[TheClimate.Vote] April 3 , 2017 - Daily Global Warming News

Richard Pauli richard at theclimate.vote
Mon Apr 3 09:52:38 EDT 2017

/April 3, 2017       Mudslides,  Uncovering darkest denial, Noam Chomsky 
on Climate/


    Colombia landslide: Dozens of children among the dead

BBC News 	 -‎7 hours ago‎ 	


Dozens of children are among those killed in devastating mudslides in 
south-west Colombia, according to President Juan Manuel Santos.


    *Climate change *becomes unavoidable for investors

Financial Times 	 -‎2 hours ago‎ 	


    Portfolio managers face dilemma over environment versus money in
    carbon polluters
    "The climate is moving much faster than people think, and the
    responses are going to move much faster as well", he says, arguing
    that measures to help polluters announced last week by the
    administration of Donald Trump may ultimately prove helpful.


    There's another story to tell about*climate change*. And it starts
    with water

The Guardian 	 -‎1 hour ago‎ 	


Now I'm not speaking of*climate*-*change*denial. For at this juncture, 
with wild temperature swings and record-breaking weather becoming the 
norm, outright denial amounts to a kind of temper tantrum, a primitive 
railing against the inconvenience and*...*

    One challenge to reckoning with climate change is that despite all
    the weather anomalies we've been seeing, it's difficult to
    confidently link climate change to any one event. This perpetuates
    the notion that climate change is an abstraction to be pushed off
    into the future, and leads to cognitive dissonance in that it seems
    impossible to "prove" what we know to be so. Let me now introduce an
    alternate definition of climate change: "manifestations of distorted
    carbon, water and energy cycles". That doesn't negate the single
    story of fossil fuel-borne carbon but broadens it in a way that
    creates opportunities beyond fighting fossil fuel interests. At this
    moment of reckless distraction and denial, it is crucial to find
    meaningful paths forward.

*(video) Starr Forum: Racing to the Precipice: Global Climate, Political 
Climate <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5A8BVrjRfU>*

    March 23, 2017 - Starr Forum lecture with *Noam Chomsky on climate
    change and President Trump.*
    About Noam Chomsky:
    Noam Chomsky is an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive
    scientist, historian, social critic, and political activist.
    Sometimes described as "the father of modern linguistics", Chomsky
    is also a major figure in analytic philosophy, and one of the
    founders of the field of cognitive science. He is Institute
    Professor Emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    (MIT), where he has worked since 1955, and is the author of over 100
    books on topics such as linguistics, war, politics, and mass media.
    Ideologically, he aligns with anarcho-syndicalism and libertarian
    *(video) Noam Chomsky on Climate Change 2016*
    Published on Jul 23, 2016
    Noam Chomsky speaks to Big Sky High School (Missoula) students about
    climate change, May 24, 2016, during Indigenous Movements of Latin
    America day.
    Top comment by Richard Pauli: /Leave it to a professor of
    linguistics to say it exactly right.    This is an astoundingly
    powerful and important talk for Chomsky to deliver.   And he must
    have selected you, a group of high school students to receive this
    message.   You are blessed .. even to hear such harsh words.  
    Chomsky often speaks before audiences of grad students,
    intellectuals and professors - always on matters of politics and
    perception and misinformation.   He had touched on environmental and
    climate issues before, but usually just a phrase or so, often to
    illustrate a different point.    Here, in this statement, he
    delivers the strong ultimatum, without apology - but the harsh
    severity is absolute - and to you, the most important audience.   We
    should have been addressing high school students all this time...
    for the past 40 years we have known of the incremental danger.  
    Forces of misinformation and denial have kept conclusions at bay for
    decades,... even in the minds of the greatest thinkers, cultural
    suppression and agnotology have been tremendously successful.   Your
    world is now yours.   Most of your wise elders really did not want
    to leave you this kind of world.  We could not figure out how to
    change.   Of course, Chomsky knows:  just speak up.  Identify and
    say what is wrong.  In speaking it, you will find the solution. 
    This is one of the most important talks he has ever given.    Thank
    you for hearing it and sharing it with the world./


    With its more literal meaning shading into the realms of
    imagination, death and the unconscious...the latest in a string of
    reports about dramatic craters caused by methane release in Siberia.
    It tells of long-buried forests, animal carcasses and 200,000 years
    of climate records being uncovered.... the term 'methane time-bomb';...
    But it is the underworld in myth and metaphor that opens up rich
    ground for psychology and its application to fields like commerce
    and politics. The over-arching truth is that so much of what drives
    human life is covert and remote from civilised ideals. Because what
    is hidden is so much of the truth, it is liable to erupt into view.
    Our individual and collective 'deals' with the Dionysian depths do
    much to shape our stories about life. They also colour our awareness
    of the non-human world and Nature in particular. Our myths reflect
    the chaotic interaction in our minds of thought and Nature.
    What Makes Reality?
    In relation to the laws of the natural world , we will either adapt
    to reality or perish; it's as simple as that – physics doesn't
    bargain. In the realm of human affairs, what passes for reality is
    very much about bargains. Despite this, and even when considerable
    will-power and political power coincide, there are limits to
    omnipotence, stubborn fences between fantasy and reality. ...
    The news vacuum ... is a reminder of the collusions at work in
    denial, condemning the subject of climate change to Cinderella
    status. This continues, despite the wider signs that the presiding
    'ugly brothers' in Washington are starting to see their hubris
    unravel. What is happening in the physical world, in the efforts of
    science to make sense of it, in the realms of policy, media and all
    our minds remains a maelstrom of uncertainty and contradiction. 
    Government and policy news is predominantly grim (EPA evisceration,
    threats to NOAA and NASA, XL Keystone reversal, repercussions for
    G20 climate change funding). The climate/ ecological alert has been
    in condition red for a long time. But fairy godmothers of unknown
    and largely untested powers are appearing in various places and
    Adrian Tait from http://www.climatepsychologyalliance.org

