[TheClimate.Vote] April 2, 2017 - Daily Global Warming News - Chilean calamity, Climate history, Russia and Exxon,

Richard Pauli richard at theclimate.vote
Sun Apr 2 11:03:16 EDT 2017

/April 2, 2017      Chilean calamity, Climate history, Russia and Exxon 

*(NYTimes opinion) A Message From the End of the World 

    Here in Chile, in the far south of the Southern Hemisphere, it has
    been the summer of our discontent. Never have so many natural
    catastrophes in a row hit this country at the end of the world. For
    once, it is not the earthquakes that have assailed us since time
    immemorial or the tsunamis that often follow, devastating land and
    coast, mountainscapes and ocean. This time, our unprecedented woes
    have all been man-made.
    It is hardly strange, therefore, that Chile does not close its eyes
    to what is happening to our water, forests and coastline. Everyone
    here - and I mean everyone, from extreme right to extreme left -
    understands that in this land, whose name comes from the Aymara
    language for the place where the earth ends, we are witnessing a
    cataclysm of epic proportions that presages another sort of end, the
    end of the world as we know it. And so we all are conscious that
    something just as epic must be done to change course before it is
    too late....
    We also understand, of course, that such a change depends on what
    other international actors do elsewhere.
    What is truly intolerable, what enrages and saddens me - as the
    fires rage in the forests and the rain falls when and where it
    should not and the rivers are choked with mudslides and the fish
    disappear from the ocean and the Antarctic breaks up - is what is
    transpiring simultaneously in the remote United States. Precisely at
    this dire moment in Chile's natural history, precisely now I am
    forced to watch how the government of the powerful country that my
    wife and I have adopted as our home is gutting the very
    environmental policies that, even if insufficient, were at least
    steps in the right direction.
    As we get ready to return to the United States, our friends and
    relatives ask, over and over, can it be true? Can President Trump be
    beset with such suicidal stupidity as to deny climate change and
    install an enemy of the earth as his environmental czar? Can he be
    so beholden to the blind greed of the mineral extraction industry,
    so ignorant of science, so monumentally arrogant, not to realize
    that he is inviting apocalypse? Can it be, they ask.

*Chile to Shore Up Capital's Climate-Change Defenses 
Voice of America-Mar 29, 2017

    Reducing inequality, securing water supplies and strengthening
    disaster prevention is crucial to bolster Chile's quake-prone
    capital against climate change and ...
    Reducing inequality, securing water supplies and strengthening
    disaster prevention is crucial to bolster Chile's quake-prone
    capital against climate change and other hazards, Santiago's
    authorities said...
    In a new strategy to make the city more resilient, they laid out
    plans this week to cut congestion and air pollution, improve public
    transport and build more parks in low-income areas...
    But better governance is essential to the strategy, said Claudio
    Orrego, governor of the Santiago metropolitan region, which has 34
    municipal districts and mayors...
    "Santiago is a city of disasters - we have had in the last year the
    worst fires ever, we had two floods in the city [and] two important
    water supply cuts," said Orrego by telephone from Santiago, which is
    home to more than 6.1 million people.

*Climate Change Threats, Managed Retreats***  47:55
March 30, 2017Share

    As President Trump dismantles climate change protections, some
    coastal communities are now planning a "managed retreat" from sea
    rise. We'll look at what that means.
    American efforts to help stall climate change, thrown into reverse
    this week as President Trump went to the EPA to announce a new way
    ahead.  Communities on the front lines of climate change are
    watching. On the coasts, with sea level rise already an issue, some
    are now talking about "managed retreat." An orderly surrender to
    rising oceans. A new study looks at how that works. This hour On
    Point, if we don't stop the change, the realities of "managed
    retreat" from the sea. - Tom Ashbrook

*(YouTube) Glacier Change & Sea Level Rise: Dr Alex Gardner (February 
2017) <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW08t9fwmbI>*

    JPL-NASA - Lecture and slides of fundamental and current climate
       Our group develops and uses the remotely sensed data products and
    measurements for sea level change analysis as well as Earth system
    models for ocean and ice...
    How fast is sea level rising and how large are the different
    contributions (ocean heat vs. water mass flux)?
    What are the processes forcing the regional distribution of sea
    level change and water mass contributions from land hydrology and
    melting ice?
    How do the ocean and ice sheets interact to drive sea level change?

*UW professor: The information war is real, and we're losing it 

    It started with the Boston marathon bombing, four years ago.
    University of Washington professor Kate Starbird was sifting through
    thousands of tweets sent in the aftermath and noticed something strange.
    Too strange for a university professor to take seriously.
    "There was a significant volume of social-media traffic that blamed
    the Navy SEALs for the bombing," Starbird told me the other day in
    her office. "It was real tinfoil-hat stuff. So we ignored it."
    "After every mass shooting, dozens of them, there would be these
    strange clusters of activity," Starbird says. "It was so fringe we
    kind of laughed at it.
    "That was a terrible mistake. We should have been studying it."
    Starbird is in the field of "crisis informatics," or how information
    flows after a disaster. She got into it to see how social media
    might be used for the public good, such as to aid emergency responders.
    Instead she's gone down a dark rabbit hole, one that wends through
    the back warrens of the web and all the way up to the White House.
    Starbird argues in a new paper, set to be presented at a
    computational social-science conference in May, that these "strange
    clusters" of wild conspiracy talk, when mapped, point to an emerging
    alternative media ecosystem on the web of surprising power and reach.
    It features sites such as Infowars.com, hosted by informal President
    Donald Trump adviser Alex Jones, which has pushed a range of
    conspiracies, including that the Sandy Hook school shooting was a
    staged fake...

