[TheClimate.Vote] July 30, 2016 - Daily Global Warming News for voters, candidates and officials

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/Forward this email to voters and candidates and stay well-informed 
about global warming July 30, 2016/

    *Climate Change*Fingerprints Are All over California Wildfires

Scientific American 	 -‎8 hours ago‎ 	


*The worse the drought, the more of a tinderbox forests become*....The 
Sand Fire, burning in mountainous shrubland known as chaparral, has 
surprised wildfire scientists because of the speed with which it 
scorched the slopes north of Los Angeles. It’s an example of how climate 
change affects the way wildfires burn...*.**Higher temperatures 
exacerbate the drought by increasing evaporation and transpiration,* .. 
Drier conditions mean highly flammable (wildfire) fuels. Drier 
conditions and high temperatures drive more extreme fire behavior.the 
Sand Fire will be one of many catastrophic wildfires to scorch 
drought-stricken forests and shrublands across California this 
year...*.The most dangerous fire conditions occur from the end of 
September to December, when Santa Ana winds from the desert interact 
with the driest fuels of the season *after five to six months of drying, 
he said. I would expect an active fire season, and critical conditions 
in the fall.

    Why 'Sharknado 4' matters: Do*climate*disaster movies hurt
    the*climate* cause?

The Conversation US 	 -‎1 hour ago‎ 	


*The video is pretty funny: https://youtu.be/Vc-JlFpXLn8 * Given that 
2016 is expected to be the hottest year on record,..*On July 31,the 
fourth installment of the Sharknado film series airs on SyFy 
<http://www.syfy.com/sharknado4>. The low-budget films are a surprise 
smash hit, breaking records in 2013 with the original Sharknado. It’s 
led to a series of movies and a variety of media spin-offs, including a 
video game and companion book.....If you’ve missed this cultural 
phenomenon, worry not: The film’s title tells you most of what you need 
to know. Major American cities are suddenly beset with waterspouts 
flinging man-eating sharks – sharknados – through the air at 300 miles 
per hour, while characters attempt to survive. The plots are predictably 
ridiculous and the special effects – particularly in the first Sharknado 
– are about what you would expect from a B-movie....
At their heart, however, th*e Sharknado films are stories about climate 
change, albeit in a way that is scientifically flawed to a comical 
degree. It’s a genre – climate disaster films – we decided to explore as 
an emerging mode of communication in society.**

    Can*climate*action win over suburban voters? This
    Senate*climate*hawk thinks so

Grist 	 -‎3 hours ago‎ 	


Ed Markey of Massachusetts, one of the leading*climate*hawks in 
Congress, thinks***climate change****can be a potent political issue 
this fall.*.I think it’s a very powerful suburban swing-voter issue, 
Markey told Grist during a reception at the Democratic National 
Convention. In the suburbs, people care about clean water, clean air, 
climate science. They are, in large part, in a position where they can 
prioritize it because to a large extent they’re doing well, but they 
can’t protect their families from climate change. And wooing suburban 
swing voters, Markey says, will be essential for a presidential 
candidate to build a winning coalition....
**Sea-ice briefing paper released by the Royal Meteorological Society*
The Royal Meteorological Society have recently published their second 
briefing paper......with a focus on sea ice. ..titled*'How is sea ice in 
the Arctic and Antarctic changing* 
and discusses the decrease in Arctic sea ice extent, the increase in 
Antarctic sea ice extent as well as discussing future prospects and 
implications....the aim of these briefing papers*to clearly and 
concisely explain important aspects of climate science to the general 
public, press and policy in just one page.*

    Meeting*climate*goals through international carbon markets

MIT News 	 -‎4 hours ago‎ 	


Recognizing the substantial costs involved in addressing*climate 
change*through both mitigation and adaptation measures, the 2015 Paris 
Agreement stipulates that *developed countries provide at least $100 
billion a year in****climate****financing* to*...*

    What the Earth's frozen burps tell us about*global warming*

The Guardian 	 -‎16 hours ago‎ 	


   The new ice core analysis, published*...The good news was that the 
findings suggested that*some of the worse predictions of a potential 
feedback from plants and soils were probably now ruled ou*t. .**But *the 
bad news was that the positive feedback was now confirmed*, ruling out 
other studies that had predicted lower amounts of CO2 being released 
from the terrestrial biosphere, or not released at all....Carbon 
cycle..... Before the industrial revolution there were changes in the 
global temperature and we have observations of that from the ice cores. 
This Little Ice Age was a natural event triggered probably by volcanoes 
going off ... as the planet warms, the Earth’s plants and soils will 
likely store less carbon and help push up CO2 levels in the 
atmosphere....Essentially, Etheridge and his colleagues have found that 
the Earth’s terrestrial biosphere acts as a positive feedback in the 
climate system as global warming continues....*More warming, leads to 
more CO2 from the terrestrial biosphere, which leads to more warming.*

    Interactive '*Climate*Explorer' map lets you see how*global
    warming*will affect your city

Daily Mail 	 -‎3 hours ago‎ 	


- Tool shows what would happen if emissions either continued or reduced
- Rising emissions could lead to temperatures more than 10 degrees higher
- But, moderate attempts at reduction could mean less extreme changes
- The tool shows data as far back as 1950, with predictions beyond 2090
The*Climate*Explorer uses data from individual*climate*and weather 
stations across the country, and *shows how temperature, precipitation, 
and other weather patterns could be swayed by****greenhouse 
gas**emissions*. The data goes back as far as 1950 to ...

*Famine Early Warning System Network  FEW NET July 2016 (video report) 
FEWS NET’s Food Assistance Outlook Brief for July 2016, which projects 
humanitarian assistance needs in January 2017, is now available.
     Populations*in 25 of the 34 countries we cover will face Crisis 
(IPC Phase 3) acute food insecurity or worse in January 2017, and 
require urgent humanitarian assistance...* Southern Africa is facing its 
worst food security crisis in more than 20 years. Approximately 18 
million people across the region will face acute food insecurity and 
require humanitarian assistance....The countries with the greatest food 
assistance needs in January 2017 will be Malawi, Sudan, South Sudan, 
Yemen and Zimbabwe....The probability that a La Niña will develop by the 
end of 2016 is greater than 60 percent. The video presents typical 
impacts of La Niña’s on weather worldwide....Extreme food insecurity in 
northeast Nigeria led CILSS, FAO, FEWS NET, and WFP to issue a joint 
food security alert.
     Watch the video to learn more about our projected food security 
outcomes: http://videos.fews.net/FAOB/2016-07/story.html

              ========================  #### 

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