[TheClimate.Vote] July 19, 2016 Daily Global Warming News for voters, candidates and officials

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/Forward this email to keep voters and candidates well-informed about 
global warming - July 19, 2016/

    GOP Platform REJECTS*Global Warming*Taxes

Daily Caller 	 -‎4 hours ago‎ 	


The Republican Party's platform for 2016 includes a provision opposing 
any taxes on carbon dioxide emissions, like those proposed by Democratic 
lawmakers concerned about man-made*global warming*. "We oppose any 
carbon-tax,"..."It would increase energy prices across the board, 
hitting hardest at the families who are already struggling to pay their 
bill in the Democrats' no-growth economy."..."Democrats believe that 
carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases should be priced to 
reflect their negative externalities, and to accelerate the transition 
to a clean energy economy and help meet our climate goals," the draft 
platform reads, according to statements released by Vermont Sen. Bernie 
Sanders' campaign..."Democrats believe that climate change is too 
important to wait for climate deniers and defeatists in Congress to 
start listening to science, and support using every tool available to 
reduce emissions now," reads the platform...Republicans have been 
increasingly concerned about attempts to get a carbon tax through 
Congress in recent years. GOP lawmakers often argue taxing CO2 would 
amount to an energy tax that would raise the price of everything, 
hurting the poor.

    *Climate*-Friendly Republicans Are Skipping GOP Convention

Scientific American 	 -‎7 hours ago‎ 	


CLEVELAND—Eleven House Republicans who are trying to change their 
party's attitude on*climate change* appear to be skipping the GOP 
convention beginning here today....Several also say they won't vote for 
presumed presidential nominee Donald Trump...The decision signals a 
sense of foreboding about Trump's candidacy by some of the party's most 
visible supporters of tackling global warming. The group of lawmakers 
are working on a package of bills to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 
promoting clean energy and other programs that they believe could appeal 
to some conservatives.....*Most Republicans Who Accept Climate Science 
Are Skipping Cleveland* 
Slate.com Four of the five Republican senators with records of 
supporting climate action are skipping this year's Republican National 
Convention, which began on Monday. They are Sens. Mark Kirk of Illinois, 
Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and 
John McCain of Arizona...Kirk and Ayotte are two of only three 
Republican senators who voted to uphold the Clean Power Plan, the 
Environmental Protection Agency's rule to limit carbon pollution from 
coal-fired power plants. They are also both in tough re-election races 
in moderate states this year. Graham and McCain have previously accepted 
climate science and supported cap-and-trade legislation, but they have 
turned away from climate action since President Obama took office.

    Getting serious about*climate change*: A cheat sheet for candidates

Grist 	 -‎4 hours ago‎ 	


Rebeca Leber - Elected officials trying to deal with*climate change*over 
the last few years have had it easy. The first cuts in carbon emissions 
are the most painless....they should support a host of policies to 
ensure the success of renewable portfolio standards (RPS's), or mandates 
that a certain percentage of electricity come from clean sources. New 
York and California have both set targets of 50 percent renewables by 
2030, but a pledge doesn't do much on its own if there are no teeth to 
it. States are only successful if their strong mandate is accompanied by 
a mix of strong policies like credits that boost solar, wind, and 
energy-efficiency investment. And they need to ensure that businesses 
know they're serious about these mandates, by ratcheting them up and not 
backtracking on standards. A strong RPS mandate is just a piece of the 
puzzle. *** See also http://TheClimate.Vote ***

    UN criticises UK and Germany for betraying Paris*climate*deal

The Guardian 	 -‎17 hours ago‎ 	


Ban Ki-moon's*climate change*envoy has accused the UK and Germany of 
backtracking on the spirit of the Paris*climate*deal by financing the 
fossil fuel industry through subsidies. Mary Robinson, the former 
president of Ireland and UN special envoy on ...

