[TheClimate.Vote] April 1, 2017 - Daily Global Warming - Misinformation, alerts for teachers, march for Science

Richard Pauli richard at theclimate.vote
Sat Apr 1 11:21:14 EDT 2017

/April 1, 2017        Misinformation, alerts for teachers, march for 


    PA GOPer's*climate change*theory debunked: Nope, not getting closer
    to the sun

Billy Penn 	 -‎8 hours ago‎ 	


    And human body warmth didn't cause global warming, either
    "The earth moves closer to the sun every year - you know the
    rotation of the earth. We're moving closer to the sun."...
    Republican Pa. Sen. Scott Wagner believes that climate change is
    probably happening. He also says he believes some of that change is
    "manmade," too.
    "I haven't been in a science class in a long time, but the earth
    moves closer to the sun every year - you know the rotation of the
    earth," Wagner said, according to State Impact, an NPR affiliate.
    "We're moving closer to the sun."..
    He added, "We have more people. You know, humans have warm bodies.
    So is heat coming off? Things are changing, but I think we are, as a
    society, doing the best we can."
    The Earth technically does move closer to the sun every year as part
    of its revolution around the sun, but it then moves back. That
    revolution is not related to the rotation of the Earth, and as
    experts point out, the Earth isn't on average moving closer to the
    sun. That movement closer to the sun, scientists say, wouldn't have
    an impact on climate change, and one scientist even called the claim
    "ridiculous." Also, there's no evidence to suggest human body heat
    is at all related to global climate change...
    We rate the claim False.


    Punchlines: Want to fix*climate change*? Just ban the phrase! The
    week in politics

USA TODAY 	 -‎8 hours ago‎ 	


Well, the Trump administration has done it. They've found a way to 
fix*climate change*. They have simply banned it out of existence - well 
the words anyway.

*Republicans' sneaky plan to smother future environmental regulations 
just passed the House. 

    TheHonest and Open New EPA Science Treatment (HONEST) Act
    which passed on Wednesday by a 228-194 vote, is a pernicious attempt
    to prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from creating rules
    to protect the environment and public health.
    The bill, introduced by Texas Republican Lamar Smith, requires the
    EPA to only use scientific studies for which all data is publicly
    available and the results are easily reproducible. This is much
    harder to do than it sounds. Many public health studies use private
    medical data, while others contain trade secrets and industry data.
    Moreover, public health studies are impossible to reproduce when,
    say, they're based on one-time pollution events or on people who
    have died since the study was conducted.
       - https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1430
    "Almost everything that has been done in the last 10, 11, 12 years
    would not pass the standards."...
    By mandating the EPA only use studies with public data that can be
    reproduced by outside researchers, it essentially prevents the
    agency from using any study it doesn't conduct itself. Because it
    would need to get permission to release private data, the EPA
    wouldn't be allowed to use studies that, for example, track cancer
    rates around polluted sites. On top of that, independent EPA studies
    would be hobbled too. Longitudinal studies that track people over
    the course of their lives obviously take decades, so reproducing
    them would mean stalling regulations for decades...
    And of course by definition, a one-time environmental disaster can't
    be reproduced. So for the EPA to base future regulations off of
    information gathered in the aftermath of something like the
    Deepwater Horizon oil spill, it would have to cause another spill to
    replicate the study.

*As Trump Wages War on Science, Energy Grows for Worldwide March for 
by Nika Knight
/Nearly 400 marches in 37 countries will take place on April 22, 
demonstrating global resistance to Trump agenda/

**(warning) Teachers: Be on the alert for this anti-science mailing! 

    A well known anti-science "think" tank has sent around, to teachers,
    a mailing including an antiscience book, a movie, and nice letter
    and, oddly, a pamphlet exposing the fact that the mailing is
    entirely politically motivated...
    Most science teachers will ignore this. A few science teachers are
    science deniers, and they already had the material in the mailings.
    So, I think this was a huge waste of money and effort. But it
    happened and you should know about it, and you should warn anyone
    you know that is a teacher...
    The real concern, in my opinion, is not this falling into the hands
    of science teachers. The science teachers will recognize this for
    what it is. The concern is this mailing in the hands of non-science
    teachers who are not inoculated against it, who may then wonder why
    their colleagues down the hall are not "teaching the controversy,"
    as it were...
    The Heartland Institute, famous for supporting research to prove
    that smoking is not bad for people, and more recently for promoting
    research that climate change is not real, has sent this mailing to
    many thousands of teachers. I've heard the number 300,000, but that
    number is probably from Heartland, and they lie all the time, so I
    don't believe it.

