[TheClimate.Vote] July 20, 2016 Daily Global Warming News for voters, candidates and officials

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global warming July 20, 2016/


    The Hottest Cities in U.S. vs. the Fastest Warming

Climate Central 	 -‎14 hours ago‎ 	


Searing heat is the signature of*climate change*, and the scorching 
summer temperatures blanketing much of the nation this week are exactly 
what we should expect in an ever warming world....The hottest cities are 
pretty much where you would expect them to be, all located in southern 
states, like Florida, Texas, and Arizona. And these top 25 cities all 
either have blistering summer heat — McAllen, Texas, for example, 
averages 87°F in July and August — or are just generally hot year-round, 
as is the case in Miami....Conversely, the fastest-warming cities aren’t 
clustered in any one region. In fact, the top 25 fastest-warming cities 
are scattered over 16 states. Some of these rapidly warming cities are 
traditional hotspots, like Phoenix and Las Vegas. But many are not 
places you would consider to be hot, like Fargo, N.D., or 
Minneapolis....Of the 178 cities with sufficient data for our analysis, 
all but three have seen their average temperatures warm overall in the 
past 50 years. The top 25 cities have all seen temperatures climb by 
more than 0.6°F per decade — that’s at least 3°F hotter over 50 years.

    League of Conservation Voters Ad Hits Rep. Heck on*Climate Change*

Morning Consult 	 -‎9 hours ago‎ 	


The ad, which will run on cable and broadcast in the Las Vegas and Reno 
markets, says Heck “denies the science of*climate change*,” has voted 
“against our solar economy” and benefited from “millions” of dollars in 
contributions from groups tied to the*...*

When Subpoenas Threaten*Climate Science* 

New York Times 	 -‎4 hours ago‎ 	


Our research details, among other things, how much Exxon Mobil knew 
about the dangers posed to the planet from carbon emissions from its 
products at the same time it was spending millions to misinform the 
public about the science of*climate change*.

    The Republican*Climate*Platform Keeps Getting Crazier Every Election

New York Magazine 	 -‎7 hours ago‎ 	


All of the acknowledgements of*climate 
change*and*greenhouse-gas*emissions were gone from the 2012 platform, 
replaced with the vague statement, “The causes and long-range effects of 
a phenomenon are uncertain".The new platform expresses even more 
skepticism about the theory of anthropogenic global warming, which 
Republicans now officially declare to be cooked up by U.N. 
bureaucrats:...Information concerning a changing climate, especially 
projections into the long-range future, must be based on dispassionate 
analysis of hard data. We will enforce that standard throughout the 
executive branch, among civil servants and presidential appointees 
alike. The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is 
a political mechanism, not an unbiased scientific institution. Its 
unreliability is reflected in its intolerance toward scientists and 
others who dissent from its orthodoxy. We will evaluate its 
recommendations accordingly... since Republicans officially refuse to 
recognize scientific findings relating carbon emissions to climate 
change, it’s not clear what “clean” energy even means to them. If coal 
is clean, isn’t all energy clean?

    Republican Platform Rejects Paris*Climate*Agreement

Scientific American 	 -‎9 hours ago‎ 	


CLEVELAND—Christian Republicans promoted a transition to clean energy 
here last night, about an hour after GOP delegates approved a party 
platform that disavows aggressive action on*climate change*and downplays 
renewable energy. The contrast isn't new*...*

    GOP*Global Warming*Trutherism, Brought to You by the Washington Post

Village Voice 	 -‎6 hours ago‎ 	


Blackburn was, (ahem), just getting warmed up, as she continued to 
challenge the great lie that*climate change*might have anything to do 
with the fossil fuel industry.
Fighting Obama's*Climate*Plan, but Quietly Preparing to Comply 
New York Times 	 -‎9 hours ago‎ 	


Matt Mead, the governor of Wyoming, the nation's leading coal-producing 
state, fiercely opposes President Obama's*climate change*regulations, 
which could shutter hundreds of coal plants and deeply wound his state, 
one of 27 that are suing to block the*...*

              ========================  #### 

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