    Deja vu: as with tobacco, the*climate*wars are going to court

The Guardian 	 -‎5 hours ago‎ 	


... dangers its products posed via*climate change*. Soon thereafter, 
Exxon launched misinformation campaigns by funding "think tanks" and 
front groups to manufacture doubt about*climate science*and the expert 
consensus on human-caused*global warming*...Investigative journalism has 
uncovered a "web of denial" in which polluting industries pay 
"independent" groups to disseminate misinformation to the public and 
policymakers. The same groups and tactics were employed first by the 
tobacco industry, then fossil fuel companies. Big Tobacco has been to 
court and lost; now it's Big Oil's turn. Political leaders are choosing 
sides in this war..."The First Amendment, ladies and gentlemen, does not 
give you the right to commit fraud"

*The Republican National Committee Just Officially Declared That Coal Is 
MotherJonesWell, that was easy!...David Barton, a delegate from Texas, 
proposed the single-word edit to the RNC's already-glowing list of 
adjectives on coal in its platform draft. "I would insert the adjective 
'clean' along with coal, particularly because the technology we have 
now," was Barton's reasoning...

    Researchers create means to monitor anthropogenic*global warming*in
    real time

Science Daily 	 -‎10 hours ago‎ 	


The researchers also created a new method by which scientists can 
measure and monitor the pace of anthropogenic*global warming*, finding 
that the contribution of human activities to warming in the surface 
waters of the Pacific Ocean can be distinguishedfrom natural 
variability. *...*

    Warming Could Mean More Algae Blooms Like Florida's

Climate Central 	 -‎8 hours ago‎ 	


The algae bloom is the result of a combination of factors, including the 
abundant nutrients washed in from surrounding agricultural lands, heavy 
winter rains and hot, calm summer weather. In the future, such blooms 
could become more common as Earth's rising temperature heats up lakes 
and oceans, providing a more favorable home for algae and other 
potentially toxic microorganisms in the water....According to the most 
recent report of the Intergovernmental Panel on*Climate Change*, the 
oceans around Florida could warm by 1.8° to 5.4°F (1° to 3°C) by the end 
of the century depending on emissions levels...While lowering greenhouse 
gas emissions to curtail warming would help the problem, an easier 
strategy might be to attack the problem from the nutrient side, Havens 
said. Research he has conducted suggests that the temperature response 
of algae was much stronger when nutrient levels were high than when they 
were low...But controlling nutrient runoff into Lake Okeechobee has been 
a thorny political issue. And even if all runoff from current 
agriculture was stopped, years of farming have left enough phosphorous 
that it would take 50 years to wash it all out of the surrounding 
sediment, Havens said.

    Professor Oreskes honored for work on*climate change*consensus

Harvard Gazette 	 -‎10 hours ago‎ 	


Harvard Professor of the History of Science Naomi Oreskes will be 
awarded the sixth annual Stephen H. Schneider Award for 
Outstanding*Climate Science*Communication,*Climate*One at the 
Commonwealth Club announced today. ...Oreskes has primarily been 
interested in the problem of anthropogenic climate change, with a 
particular interest in understanding scientific consensus and dissent. 
She is the co-founder of the Climate Accountability Institute and is 
investigating the ethical and legal obligations of the individuals and 
groups that have attempted to discredit the scientific evidence of 
anthropogenic climate change...

    Amazon could face intense*wildfire*season this year, NASA warns

The Guardian 	 -‎6 hours ago‎ 	


Conditions created by the strong*El Niño*event that warmed up Pacific 
waters in 2015 and early 2016 altered rainfall patterns around the 
world....the Amazon is the driest it's been at the start of the dry 
season since 2002 — and that probably means the rainforest is in for a 
particularly nasty wildfire season, according to Doug Morton, an Earth 
scientist with the U.S. agency and a co-creator of the Amazon fire 
forecast, which uses climate observations and active fire detections by 
NASA satellites to predict fire season severity..."Severe drought 
conditions at the start of the dry season have set the stage for extreme 
fire risk in 2016 across the southern Amazon," Morton said in a 
statement. The Brazilian states of Amazonas, Mato Grosso, and Pará are 
reportedly at the highest risk..."When trees have less moisture to draw 
upon at the beginning of the dry season, they become more vulnerable to 
fire and evaporate less water into the atmosphere,"

              ========================  #### 

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