*Putin signals climate change might not be human made 

    On my visit to Franz Josef Land yesterday, I saw photos which
    indicate that climate change is not necessarily triggered by human
    activity, the Russian President described in today's round table
    talk in Arkhangelsk.
    By Atle Staalesen    March 30, 2017
    According to the President, he was shown a photo of a local glacier
    taken by an Austrian scientist in the 1930s. Then, he was shown a
    photo of the same glacier twenty years later. A comparison of the
    photos revealed that the glacier had shrunk, despite the fact that
    this was before the time of climate change, Putin told the audience
    of Arctic experts, policy makers and diplomats....
    This indicates that climate change in the area has its natural
    dynamics, the President argued. He also made clear that he does not
    necessarily disagree with the controversial new leader of the U.S.
    Environment Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, who disputes that
    climate change is man-made...
    At the same time, Putin underlined that the rapidly melting ice in
    the Arctic is opening new opportunities for Russia...
    "What it all tells us is that with the changing climate come more
    favorable conditions for use of this region for economic purposes"...
    At the same time, Putin underlined that Russia will meet its
    obligations made in the Paris climate treaty.
    *Putin instructs Government to speed up Arctic development
    The President says he wants to work with foreigners to implement
    projects in Russia's Arctic economic program.
    Russia has huge plans for its Arctic regions, including boosting
    infrastructure along the Northern Sea Route, developingoil- and
    natural gas fields on the Yamal Peninsula
    placing a floating nuclear power plant in Pevek
    and opening Arctic nature reserves for foreign tourist expedition
    *Russia's Putin says climate change in Arctic good for economy
    Speaking at an Arctic forum Russian leader says ice melting and
    warming in the region are beneficial
    Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that global
    warming and ice melting in the Arctic are beneficial for the use of
    the region for economic purposes.

*The Mental Health Toll of Climate Change Could Be Dire 

    Climate change isn't just causing extreme weather events, says a
    report co-authored by the American Psychological Association. It's
    also causing trauma and post-traumatic stress...
    Climate change is making us mentally unhinged - and not because of
    the stress we might endure when squabbling with a family member or
    co-worker about its causes or possible solutions...
    Global warming is already bringing about more extreme weather
    events, like powerful storms, which can cause devastating inland
    flooding or transform coastal communities into heaps of wreckage.
    The death, displacement, and personal injury brought about disasters
    are traumatizing survivors in the immediate aftermath and leaving
    some with long-term post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according
    to a report by the American Psychological Association and
    ecoAmerica, a nonprofit focused on climate change...
    the report suggests, an individual's core sense of identity could be
    undermined due to climate change disasters, and the binds that hold
    societies together might be pushed to their breaking point.


    *Climate change*is not in the future but is here and now

Seattle Times 	 -‎4 hours ago‎ 	


Conservative interpretation of ongoing scientific research shows that we 
are fully immersed within a rapidly changing environment.


