greenhouse gases' 
like carbon dioxide are mucking up the atmosphere and causing the earth 
to gradually warm. Despite the fact that CO2 is a naturally occurring 
phenomenon in nature, the greenpeace folks want to blame it all on coal 
(another natural mineral) and certain (evil) coal burning power plants." 
He added (inaccurately) that "the earth is actually cooler today than it 
was about 50 years ago."

    Seems Like Fox News Didn't Like the Joke About Its

Common Dreams (press release) 	 -‎2 hours ago‎ 	


"We want to call out the nefarious role Fox News plays by keeping its 
audience confused about the climate threat to the country and world."
"We call on James Murdoch to demand that his father and Fox News chief 
Roger Ailes stop distorting *climate science*," .. a new satirical 
television ad which aims to use a bit of humor to call out the network's 
fueling of climate distortion "to the nation's physical and economic 
peril."...Produced by environmental advocacy organization Friends of the 
Earth (FoE) and Fenton Communications, the ad shows a supposed Fox News 
anchor discussing extreme weather events without drawing any links to 
climate change as water increasingly rises over her head....An FoE press 
statement says the network rejected the ad, but that the group still 
expects it to be viewed many times thank to social media users sharing 
it with the hashtag #FOXFoolsOnClimate.

    *Climate*Advocates Capitalize on Pokemon Go Craze to Recruit

whotv.com 	 -‎16 minutes ago‎ 	


NextGen*Climate*Iowa is luring young voters from all over the state to 
their cause Friday…by luring Pokemon to your smartphones.

    How the Right Wing Denial Machine Distorts the*Climate Change

EcoWatch 	 -Michael Mann	


I am a*climate*scientist and have spent much of my career with my head 
buried in*climate model*output and observational*climate*data, trying to 
tease out the signal of human-caused*climate change*.... What is 
disconcerting to me and so many of my colleagues is that these tools 
that we've spent years developing increasingly are unnecessary because 
we can see the impacts of climate change playing out in real time on our 
television screens in the 24 hour news cycle....Regardless of how you 
measure the impacts of climate change—whether it be food, water, health, 
national security, our economy—climate change is already taking a great 
toll. And we see that tool in the damage done by more extreme floods, 
like the floods we've seen over the past year in Texas and in South 
Carolina. We see it in the devastating combination of sea level rise and 
more destructive hurricanes which has led to calamities like 
"Superstorm" Sandy and what is now the perennial flooding of Miami 
beach. We see it in the unprecedented drought, like that which continues 
to afflict California, a doubling in the area of wildfire, fire burning 
in the western U.S. and indeed, in the record heat we may see this 
weekend in phoenix....The signal of climate change is no longer subtle. 
It is obvious....As we head into the 2016 presidential election, it is 
clear that polluting interests and other bad actors are mobilized. They 
are doing their best to continue the attacks on science and scientists 
whose findings threaten their bottom line, to distract the public, to 
promote climate change denial propaganda and to support politicians who 
will support their agenda of denial and inaction.

*"The best defense is to study the positions of the candidates and make 
sure that climate action is at the top of your agenda when you go to the 
voting booth this fall."*

    Shocking,' 'Plain Stupid': Theresa May Shuts*Climate Change*Office

Common Dreams (press release) 	 -‎5 hours ago‎ 	


Less than a day after becoming the U.K.'s unelected leader, Prime 
Minister Theresa May closed the government's*climate change*office, a 
move instantly condemned as "shocking" and "plain stupid." May shuttered 
the Department for Energy and*Climate* ...

              ========================  #### 

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