[TheClimate.Vote] Daily News of Global Warming Issues for voters, candidates and officials July 15, 2016

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    Watch Mike Pence question*global warming*and demur on evolution

Washington Post 	 -‎8 hours ago‎ 	


Trump has said that he is "not a big believer in man-made*climate 
change*." Now watch Mike Pence discuss both*climate change*and evolution 
on a 2009 episode of MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews" (the fun 
begins around minute 6): ...On climate change: "I think the science is 
very mixed on the subject of global warming, Chris." (It isn't.) "In the 
mainstream media, Chris, there is a denial of the growing skepticism in 
the scientific community about global warming." (There wasn't, and 
isn't, growing skepticism.)

*Taxpayer Groups, Environmentalists, Students Call on Congress to End $4 
Billion Annual Oil Industry Subsidies 
DeSmogBlog.comIn an open letter sent to Congress today, a coalition of 
40 national taxpayer, labor, environmental and other groups called on 
the federal government to repeal almost $4 billion in annual tax breaks 
for the oil and gas industry, calling them wasteful and lambasting 
Congress for subsidizing activities that will make climate change 
worse...The groups called on Senators to support the FAIR Energy Policy 
Act, which would slowly phase out nine special tax breaks for the fossil 
fuel industry...."Oil companies receive billions in tax breaks, despite 
being among the world's largest and most profitable corporations," the 
groups wrote. "For too long, America has subsidized the oil industry’s 
bottom line at middle class Americans’ expense."

    A*climate*report that we ignore at our peril

The Guardian 	 -‎3 hours ago‎ 	


*...**the report of the Committee on Climate Change (Report, 12 July) is 
a salutary reminder that a capitalist economy based on infinite economic 
growth, as expressed in terms of consumption-led GDP, is unsustainable 
and, if allowed to continue in its present form, will ultimately 
devastate the entire planet. Moreover, unless we cease using fossil 
fuels for energy and replace them with renewables at the earliest 
possible opportunity, the voluntary agreement reached at last year*'*s 
COP 21 climate summit to limit increases in global temperatures to less 
than 2C will be little more than hot air.*

    Republicans just escalated the war over ExxonMobil and*climate

Washington Post 	 -‎Jul 13, 2016‎ 	


Several years ago, ExxonMobil chief executive Rex Tillerson acknowledged 
that*climate change*was real and that a carbon tax would be the best way 
to address*greenhouse gas*emissions. The state attorneys general are 
looking into whether the oil giant ...

    Palo Alto considers bracing now for*sea level rise*

The Mercury News 	 -‎9 hours ago‎ 	


PALO ALTO -- Many more Palo Alto homes and businesses than the 2,700 
estimated to be vulnerable in a 100-year flood of San Francisquito Creek 
could be inundated if sea levels rise at least a foot, according to 
federal flood maps.

    Sweating Yet? Multi-Day*Heatwave*Begins for DC Area

NBC4 Washington 	 -‎6 hours ago‎ 	


We hope your air-conditioning is feeling strong. After a period of 
fairly warm weather, the heat has headed to the next level. A heat 
advisory is in effect for Thursday, with temperatures feeling like the 
100s, Storm Team 4 meteorologist Amelia Draper*...*

    Inside the Rockefeller Foundation's*climate*finance strategy

GreenBiz 	 -‎13 hours ago‎ 	


Envisioning the urgent need to channel capital into innovative solutions 
around*climate change*and renewable energy, the organization leverages 
its experience to experiment with new forms of investments.

*At Ground Zero for Rising Seas, TV Weatherman Talks Climate* 
Yale Environment360 John Morales is part of a new breed of television 
weather forecasters seeking to educate viewers on climate change and the 
threat it poses. In South Florida, where sea level rise is already 
causing periodic flooding, he has a receptive audience....Bob Ryan, a 
former president of the American Meteorological Society (AMS), and 
myself, we co-authored an article in 2007 in the Bulletin of the 
American Meteorological Society saying that our profession is the face 
of science for the general public, that it is our responsibility to 
communicate the state of the science of climate change, that, in doing 
so, we need to divorce ourselves from political, religious, personal, 
and other views and just simply communicate the state of the science at 
the time.

    You're Reading: fastcoexist / The World's*Climate*Pledges Are Not
    Even Close To Good Enough

Co.Exist 	 -‎8 hours ago‎ 	


In a little over a decade, if every country around the world keeps every 
current promise to cut carbon emissions, it's likely the planet will 
warm up 1.5 degrees Celsius. By 2100, the world's average temperature 
may have gone up as much as 3.1 degrees—with a risk of hitting 4 
degrees, well into the range for global catastrophe....A recent study 
looked at the pledges made at the Paris climate talks in 2015, where 
countries agreed to keep warming below 2 degrees Celsius—and ideally 
below 1.5 degrees. The goal is what most scientists think is necessary 
to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. The problem is that the 
pledges each country has made so far will completely miss the target.
              ========================  #### 

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