[TheClimate.Vote] April 25, 2017 - Daily Global Warming News

Richard Pauli richard at theclimate.vote
Tue Apr 25 09:35:01 EDT 2017

/April 25, 2017 /

*New book:  "Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to 
Reverse Global Warming" (Penguin Books) 

    Publisher's blurb:  The 100 most substantive solutions to reverse
    global warming, based on meticulous research by leading scientists
    and policymakers around the world
    In the face of widespread fear and apathy, an international
    coalition of researchers, professionals, and scientists have come
    together to offer a set of realistic and bold solutions to climate
    change. One hundred techniques and practices are described here-some
    are well known; some you may have never heard of. They range from
    clean energy to educating girls in lower-income countries to land
    use practices that pull carbon out of the air. The solutions exist,
    are economically viable, and communities throughout the world are
    currently enacting them with skill and determination. If deployed
    collectively on a global scale over the next thirty years, they
    represent a credible path forward, not just to slow the earth's
    warming but to reach drawdown, that point in time when greenhouse
    gases in the atmosphere peak and begin to decline. These measures
    promise cascading benefits to human health, security, prosperity,
    and well-being-giving us every reason to see this planetary crisis
    as an opportunity to create a just and livable world.
    from Top Customer Reviews
    Clear, practical, and authoritative
    "This book is inspiring and superbly organized. The solutions appear
    to be impeccably researched, analyzed, and clearly presented. There
    are now many books about climate change. Most are largely
    reiterations of the same concepts and are typically short on
    solutions. This one is different: it is laser focused on solutions
    and puts them into clear and compelling context. We needed a
    comprehensive assessment and presentation of what can be done to
    avoid global catastrophe. Now we have it. Highly recommended."
    Turns out humans have the power to change the environment ...
    "We first did it by accident placing the entire planet in jeopardy.
    Now, we must change it on purpose creating a climate fit for life.
    Paul's research provides the world with Climate Optimism. We at
    Interface have begun to act on Paul's advice with our new mission:
    Climate Take Back. Paul's newest book should ignite an entire movement."


    The effects of*climate change*will force millions to migrate. Here's
    what this means for human security.

Washington Post 	 -‎Apr 23, 2017‎ 	


    Climate change is more than melting ice caps and swamped islands.
    The environmental effects of climate change - droughts, floods and
    severe weather, for instance - have increasingly put more people on
    the move.
    *1) Environmental migration poses significant human security
    challenges.* Local and regional tensions over water problems are
    likely to rise sharply in the coming decades
    *2) Extreme weather events are likely to displace more people.* The
    2014 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
    cautions that most communities are unprepared for cyclones, storm
    surges and other climate-related extremes, which can cause
    "disruption of food production and water supply damages to
    infrastructure and settlements."
    *3) Many displaced people head to nearby cities, and that's a
    problem.* The ongoing urban population explosion means coastal
    cities will continue to grow.
    *4) We don't adequately define "environmental migrants."* Those who
    relocate within their own nations rely on the protections and
    assistance of their government.
    *5) "Planned relocations" will become more frequent*. From the
    coastlines of Alaska and Louisiana to growing numbers of Pacific
    island nations, communities are already preparing to relocate as
    rising sea levels wash away their homes and leave the land too salty
    to support crops or livestock


    Doing The Math On*Climate Change*With Bill McKibben Adds Up To "We
    Are So Screwed"

