[TheClimate.Vote] April 5, 2017 - Daily Global Warming News

Richard Pauli richard at theclimate.vote
Wed Apr 5 09:47:04 EDT 2017

/April 5, 2017 /

*Policy Brief on Energy and Climate towards 2050 - Four Scenarios 

    The Policy Brief on Energy and Climate towards 2050-Four Scenarios
    is now available online! Aiming to support decision making under
    uncertainty, the SET-Nav project  investigates  four alternative
    scenarios for global energy markets up to 2050...
    These four narratives, do not attempt to predict the state of the
    global energy system by the year 2050, but rather bound the range of
    plausible alternative futures by defining certain trajectories,
    downside risks, new trends, and 'unknown unknowns' that could
    significantly affect decarbonisation policy in the years to come...
    Download and read the Policy Brief on Energy and Climate towards
    2050-Four Scenarios
    developed by DIW Berlin.


    Forget about*Climate Change*

Scientific American (blog) 	 -‎10 hours ago‎ 	


    We should be embracing energy efficiency and the low-carbon economy
    because they promote jobs, national security and human health.
    If I said coal use in the United States dropped 20 percent in the
    last two years, slashing carbon dioxide emissions and future climate
    change, some people would roll their eyes. If I said the same drop
    in coal use and air pollution will save 3,000 lives this year—and
    every year after if we stick with it—people might notice. Both
    statements are true.
    After two centuries of data and all these years, we're still arguing
    over the reality of climate change and what's making our seas rise.
    We're missing the boat. We live in a society that embraces progress
    and the energy landscape is changing under our feet. We should
    embrace it....
    We should be embracing energy efficiency and the low-carbon economy
    as fast as we can. Pick whatever reasons you like: jobs, national
    security, human health, money. Even pick the environment. But leave
    climate change out of it. We don't need it. Any of it.


    To Curb Global Warming, Science Fiction May Become Fact

New York Times 	 -‎5 hours ago‎ 	


    Last month, scholars from the physical and social sciences who are
    interested in climate change gathered in Washington to discuss
    approaches like cooling the planet by shooting aerosols into the
    stratosphere or whitening clouds to reflect sunlight back into
    space, which may prove indispensable to prevent the disastrous
    consequences of warming...
    The best way to think of the options ahead is as offering a balance
    of risks. On one plate sit whatever pitfalls geoengineering might
    bring. They might be preferable to the prospect of radical climate
    change. Thinking in terms of delirious sci-fi fantasies, the
    trade-off won't necessarily be between cockroach protein bars and
    some happy future of cheap, renewable energy. It is more likely to
    pit cockroach treats against some dystopian, broiling world.


    Pennsylvania resisting federal efforts to end Chesapeake Bay
    cleanup, climate-change pollution

LancasterOnline 	 -‎9 hours ago‎ 	


    Pennsylvania is moving ahead with ways to reduce pollution tied to
    climate change and cleanup of the Chesapeake Bay even as the Trump
    administration takes steps to end both programs...
    A proposed budget by the federal Environmental Protection Agency
    would end federal assistance for the Chesapeake Bay cleanup...
    The budget proposal also would slash $165 million from nonpoint
    source pollution, a program that has been used to provide financial
    assistance to farmers in Lancaster County and Pennsylvania so they
    can make on-the-farm improvements to prevent soil and manure runoff.

*Predictable and unpredictable behaviour 
Filed under: Climate Science - rasmus @ 13 March 2017

    Terms such as "gas skeptics" and "climate skeptics" aren't really
    very descriptive, but they refer to sentiments that have something
    in common: unpredictable behaviour.
    *Statistics is remarkably predictable*
    The individual gas molecules are highly unpredictable, but the bulk
    properties of the gases are nevertheless very predictable thanks to
    physics. More specifically the laws of thermodynamics and the ideal
    gas law...
    The bulk aspects of the gases are a result of the statistical
    properties of a vast number of particles. Statistics is surprisingly
    predictable even if the individual cases are not...
    Just look at Las Vegas and the insurance industry which make a
    living on the fact that probabilities (statistics) are predictable.
    Even economists pin their hope on statistics, and the medical
    sciences would never be where they are now without the predictive
    power of statistics...
    A "gas skeptic" would say that you cannot predict the state of the
    gas because the molecules are unpredictable. This is analogous to
    saying that climatic states cannot be predicted because the weather
    is unpredictable (a "climate skeptic")...
    *Climate is weather statistics*
    Climate can be viewed as weather statistics. Early climatological
    work was dedicated to survey of how the weather statistics varied
    from place to place and over the seasons...
    There are clear effects of physical factors (latitude, mountains,
    distance to the coast) on the statistical character of the weather
    and the weather statistics (climate)...
    In other words, the statistical properties are a result of the
    physical processes and conditions present and are readily predicted
    from e.g. geographical factors, seasonal variations in the solar
    inclination, the atmospheric composition and the planet's distance
    to the Sun...
    The weather statistics (eg probabilities) are predictable in spite
    of the chaotic and nonlinear character of weather itself.
    *Common misconceptions...*
    snip from:

*This Day in Climate History April 5, 1988 
<http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=35639> -  from D.R. Tucker*

    President Reagan signs the Montreal Protocol, an international
    treaty that would reduce the usage of substances that were
    furthering ozone depletion; over two decades later, the Montreal
    Protocol would be cited as an example of what can happen when
    political partisanship and rigid ideology can be set aside to
    protect the common interests of humanity. Supporters of President
    Reagan also note that the Montreal Protocol was, in its own way, an
    effective tool to limit greenhouse gases.


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