[TheClimate.Vote] July 21, 2016 Daily Global Warming News for voters, candidates and officials

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global warming  July 21, 2016/

    The GOP Fiddles While America Burns

Slate Magazine (blog) 	 -‎6 hours ago‎ 	


You want to know the very definition of irony? While the Republican 
National Convention is going on in Ohio - oaded to the hilt with people 
who deny the reality of*global warming*—the country itself is baking 
under a heat wave that is likely amplified*by global warming...The 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration just released this model 
temperature map of the United States. 
is a model of the air temperatures in the U.S. at 5 p.m. ET on July 18, 
showing what’s colloquially called a "heat dome" over about two-thirds 
of the country. It’s a high-pressure system that squats over an area and 
can lead to high temperatures. High-pressure systems have sinking air, 
and when the air drops down, it compresses and heats up. This is causing 
elevated temperatures from the Southwest to the East Coast, and elevated 
humidity in much of that area as well...Worse, the system is moving only 
slowly … which is very likely to be due to global warming. Usually, such 
weather patterns don’t hang out very long. But the planet is warming, 
and this has consequences.
'Climate Inaction Figures' Campaign Launches To Combat Anti-Science 
Absurdity, Promote a Price On Carbon 
*DeSmogBlog,com The cloak of denial, an anti-science shield, the Koch 
Brothers’ chest full of money, and James Inhofe’s weapon of choice, a 
spiked snowball...These are some of the accessories that come with the 
newly announced Climate Inaction Figures: Toy-sized likenesses of 
prominent political figures who claim, despite overwhelming evidence to 
the contrary, that there is no reason to act on climate change...The 
figures and the campaign are the work of the team behind the Emmy-Award 
winning documentary series, Years of Living Dangerously...Besides 
offering a much-needed laugh during these days of convention craziness, 
the project hopes to inspire people to learn more about — and take 
action — on carbon pricing policy work.*
Watch the video   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTNllJWmhrg 
facebook page for Climate Inaction Figures 

    Earth keeps breaking heat records after*El Nino's*departure

CBC.ca 	 -‎4 hours ago‎ 	


Scientists said records keep falling because of a combination of 
man-made*global warming*and the natural*El Nino*, a periodic warming of 
the Pacific that changes weather worldwide and heats the globe...NASA 
chief climate scientist Gavin Schmidt said the first six months of the 
year were not just the warmest on record, by far, but 1.3 degrees 
Celsius (2.3 degrees F) warmer than the last two decades of the 19th 
century. But more importantly, he said 2016 so far is about 1.5 degrees 
Celsius ( 2.7 degrees) warmer than pre-industrial times...Schmidt and 
NOAA climate scientist Jake Crouch said 2016 will likely be the hottest 
year on record for a third consecutive year. Schmidt said his 
statistical calculations put the chance of 2016 being record hot at 99 
per cent....Temperature records go back to 1880.

    New data on bird population trends and the*climate*conditions they

Phys.Org 	 -‎2 hours ago‎ 	


A new study of population trends among 46 ecologically diverse bird 
species in North America conducted by avian ecologist Joel Ralston and 
colleagues at the University of Massachusetts Amherst overturns a 
long-held assumption that the*climate**conditions occupied by a species 
do not change over time...Instead, as the researchers report in the 
current early online issue of Global Ecology and Biogeography, birds 
that have increased in abundance over the last 30 years now occupy a 
wider range of climate conditions than they did 30 years ago, and 
declining species are occupying a smaller range of climate conditions 
than 30 years ago, Ralston says.**Read more at: 

    Car sharing increases mobility, decreases*greenhouse gas*emissions

Phys.Org 	 -‎8 hours ago‎ 	


"Our exhaustive, three-year research effort into one-way carsharing 
reveals that car2go vehicles result in fewer privately-owned vehicles on 
the road, fewer vehicle miles traveled and a reduction in*greenhouse 
gas*emissions," said Susan Shaheen, ...

              ========================  #### 

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