CleanTechnica 	 -‎3 hours ago‎ 	


    Bill McKibben is a mild-mannered writer and college professor from
    Vermont who has transformed himself, somewhat reluctantly, into one
    of the most outspoken critics of weak-kneed government action on
    climate change and the pernicious influence of the fossil fuel
    industry on global politics.
    *The First Number - 2º Celsius * 2 degrees Celsius is the magic
    number world leaders have agreed is the absolute most the earth can
    tolerate before cataclysmic climate change occurs.
    *The Second Number - 565 Gigatons *"Scientists estimate that humans
    can pour roughly 565 more gigatons of carbon dioxide into the
    atmosphere by mid-century and still have some reasonable hope of
    staying below two degrees. ...Things are worse than they appear. If
    the world stopped adding carbon emissions to the atmosphere today,
    the earth would continue to warm for decades. Since there is no
    chance of ending emissions, what can we expect going forward?
    *The Third Number - 2,795 Gigatons* "The number describes the amount
    of carbon already contained in the proven coal and oil and gas
    reserves of the fossil fuel companies, and the countries that act
    like fossil fuel companies....those 2,795 gigatons of carbon
    emissions are worth about $27 trillion. Which is to say, if you paid
    attention to the scientists and kept 80 percent of it underground,
    you'd be writing off $20 trillion in assets."
    *The Fossil Fuel Industry Is Public Enemy #1*
    Given this hard math, we need to view the fossil fuel industry in a
    new light. It has become a rogue industry, reckless like no other
    force on Earth. It is Public Enemy Number One to the survival of our
    planetary civilization."  "...these numbers make clear that with the
    fossil fuel industry, wrecking the planet is their business model.
    It's what they do."
    *The Power Of The Koch Brothers *   Lurking behind the scenes are
    the Koch Brothers, whose personal fortunes - most of it made in the
    fossil fuel business - are estimated at $50 billion each.... "[T]hey
    know any system to regulate carbon would cut those profits, and they
    reportedly plan to lavish as much as $200 million on this year's
    *A Stunning Disregard For Human Life*  The attitude of the Chamber
    of Commerce shows a stunning disregard for human life. Their
    position is that people only need to kick the A/C up a notch, using
    electricity obtained by burning fossil fuels. Ask yourself a
    question: If you were responsible for shortening the lives of
    millions of people while inflicting untold suffering from emphysema,
    asthma, and cancer on the survivors, what do you think would happen
    to you?   ...the phrase "depraved indifference." According to
    USLegal.com, it refers to a situation in which a defendant's conduct
    is "so wanton, so deficient in a moral sense of concern, so lacking
    in regard for the life or lives of others, and so blameworthy as to
    warrant the same criminal liability as that which the law imposes
    upon a person who intentionally causes a crime. Depraved
    indifference focuses on the risk created by the defendant's conduct,
    not the injuries actually resulting."
    So, why are fossil fuel company owners and executives not in jail?
    *The Climate Deniers Are In Control*   If the effects of burning
    fossil fuels are known, why are those in power predominately climate
    change deniers who insist it is a hoax concocted by the Chinese?
    That's a difficult question, but the answer is intimately connected
    to the monetary muscle the fossil fuel industry can bring to bear on
    the political process. It goes far beyond political advertising. It
    includes a network of so-called think tanks who dutifully report
    what they are paid to report by their benefactors - the fossil fuel
    industry. It includes major influence over alternative news channels
    and websites that are paid handsomely to spread the gospel according
    to the Koch Brothers.
    The list of fake research organizations includes the Heritage
    Foundation and the Heartland Institute. Add in the American
    Petroleum Institute and the Competitive Enterprise Institute and
    dozens of others. The tentacles of the fossil fuel industry stretch
    deep into the evangelical movement as well.
    *What Are The Options?*   The human race is headed for extinction,
    but no one is willing to do anything about it. Websites like
    CleanTechnica can inform us, but if the voters continue to elect
    climate deniers, we are well and truly screwed. There is no way to
    sugarcoat this. We must unite to defend ourselves from the brutality
    and inhumanity of the fossil fuel industry. We must put a price on
    carbon. We must slash the amount of carbon emissions going into the
    Even if we stopped all emissions tomorrow, the warming of the planet
    would continue for decades. Our only realistic hope is to stop
    pumping the atmosphere full of carbon and find a way to remove some
    of the carbon that is already there. When talking to a friend
    recently about climate change, he shrugged and said, "We'll find a
    way to 'science it out' when we need to." That attitude is quite common.
    Humanity has sown the seeds of its own destruction. We can't wait to
    sacrifice ourselves on the altar of greed. Perhaps the legend of The
    Flood is true and the earth we know today is really Earth 2.0.
    Perhaps a million years from now, after the earth has had a chance
    to heal itself, Earth 3.0 will emerge. Maybe by then humans will
    have learned not to poison the one place in the entire universe that
    sustains them. But if history is any guide, the odds of that
    happening are not very encouraging.


    Ancient methane 'burp' points to*climate change*110 million years

CBC.ca 	 -‎2 hours ago‎ 	


    New research suggests a large amount of methane was released in the
    Arctic Ocean during a period of warming 110 million years ago and
    the methane "burp" points to the possibility of a similar release in
    today's warming conditions.
    "So we see this sudden and short term release of methane is
    coincident with this period of global climate warming."
    'It scares me': Permafrost thaw in Canadian Arctic sign of a global
    Arctic lakes melting earlier and earlier each year, recent 14-year
    study shows
    Today there are still deposits of methane hydrates buried under the
    sea. There have been concerns that their thawing could cause runaway
    climate change, since methane is a powerful, though short-lived,
    greenhouse gas that could further warm the climate, melting ever
    more hydrates.
    But ocean chemist David Archer from the University of Chicago does
    not believe the hydrates present such a danger.
    "It's not totally clear that the bubbles are going to get out [into
    the atmosphere]," he said. "It's got a whole lot of mud to fight
    their way through where they're chemically vulnerable."
    A recent review by the United States Geological Survey has a similar
    judgment, saying "most" of the methane never reaches the atmosphere.
    Grasby says his research points to a period in the Earth's geologic
    history when warming was releasing the gas from its frozen state,
    but, like today, it's hard to say what happens next.

*Free bicycles reducing pollution in China 

    Innovative bicycle schemes in China and India are tackling chronic
    air pollution problems and congestion by encouraging people to stop
    using cars.
    By Paul Brown
    LONDON, 24 April, 2017 – In China everyone used to travel by
    bicycle, then along came an urban middle class and the cities were
    choked with private cars. Now the bicycle is making a comeback, and,
    at least if you live in Hangzhou in Zhejiang province, you don't
    even have to own one because the city will provide a bike for you to
    ride for free...


