[TheClimate.Vote] Daily News of Global Warming Issues for voters, candidates and officials July 14, 2016

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    Republicans just escalated the war over ExxonMobil and *climate

Washington Post 	 -‎8 hours ago‎ 	


Call it a tit for tat over subpoenas, one that escalates an ongoing spat 
over what the biggest U.S. oil company knew and when it knew it....House 
Science, Space and Technology Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Tex.) 
said Wednesday his committee was issuing subpoenas to the New York and 
Massachusetts state attorneys general, who have issued their own 
subpoenas as part of probes into whether ExxonMobil misled the public 
and investors about what it knew about the dangers of climate change 
decades ago...ExxonMobil and its defenders have asserted that the 
company has merely been exercising its free speech rights with respect 
to climate change...In a joint news conference, Rep. Randy Weber 
(R-Tex.) called the attorneys general a “posse” and said “since when did 
it become a crime to hold an opinion?” He said the attorneys general 
“have veered away from enforcing the law to environmental activism.”

    The*Climate Anxiety*Doctor Is “In”

Hakai Magazine 	 -‎21 hours ago‎ 	


In reality, Schapira is an unlikely candidate to be running a*climate 
anxiety*counseling booth. She has no formal background in either science 
or psychological counseling—she's a poet and an English professor at 
Brown University....When someone stops, she asks the same question: “Are 
you worried about climate change, and if not, what are you worried 
about?”...People give all sorts of answers, which Schapira has been 
documenting on her blog. Some people are stressed about extreme weather, 
recalling superstorm Sandy, which ravaged the area in 2012. Others have 
a more generalized anxiety: they talk about increasing global 
temperatures, droughts, and melting ice caps....Psychologists have found 
that catastrophic events induce different mental health issues than 
gradual changes: catastrophic events are more likely to induce trauma 
responses, major depression, and complicated grief, while gradual 
changes can cause anxiety, fatalism, and chronic depression.

    Should Wall Street pay more attention to*climate change*?

Christian Science Monitor 	 -‎9 hours ago‎ 	


In a new report, GRI warned that*global warming*could present 
significant risks for financial institutions. “Given the financial 
service industry's heavily integrated role in society, it is 
particularly susceptible to the risks associated with*climate**...*

    Global*Air Pollution*Map Pinpoints the Most Unhealthy Cities

InsideClimate News 	 -‎16 hours ago‎ 	


Cities in China and India crowd the top of the list, but air pollution 
is expected to worsen everywhere as climate change drives more wildfires 
and dust storms....This sobering picture is expected to get worse 
with*climate change*, as wildfires and dust storms driven by rising 
temperatures release additional pollution...The database divides 
particulate matter into two categories: PM10, which refers to particles 
that are smaller than 10 micrometers in diameter, and PM2.5, for 
particles under 2.5 micrometers in diameter. For comparison, the average 
human hair has a thickness of 70 micrometers.   ...We found that most of 
the cities with the worst PM2.5 levels were in China, which measures 
PM2.5 more frequently than it does PM10. India, on the other hand, 
rarely measures PM2.5, and dominated the list for the worst PM10 cities.

    Low Sierra snow seen as piece of alarming*climate*picture

SFGate 	 -‎3 hours ago‎ 	


A fifth year of disappointing snow in the Sierra is part of a much 
larger predicament of record-low snow across the Northern Hemisphere, a 
setback that scientists identified Wednesday as another reminder of the 
alarming pace of human-caused global warming....The lack of snow, a 
result of record-high temperatures across the planet, not only 
intensifies water shortages and the threat of wildfires in California 
and other parts of the country but amplifies*global warming*. Because 
snow helps reflect the sun'shot rays, less of it means the Earth only 
heats up more, the scientists said. *...Sea ice, which is also 
vanishing, is similarly losing its potency as a repellent. More of the 
sun’s warmth is being absorbed by the increasingly unfrozen ocean.*

    Clouds Shifting Toward Poles With*Climate Change*

Seeker 	 -‎14 hours ago‎ 	


... Laboratory, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of 
California, Riverside and Colorado State University match those 
predicted by climate model simulations, and they've probably had added 
to*global warming*that is causing*climate change*.

*In Warming Oceans, Stronger Currents Releasing Heat in Bigger Storms, 
Study Says 
The currents are releasing 20 percent more heat than 50 years ago. 
Japan, China and Korea will warm faster and can expect more storminess, 
researchers say....The climate scientists said the rapidly changing 
currents will affect animals and plants in the nearby coastal regions. 
Many species will be forced to move to find suitable habitat, but some 
probably won't be able...The study, published in June in the Journal of 
Geophysical Research: Oceans, looked at the Kuroshio Current, the Gulf 
Stream, the Brazil Current, the East Australian Current and the Agulhas 
Current, which are western branches of gyres that circulate around the 
perimeter of the world's subtropical oceans—clockwise in the northern 
hemisphere, counterclockwise the southern hemisphere. They are fast, 
much warmer than the surrounding ocean and have a "broad impact on the 
weather and climate over the adjacent mainland," including the formation 
of intense storms, according to the study. They also play an important 
role in distributing heat globally..."In the coastal fishing grounds, 
the fish won't be able to survive in their previous living environments. 
A change of 1 or 2 degrees Celsius will be too much for them," Yang said.

    Elizabeth Warren Rips Climate Denial “Think” Tanks

I hear frequently from congressional staffers - I'll bet anything Liz 
was primed by watching some of the videos below.

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