*Siberia's 'doorway to the Underworld' Is Getting So Big It's Uncovering 
Ancient Forests 

    It's no secret that Siberia's permafrost has been on thin ice
    lately. Conditions are varying so much that huge holes are appearing
    out of nowhere, and, in some places, tundra is quite literally
    bubbling underneath people's feet...
    But new research has revealed that one of the biggest craters in the
    region, known by the local Yakutian people as the 'doorway to the
    underworld', is growing so rapidly that it's uncovering long-buried
    forests, carcasses, and up to 200,000 years of historical climate
    Known as the Batagaika crater, it's what's officially called a
    'megaslump' or 'thermokarst'....
    Not only is the crater already the largest of its kind, almost 1 km
    (0.6 miles) long and 86 metres (282 feet) deep, but it's getting
    bigger all the time...
    The crater formation first started after a large chunk of forest was
    cleared nearby in the 1960s...
    Because the ground was no longer shaded in the warm, summer months,
    it heated up more rapidly than it had in the past, eventually
    causing the permafrost to melt and the ground to collapse. Major
    flooding in 2008 made the melting even worse, and contributed to the
    size of the crater.

*Preliminary paleoenvironmental analysis of permafrost deposits at 
Batagaika megaslump, Yana Uplands, northeast Siberia 

    A megaslump at Batagaika, in northern Yakutia, exposes a remarkable
    stratigraphic sequence of permafrost deposits ~50–80 m thick. To
    determine their potential for answering key questions about
    Quaternary environmental and climatic change in northeast Siberia,
    we carried out a reconnaissance study of their cryostratigraphy and
    paleoecology, supported by four rangefinder 14C ages. The sequence
    includes two ice complexes separated by a unit of fine sand
    containing narrow syngenetic ice wedges and multiple paleosols.
    Overall, the sequence developed as permafrost grew syngenetically
    through an eolian sand sheet aggrading on a hillslope. Wood remains
    occur in two forest beds, each associated with a reddened weathering
    horizon. The lower bed contains high amounts of Larix pollen (>20%),
    plus small amounts of Picea and Pinus pumila, and is attributed to
    interglacial conditions. Pollen from the overlying sequence is
    dominated by herbaceous taxa (~70%–80%) attributed to an open tundra
    landscape during interstadial climatic conditions. Of three
    hypothetical age schemes considered, we tentatively attribute much
    of the Batagaika sequence to Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage (MIS) 3.
    The upper and lower forest beds may represent a mid–MIS 3 optimum
    and MIS 5, respectively, although we cannot discount alternative
    attributions to MIS 5 and 7.

*In Donald Trump's fantasy world, hints of reality are dawning 
Matthew d'Ancona

    The great philosopher-novelist Umberto Eco once declared that we
    will always come up against "the hard core of Being" and the "lines
    of resistance" that tell us when we are talking rubbish, or acting
    There was a time when I wondered bleakly if Donald Trump may be
    exempt from this philosophical precept. During the campaign he piled
    lie upon lie, bigotry upon bigotry, slander upon slander – and still
    won. We were told, absurdly, to take him "seriously but not
    literally", as if all the talk of a Muslim ban, Mexican rapists, and
    locking up his opponent was mere knockabout...
    I do not want to overstate the extent of Trump's recent encounters
    with the irreducible facts. He still resides mostly in the
    Mar-a-Lago of his mind, a lurid cognitive space where he perceives
    the world as he wants it to be, rather than as it is. On Friday a
    German journalist asked him why he's so scared of diversity in the
    media that he speaks so often about fake news, and things such as
    wiretapping, which "in the end, cannot be proven". Trump's response
    was to scorn her as "a nice, friendly reporter" and evade the
    question entirely by boasting of the US's growing strength.
    My claim is only that a few – just a few – chinks of light are
    breaking through the carapace of populist delusion. To change the
    metaphor: the waves of Trump's sociopathic belief that he can say
    and do what he likes with impunity are starting to hit the rocks of
    reality. There is nothing to celebrate yet, no cause to relax, no
    outcome assured. Let us just say that this may, conceivably, be the
    end of the beginning.


    Michael Moore calls Trump's actions on*climate change*'Declaration
    of War'

AOL 	 -‎1 hour ago‎ 	


Moore said, "For him to tear up every single regulation instituted by 
President Obama on*climate change*and for him to say that that will no 
longer be a concern when they make their decisions, is not just a f**k 
you to the rest of this world, but it's*...*


    UN Doc:*Climate Change*is New Challenge in Fighting Disease

MedPage Today 	 -‎9 hours ago‎ 	


BOGOTA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Poor countries need more resources 
and training on the ground to combat infectious diseases that are 
spreading in new ways and to new places partly due to a*changing 
climate*, a U.N. health adviser said.

*This Day in Climate History April 3, 1980 
<http://climatecrocks.com/2013/01/23/1980-cronkite-on-climate/> -  from 
D.R. Tucker*
(Video) "The CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite" reports on the role 
coal plays in fueling global warming.
Courtesy Peter Sinclair's Climate Denial Crock of the Week
/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MU9s0XyEctI// video 2:39/

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