[TheClimate.Vote] April 6, 2017 - Daily Global Warming News

Richard Pauli richard at theclimate.vote
Thu Apr 6 10:37:40 EDT 2017

/April 6, 2017 /


    A Concrete Way To See How Climate Change Will Affect Farming

Modern Farmer 	 -‎14 hours ago‎ 	


    Studies about climate change's effects on agriculture often focus on
    what sorts of crops will survive and where, or how agricultural
    practices can mitigate those effects. But a new study from the
    University of Illinois takes a more practical approach: exactly how
    will climate change impact the number and arrangement of days that
    farm workers can actually do their jobs?
    One Of Our Best Agricultural Weapons Against Climate Change Is
    Sorely Lacking
    The study focuses on a metric called "field working days," a phrase
    that sometimes appears as "fieldwork days" or "field days," but
    essentially always refers to which days can be used for planting,
    tilling, monitoring, and harvesting crops. By using past climate
    data, the researchers have extrapolated three different scenarios
    for the coming century, ranging from mild to severe change in climate
    Farming becoming riskier under climate change
    The models suggest that the typical planting window for corn will no
    longer be workable; April and May will be far too wet to work the
    fields in most parts of Illinois....
    "Going forward, we're predicting warmer and wetter springs, and
    drier, hotter summers," Davis says. "The season fragments and we
    start to see an early-early season, so that March starts looking
    like a good target for planting in the future. In the past, March
    has been the bleeding edge; nobody in their right mind would have
    planted then. But we've already seen the trend for early planting.
    It's going to keep trending in that direction for summer annuals."...
    The researcher suggests three strategies to cope with the changes.
    Farmers could plant early with long-season cultivars to maximize
    yield potential, betting on a pollination window to open up before
    the drought kicks in. Or farmers could choose shorter-season
    cultivars, planting early and then harvesting before the drought,
    possibly sacrificing yield.


    *Climate change* impacting 'most' species on Earth, even down to
    their genome

The Guardian 	 -‎7 hours ago‎ 	


    Three recent studies point to just how broad, bizarre, and
    potentially devastating climate change is to life on Earth. And
    we've only seen one degree Celsius of warming so far.
    But the fact that so many species are undergoing genetic changes
    doesn't mean they are successfully adapting to our warmer world.
    "In many instances genetic diversity is being lost due to climate
    change, not just in nature but also in resources that human's depend
    on such as crops and timber," Scheffers said. "It is important to
    not confuse species responses and adaptation as an indicator that
    everything will be okay."


    What Trump's Climate Policies Mean For *Global Warming*

Bloomberg 	 -‎4 hours ago‎ 	


2016 was the hottest year on record, and with U.S. commitment to the 
Paris Agreement in doubt, the rest of the world may have to go it alone 
in the fight against*global warming*. Bloomberg QuickTake delves into 
the current state of climate change*...*


    Angkor Wat's Collapse From*Climate Change*Has Lessons for Today

National Geographic 	 -‎12 hours ago‎ 	


    The powerful civilization was hammered into oblivion by drought and
    floods, underscoring the connections between climate and people.
    A Warning of Climate Change? Researchers working on the sustainable
    development of the Lower Mekong River Basin as part of a
    USAID-funded project called "The Wonders of the Mekong" say there
    are important lessons to learn from what happened to ..
    The cause of the Angkor empire's demise in the early 15th century
    long remained a mystery. But researchers have now shown that intense
    monsoon rains that followed a prolonged drought in the region caused
    widespread damage to the city's infrastructure, leading to its collapse.
    "The medieval Khmer were confronted with a period of climatic
    instability that they had no experience of, and which fully changed
    the rules of the game that they had been playing for hundreds of
    years," said Penny.
    "A similar scale of challenge is now confronting contemporary
    communities, as the climate begins to change."


    We're creating a perfect storm of unprecedented*global warming*

Popular Science 	 -‎3 hours ago‎ 	


If we do nothing to reduce our carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, by the 
end of this century the Earth will be as hot as it was 50 million years 
ago in the early Eocene, according to a new study out today in the 
journal Nature Communications.

*A beginner's guide to the debate over 100% renewable energy 

    Is it the right target? Is it even possible?  - Dave Roberts
    It's not about whether to go to zero carbon, but how to get there
    The most important political division in the world of climate change
    is between those who accept the urgency of the problem and those who
    don't. Those who don't are in charge of the federal government these
    days. Their energy plans are a celebration of fossil fuels...
    The debate over 100 percent renewable energy isn't about that
    division. This is about a dispute among people who accept the
    imperative to rapidly reduce carbon emissions, sufficient to hold
    the rise in global average temperatures to less than 2 degrees
    Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) over preindustrial levels. To hit
    that globally agreed upon target requires "deep decarbonization" - 
    reducing total carbon emissions 80 to 100 percent  -  across the
    globe, by mid-century or shortly thereafter.