    Bill Nye Scolds CNN for Pitting Him Against*Climate Change*Denier

Vulture 	 -‎11 hours ago‎ 	


    Watch the CNN video:
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=WAoxZPK1ArY 10 mins
    Nye, who is obviously a climate change believer because he's like, a
    science guy, had to face off with William Happer, a physicist and
    Trump's potential top science adviser, who argued that carbon
    dioxide is good because people couldn't possibly be .
    If there's one thing CNN should know about Bill Nye, it's that he's
    always been a science guy. So what on earth were they thinking
    putting him on a panel with a climate change skeptic on Earth Day?
    That just seems cruel and usual.
    Nye, who is obviously a climate change believer because he's like, a
    science guy, had to face off with William Happer, a physicist and
    Trump's potential top science adviser, who argued that carbon
    dioxide is good because people couldn't possibly be possibly be
    polluting the planet. Yeah, totally! (Hold on, just going pull a sea
    turtle out of these six-pack rings.) Happer said, "There's this myth
    that's developed around carbon dioxide that it's a pollutant, but
    you and I both exhale carbon dioxide with every breath. Each of us
    emits about two pounds of carbon dioxide a day, so are we polluting
    the planet?"


    *Climate change*clues revealed by ice sheet collapse

Phys.Org 	 -‎43 minutes ago‎ 	


    Scientists use models to show the dramatic collapse of the ancient
    ice sheet over thousands of years. Credit: University of Stirling.
    Ice sheets are massive land-based reservoirs of frozen water. For
    the first time, scientists have reconstructed in detail the
    evolution of the last ice sheet that covered Iceland around 20,000
    years ago.
    Worrying evidence
    The recently published study shows the greatest changes took place
    at a time when temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere rose by
    around 3°C in just 500 years.
    The maximum rate of ice loss in Iceland then was on the same scale
    seen in West Antarctica and Greenland today, providing worrying
    evidence of how climate change can dramatically alter the world's
    ice sheets, leading to rapid sea level rise.
    Dr Tom Bradwell, from Stirling's Faculty of Natural Sciences, said:
    "About 22,000 years ago, the climate awoke from the last Ice Age,
    and entered a prolonged but gradual period of warming. This
    triggered the melting of the huge ice sheets that once covered North
    America and Eurasia.
    "We used seafloor data to map the full extent of the last Icelandic
    ice sheet and fed this geological information into our ice sheet
    model. The new modelling experiments, driven by climate data from
    Greenland ice cores, replicate ice sheet behaviour over the last
    35,000 years, showing when it melted the fastest and how it behaved.


    Noam Chomsky fears humanity may not survive the Republican Party

Raw Story 	 -‎2 hours ago‎ 	


    Noam Chomsky said Nov. 8 - Election Day in the U.S. - could prove to
    be crucial in the survival of the human species. "Three events took
    place last Nov.
    (video) Noam Chomsky: The Prospects for Survival
    TheRealNews  Uploaded on Apr 13, 2017
    Replay of address at the Mullin Centre,  UMASS Amherst

*This Day in Climate History April 25, 2015 
-  from D.R. Tucker*
The Washington Post's editorial page observes:

       "Because of the GOP's abdication [on climate], the Obama
    administration has cobbled together a climate plan from legal
    authorities it could exercise without Congress's say-so. The result is
    an awkwardly designed and inefficient approach. A more reasonable
    Congress could shape a more efficient plan, with an eye toward sparing
    the economy gratuitous pain.
        "Economists have known for decades how to do this. First, the
    government should eliminate energy subsidies of all kinds - for fossil
    fuels as well as renewable energy. Then Congress should put a
    significant tax on carbon-dioxide emissions and set it to rise over
    time. The resulting market forces would decide how the economy would
    move to a greener state. Consumers and businesses would have more
    reason to consider wasting less electricity, buying efficient
    appliances and investing in products that require less carbon dioxide
    to make. Generators of electricity would have an incentive to use
    cleaner fuels and renewable sources of energy - when it makes economic
    sense, not when the Environmental Protection Agency decides they must.
    Companies that exploit giveaway subsidy policies would have to compete
        "Republicans, meanwhile, could return any revenue raised to
    either directly or by reducing taxes on labor, on corporations or in
    any manner of their choosing.
        "The nation’s climate debate has been impoverished by the absence of
    responsible conservative voices. A revenue-neutral carbon tax is a
    reform Republicans should love. It could end irrational federal
    subsidies, lower the GOP's most-hated taxes and harness market
    efficiency to provide some insurance for the planet at a minimal cost.
    Instead, the party’s would-be leaders appear to be looking for any way
    to avoid engaging seriously."
        (The Post's editorial raised the obvious question of why the paper's
    op-ed page continued to provide a forum to profoundly irresponsible
    conservative voices on the climate issue, including George Will.)

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