Examining the Alternative Media Ecosystem through the Production of 
Alternative Narratives of Mass Shooting Events on Twitter 

    ABSTRACT: This research explores the alternative media ecosystem
    through a Twitter lens. Over a ten-month period, we collected tweets
    related to alternative narratives-e.g. conspiracy theories-of mass
    shooting events. We utilized tweeted URLs to generate a domain
    network, connecting domains shared by the same user, then conducted
    qualitative analysis to understand the nature of different domains
    and how they connect to each other. Our findings demonstrate how
    alternative news sites propagate and shape alternative narratives,
    while mainstream media deny them. We explain how political leanings
    of alternative news sites do not align well with a U.S. left-right
    spectrum, but instead feature an antiglobalist (vs. globalist)
    orientation where U.S. Alt-Right sites look similar to U.S. Alt-Left
    sites. Our findings describe a subsection of the emerging
    alternative media ecosystem and provide insight in how websites that
    promote conspiracy theories and pseudo-science may function to
    conduct underlying political agendas.

    The facts on*climate change*-- and what to do about it

PBS NewsHour 	 -‎5 hours ago‎ 	


In advance of Earth Day on April 22, National Geographic Magazine 
released its latest edition this week featuring the guide, "Seven Things 
You Need to Know about*Climate Change*." It includes facts from 
scientists about the causes of*climate change*and ...

*Scientists understood the climate 150 years ago better than the EPA 
head today 

    Posted on 31 March 2017 by John Abraham
    The current head of the US Environmental Protection Agency Scott
    Pruitt does not believe or understand long-known principles of
    climate science and basic physics. Recently he claimed on CNBC that
    carbon dioxide is not a primary contributor to global warming:
    I think that measuring with precision human activity on the climate
    is something very challenging to do, and there's tremendous
    disagreement about the degree of impact. So, no, I would not agree
    that's a primary contributor to the global warming that we see. But
    we don't know that yet. We need to continue the debate and continue
    the review and the analysis...
    There are two undeniable ironies in this statement. First, taken at
    face value it would suggest that we actually need to do more
    analysis – but the current administration is proposing draconian
    cuts in our climate science research budget. They are doing just the
    opposite of what he recommends...
    The second irony is that scientists have known about the importance
    of carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas for well over 100 years. There
    is no debate among any reputable scientists that carbon dioxide is
    the most important human emitted greenhouse gas. Furthermore, humans
    have increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by
    43%. These are facts....
    Arrhenius also noted that humans were increasing the amount of
    carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. One significant part of his work
    is that he was able to make predictions without the use of
    high-power supercomputers. In fact, there are many ways to make
    climate predictions – using techniques like those from the 1800s,
    using the history of temperature changes of the Earth to predict the
    future, using computer climate models, and others. It is a fallacy
    to say that our current predictions rely totally upon computer
    models. Of course, during his age, the rate of increase of carbon
    dioxide was very very slow. Shockingly, Arrhenius knew more about
    climate change than does the current head of the EPA.

*(audio+text) Let's Watch 50 Minutes 
Posted: 31 Mar 2017 07:20 AM PDT
On their evening and Sunday news programs during 2016, the four major 
American television networks devoted 50 minutes of their airtime to 
covering climate change. No, that's not 50 minutes a week, or each, it's 
all of them combined for the whole year. 50 minutes (according to a 
study by …

*Exxon Mobil - Rosneft - Russia Strategic Partnership [2012 lost VIDEO 
Does Exxon have a "strategic partnership" with the United States?
Not according to Exxon.  They have no political allegiance to their home 
But they do have one with Russia, at least according to Rosneft, a 
company 70 percent owned by the Russian government.
The slick promotional voice-over narrative is bold, unapologetic, 
unguarded, lacking the PR greenwash we are used to in the United States. ..
Give it a look and let us know what you think.
*(lost video- taken down)unvarnished Russian PR, zero green washing, 
zero spin, straight up domination. 
  It was taken down on Rosneft's site so mine links to WayBackMachine now.

*This Day in Climate History April 2, 2007 <http://youtu.be/6NcSOUJUBfY> 
-  from D.R. Tucker*
The US Supreme Court rules 5-4 in Massachusetts v. EPA that the EPA has 
the authority to regulate carbon dioxide as a pollutant.
(Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency, 549 U.S. 497 
(2007),[1] is a 5-4 U.S. Supreme Court case in which twelve states and 
several cities of the United States brought suit against the 
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to force that federal agency to 
regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) as pollutants.)
                  S//tay well-informed &  forward this email./

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