    *Global warming*killed off Mayans by making them VIOLENT

Daily Mail 	 -‎3 hours ago‎ 	


The reason for the collapse of Mayan civilisation has been hotly 
debated, but now scientists claim they have an answer - climate change.


    California and Scotland join forces to fight*climate change*

CNBC 	 -‎Apr 4, 2017‎ 	


The Government of California and the Scottish Government have signed a 
joint agreement which sees them commit to work with one another to 
fight*climate change*. The agreement was signed on Monday by Scotland's 
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and the ...

*Climate-change sceptics say they should have right to 'mislead public' 
because of free speech 

    Chair of Commons Science Committee says: 'Too often the clever
    practice of communications overshadows the true advice of experts,
    and the public are left bewildered, and not knowing who to believe'
    A claim by Britain's leading climate sceptic think tank that
    "misleading the public by making factually inaccurate statements"
    should be allowed has been dismissed by MPs...
    Instead the Commons' Science and Technology Committee called for a
    "robust redress mechanism" – possibly including fines – in cases
    where science is misreported by the media...
    The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), set up by former
    Conservative Chancellor Nigel Lawson, adopts a 'lukewarmist' stance,
    accepting much of climate science – apart from the projections for
    the future.
    It claims global warming will not cause significant problems, while
    the scientific evidence suggests the planet is on course for a range
    of possible outcomes with a greater chance of experiencing
    'dangerous' weather conditions than avoiding them...
    The GWPF has repeatedly been accused of misrepresenting the science
    and cherry-picking findings that appear to fit with its stance on
    the issue.

*Inconceivable! The latest theatrical House 'Science' committee hearing 

    Republican Party leaders keep putting fossil fuel industry profits
    over the well-being of Americans
    Last week, the House "Science" committee held one of its regular
    hearings to dispute the validity of climate science research.
    Chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX) articulated the purpose of the hearing
    when speaking at a recent Heartland Institute climate science denial
    Next week we're going to have a hearing on our favorite subject of
    climate change and also on the scientific method, which has been
    repeatedly ignored by the so-called self-professed climate scientists
    For that, Smith was rightly called out by Jeffrey Mervis at Science
    the chairman of the science committee in the U.S. House of
    Representatives acknowledged that the committee is now a tool to
    advance his political agenda rather than a forum to examine
    important issues facing the U.S. research community.
    Climate scientist Michael Mann was one of the witnesses testifying
    in last week's hearing. In the event's defining exchange, Mann
    quoted The Princess Bride, and then proceeded to quote Mervis'
    condemnation of Lamar Smith...

*(theOnion - sarcasm warning) Climate Change: Myth Vs. Fact 

    With President Trump set to dismantle much of his predecessor's
    climate change legislation, many are wondering what the impacts of
    climate change will be and which sources to believe. The Onion
    separates fact from fiction on the issue of global warming:
         MYTH: Humans have only a negligible overall impact on climate
         FACT: That's every other variety of plant and animal on earth
    combined that you're thinking of

         MYTH: Oil companies intentionally obscure climatological
    research in order to grow their profits
         FACT: Big Oil has never had to try all that hard to make the
    public ignore climate change research

         MYTH: By the year 2099, sea levels could rise between 7-20 inches
         FACT: You're never going to get people worried when you put it
    like that

         MYTH: Rising global temperatures mean that thousands of species
    are going extinct
         FACT: Sure, but it's mostly just bugs

         MYTH: The full impact of these changes won't be apparent until
    your grandchildren are grown
         FACT: You're never going to meet anyone, let alone have kids,
    if you don't start taking care of yourself

         MYTH: The effects of climate change will negatively impact
    everyone on earth
         FACT: The killjoys who predicted this for decades will have the
    advantage of looking super smart

         MYTH: There is nothing mankind can do to prevent climate change
         FACT: There is nothing mankind will do to prevent climate change
    /(end fictional satire)/

*This Day in Climate History April 6, 2011 
-  from D.R. Tucker*

    An effort by Senators Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and James Inhofe (R-OK)
    to eliminate the EPA's ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions
    fails in a 50-50 vote. Four Democratic senators support the
    McConnell-Inhofe effort; only one Republican (Sen. Susan Collins of
    Maine) opposes it.

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