    *Climate Change*Incited Wars Among the Classic Maya

Seeker 	 -‎8 hours ago‎ 	


    Does a warming world beget more wars? A new study that investigates
    the relationship between climate change and clashes among the
    Classic Maya believes so, drawing an explicit link between
    temperature increases and growing conflicts...
    The researchers cataloged inscriptions on monuments related to
    violent struggles and compiled temperature and rainfall records for
    the regions inhabited during the Classic period: the lowlands of the
    Yucatán Peninsula, which includes parts of southern Mexico,
    Guatemala, and Belize.
    A total of 144 unique conflicts emerged from inscriptions on
    monuments from more than 30 major Maya centers. The research team
    then compared conflict records to palaeoclimate data, and the
    correspondence was impressive...
    The other mechanism, which Collard and his colleagues find more
    likely and compelling, is economic, and involves the staple crop for
    the Classic Maya: maize...
    Throughout the Classic period, average temperature fluctuated
    between 82.4 degrees Fahrenheit (28 degrees Celsius) and 84.2°F
    (29°C). During periods when the temperature was around 82.4°F (28°C)
    or less, maize yields were reasonably stable, with little or no food
    shortage and little conflict....
    "Instead, it's probably better to consider the increase in warfare
    in a way that we often think about warfare today - namely as a tool
    for the elite to maintain support," Collard said.
    With declining maize yields, a ruler could not have relied on
    opulent festivals or fed large labor forces needed to build
    impressive monuments. Consequently, going to war more often would
    have been an effective tactic to maintain status, prestige, and power.
    "I think of it as being similar to the way that some modern
    political leaders seem to use conflict with neighbors to distract
    from problems within their country," Collard said.
    *Increasing temperature exacerbated Classic Maya conflict over the
    long term
    The impact of climate change on conflict is an important but
    controversial topic. One issue that needs to be resolved is whether
    or not climate change exacerbates conflict over the long term. With
    this in mind, we investigated the relationship between climate
    change and conflict among Classic Maya polities over a period of
    several hundred years (363–888 CE). We compiled a list of conflicts
    recorded on dated monuments, and then located published temperature
    and rainfall records for the region. Subsequently, we used a
    recently developed time-series method to investigate the impact of
    the climatic variables on the frequency of conflict while
    controlling for trends in monument number. We found that there was a
    substantial increase in conflict in the approximately 500 years
    covered by the dataset. This increase could not be explained by
    change in the amount of rainfall. In contrast, the increase was
    strongly associated with an increase in summer temperature. These
    finding have implications not only for Classic Maya history but also
    for the debate about the likely effects of contemporary climate change.


    Majority in Wyoming believe in*climate change*, fewer think humans
    are cause

Casper Star-Tribune Online 	 -‎6 hours ago‎ 	


A majority of Wyomingites believe*climate change*is occurring, but 
residents are split over whether human activities are causing the 
phenomenon, according to a new Yale University study.


    Could*Global Warming*Cause Extinction of Plants and Animals?

Huffington Post 	 -‎Mar 30, 2017‎ 	


    Hence, for instance, we are seeing the mosquitoes that carry malaria
    and dengue spreading further from the equator (Mosquito-borne
    diseases on the uptick thanks to*global warming*) and we are seeing
    fish moving further from their original geographic ...
    Answer by Barbara Robson, Ph.D. in Oceanography, on Quora:
    Yes, global warming could cause the extinction of plans and animals.
    All animals and plants have a temperature range within which they
    thrive, and outside of which they suffer...
    To some extent, animals and plants can move polewards to stay in a
    comfortable temperature zone as temperatures rise globally. Hence,
    for instance, we are seeing the mosquitoes that carry malaria and
    dengue spreading further from the equator (Mosquito-borne diseases
    on the uptick thanks to global warming) and we are seeing fish
    moving further from their original geographic ranges (Climate change
    forcing fish migration)....
    Global climate change is not just warming, either. It is also
    causing changes in rainfall and evaporation, changes in ocean
    acidity, changes in storm frequency and fire weather, and sea level
    rise. All of these will also change environments, in some cases
    beyond the tolerable ranges of many species...
    Over time, many species will gradually adapt and evolve to the new
    conditions or combine in new ways to create new functioning
    ecosystems, but many others will not be able to adapt or move fast
    enough. One of the reasons that climate change is such a problem is
    that it is happening so much faster than past temperature changes in
    the Earth's history....
    Most of my examples have been aquatic, because that is my focus, but
    I am sure it will not be hard for someone else to chime in with more
    terrestrial examples.

*A new era dawns and it won't be human-friendly 

    Human mistreatment of the planet is ushering in another era and it
    is not going to be pleasant, according to Clive Hamilton's latest book.
    By Kieran Cooke
    LONDON, 31 March, 2017 - Clive Hamilton's book Defiant Earth – the
    fate of humans in the Anthropocene is not for the faint-hearted.
    Basically, its thesis is that the Earth - and us along with it - is
    going down the tubes.
    Our rampant, irrational use of the planet and its resources,
    including our exploitation of climate-changing fossil fuels, means
    we are interfering and upsetting the functioning of the Earth system
    that sustains us.
    "This bizarre situation, in which we have become potent enough to
    change the course of the Earth yet seem unable to regulate ourselves
    contradicts every modern belief about the kind of creature a human
    being is," says Clive Hamilton,

/*This Day in Climate History April 1, 2007 
<http://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-age-of-warming/> -  from D.R. Tucker*
/April 1, 2007: "60 Minutes" reports on the toll human-caused climate 
change is taking on Antarctica.

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