[TheClimate.Vote] September 1, 2016 - Daily Global Warming News for voters, candidates and officials

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/Forward this email to voters and candidates and stay well-informed 
about global warming September 1, 2016/

    350.org Responds to Lamar Smith Announcing Hearing to Defend

Common Dreams (press release) 	 -‎14 hours ago‎ 	


    350.org: "This hearing should take on ExxonMobil as a corporate
    sponsor -- they're certainly the money and influence behind it. Rep.
    Smith has zero authority or cause to subpoena us, the attorneys
    general, or any other groups looking to uncover the truth about
    Exxon's climate lies. Maybe instead of this buffoonery, the House
    Science committee could call on, you know, a scientist, to
    re-explain the threat of climate change and the role of the fossil
    fuel industry in causing the crisis. Rep. Smith sounds like he could
    use a refresher course."


    (YouTube video) Seth Meyers Explains Why We Need To Be Paying Closer
    Attention To*Climate Change*

UPROXX 	 -‎1 hour ago‎ 	


    ...Seth Meyers explained in a "Closer Look" segment on Tuesday
    night, 2016 has been one of the hottest years on record — with July
    alone being the single hottest month in recorded history — and
    things are only going to get worse. And with a presidential campaign
    almost completely lacking in substance, climate change deserves to
    be getting much, much more attention than it currently is....Hillary
    Clinton may at least be pushing for clean energy, but on the other
    side of the aisle, Donald Trump and the rest of the GOP are still
    firmly taking a "Says Who Guy" stance on the subject. This is
    despite the fact that parts of Louisiana are still underwater from
    historic flooding, which was considered a "500 year event" — one of
    eight of these types of events in the United States alone in the
    last year....Trump's attitude about climate change may have been
    best illustrated in his now infamous rant about not being able to
    use the type of hairspray he likes, however, an application seeking
    permission to build a sea wall at one his resorts in Ireland was
    revealed to be specifically in response to predictions of a rising
    sea wall due to global warming....Either way, whether Trump is
    ultimately for or against global warming, it's more clear than ever
    that this is something we all need to be paying more attention to
    beyond the theatrics in this election season....   YouTube video

    Are You a Millennial? Congratulations!*Climate Change*Will Cost Your
    Generation $8.8 Trillion

The Nation. 	 -‎24 minutes ago‎ 	


    That is, unless real change comes to the economy, and
    fast....Altogether, without action on*climate change*, Demos
    projects a loss of $8.8 trillion in the lifetime income of the
    rising generation—vastly overshadowing even the $1 trillion student
    debt crisis...The millennials struggling with economic precarity
    today are also best positioned to turn the disaster around tomorrow.
    It all hinges, though, on whether the aging generation will finally
    yield power to young people and let them start cleaning up the mess
    they’ve been handed.

Obama to highlight*climate*issues at home before journey overseas 
Reuters 	 -‎32 minutes ago‎ 	


    On Saturday, he will discuss further steps on*climate change*with
    Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is hosting the summit of the G20
    group of leading economies, where*climate*is part of the agenda.
    Obama and Xi worked together to secure a global deal*...


    How does the ocean drive weather and*climate*extremes?

Phys.Org 	 -‎3 hours ago‎ 	


    When ocean currents change, they modify the sea surface temperature
    that the atmosphere sees, which drives anomalies in winds, weather
    and climate across the planet. Such departures from average
    conditions sometimes occur in predictable ways. For example, every
    three to seven years, the sea surface temperature along the equator
    in the Pacific Ocean warms by as much as 2 to 3 degrees Celsius. A
    warm El Niño climate pattern results, which changes rainfall and
    weather, from flooding in California to drought in
    Australia....Abernathey and Seager are particularly interested in
    how changes in the ocean cause sea surface temperature to vary, and
    how these anomalies drive changes in atmospheric circulation to
    create extreme weather and*climate*conditions over land*...*

*For-Profit Pipeline Company Claims "Public Benefit" in Seizing Private 
Lands in Pennsylvania 

    The potential windfall for Sunoco ...the reason for.. strong arm
    tactics to seize private property in the path of the pipeline
    extension, tactics that include invoking eminent domain, even though
    it's a private, for-profit company rather than a government entity,
    and even though, they say, it has not proven that the pipeline would
    contribute a "public benefit." Both conditions are traditionally
    required for landowners to forfeit property in eminent domain
    disputes. .... Sunoco Logistics is not regulated nor held to the
    standards of a utility.... The primary purpose of Mariner East II
    is, one, to make money for a for-profit, private corporation, and
    two, to export natural gas products overseas," ....The controversy
    over whether a private company can take private land to build
    pipelines is not settled
    - "The growing use of eminent domain to seize property for pipelines
    has generated opposition from an unusual coalition of liberal
    environmentalists and conservative and libertarian property rights
    advocates" ....with oil and gas pipeline construction projects on
    the rise across the nation, observers on both sides will eagerly
    await the results.

*Thousands of Homes Keep Flooding, Yet They Keep Being Rebuilt Again 

    The U.S. National Flood Insurance Program, which holds policies for
    more than 5 million homes, is $23 billion in debt after a string of
    natural disasters this century.  As climate change further strains
    the program, analysts say it is time to shift its focus from
    rebuilding to mitigating risk.... More than 2,100 properties across
    the U.S. enrolled in the National Flood Insurance Program have
    flooded and been rebuilt more than 10 times since 1978, according to
    a new analysis of insurance data by the Natural Resources Defense
    Council (NRDC). One home in Batchelor, Louisiana has flooded 40
    times over the past four decades, receiving $428,379 in insurance
    payments.  More than 30,000 properties in the program, run by the
    Federal Emergency Management Agency, have flooded multiple times
    over the years.  Those homes, known as "severe repetitive loss
    properties," make up just 0.6 percent of federal flood insurance
    policies. But they account for 10.6 percent of the program's claims
    — totaling $5.5 billion in payments....the average cumulative payout
    per property as a result of repeated flooding was $181,444. Nearly
    half of these repetitive loss properties have been paid more in
    flood insurance money than their houses are worth,
    By Katherine Bagley http://e360.yale.edu/

*Harbinger of Climate Slums to Come 

    Federal legislation is hastening the collapse of working class
    neighborhoods near water... Rather than drawing lines of explicit
    exclusion, climate redlining functions through predatory inclusion. 
    Here's how it works: In cities like Troy, governments underinvest in
    poor neighborhoods because their residents lack the political power
    to push for protection. ..Federal policies... encourage homeowners
    to abandon flood-prone neighborhoods by raising insurance premiums
    so high that they're impossible to pay.  Those who can afford to
    move get out. Those who can't are stuck without adequate
    infrastructure or the security of attainable insurance....Finally,
    real-estate capitalism kicks in. Filling the gap in affordable
    housing in small historic cities facing gentrification pressures,
    landlords buy up abandoned buildings in climate-vulnerable
    neighborhoods for cash and offer them as low-cost rentals.  Because
    homes bought for cash carry no mortgages, there's no requirement
    that they carry flood insurance.  The result of this process are
    hypervulnerable climate slums.....The vulnerability of poor and
    working-class neighborhoods to natural disaster will worsen as
    climate change advances.   Environmental scientists caution that
    what were once known as 100-year floods will become 10-year floods
    by midcentury....Troy's poor and working-class neighborhoods came
    within a hair's breadth of total disaster during Tropical Storm
    Irene. There are hundreds of older cities and rural communities in
    the United States built along waterways... How do we respond to the
    reality of rising waters without encouraging climate
    redlining?......the New York City Panel on Climate Change's 2015
    report confirms that the old and the very young, women, the mentally
    ill, those who lack physical mobility, and the poor all suffer from
    climate-based trauma at higher rates than the general population.
    The Black Lives Matter movement explicitly links racial justice and
    climate justice, citing the fatalities of Hurricane Katrina and the
    weeks of suffering in Red Hook, Brooklyn, after Superstorm
    Sandy.....Climate redlining is not a problem that can be solved one
    household at a time. The interlocking crises of climate change,
    failing federal safety nets, and neglected infrastructure are the
    result of shared political decision-making, not bad choices made by
    people living in floodplains. Poor and working-class communities
    aren't responsible for the changing climate, but we are being asked
    to pay the price, with our money and our lives, when the waters rise.

"What can we do? ... the most important thing?*We can vote*."  - Phli Plait
              ========================  #### 

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