[TheClimate.Vote] April 24, 2017 - Daily Global Warming News

Richard Pauli richard at theclimate.vote
Mon Apr 24 08:55:35 EDT 2017

/April 24, 2017 /


    I went to the March for Science and the signs are troubling

CNET 	 -‎14 hours ago‎ 	


    A significant proportion of the signs were personally aimed at
    President Trump, which seems a touch narrow-minded and plays into
    his Twittering fingers. He isn't the first on his party's side to
    negate science...
    ..."Trump doesn't believe in climate change because he can't imagine
    anything hotter than his daughter," it's not quite the heart-winner
    that scientists need in order to make their case...
    Some signs were rebuttals to presidential tweets. For example: "I'm
    not getting paid for this. Trust me, I'm a postdoc" is funny, for
    those who know how little postdoctoral fellows are paid and that
    Trump insinuated that anyone who marches against him is being paid.
    But to a broader audience? Not quite...
    It seems clear that while the scientific marchers had put in a lot
    of effort, there were many in-jokes that wouldn't translate to the
    "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the
    precipitate," may be amusing, but again, only to scientific minds.
    "I can't believe I'm still protesting this shit," said the sign. It
    was held by a little boy, aged perhaps 9 or 10...


    Wildfires burn across Florida; thousands evacuated

CBS46 News Atlanta 	 -‎2 hours ago‎ 	


Thousands of homes have been evacuated as firefighters battle wildfires 
across Florida, the state's forest service said. More than 25,000 acres 
have burned in the state, Florida Forest Service spokesman Joe 
Zwierzchowski told CNN.Families have been forced to leave nearly 2,000 
homes in the Naples area following mandatory evacuations,
An additional 5,000 homes were in a voluntary evacuation order, 
officials said.

*NYT Magazine THE CLIMATE ISSUE:  Our Climate Future Is Actually Our 
Climate Present 

    How do we live with the fact that the world we knew is going and, in
    some cases, already gone?
    The future we've been warned about is beginning to saturate the
    present. We tend to imagine climate change as a destroyer. But it
    also traffics in disruption, disarray: increasingly frequent and
    more powerful storms and droughts; heightened flooding; expanded
    ranges of pests turning forests into fuel for wildfires; stretches
    of inhospitable heat. So many facets of our existence - agriculture,
    transportation, cities and the architecture they spawned - were
    designed to suit specific environments. Now they are being slowly
    transplanted into different, more volatile ones, without ever
    actually moving.


    As ice melts and temperatures rise, Alaska fights to stave off
    climate change

    Alaska fights for environmental funds - CBS This Morning - CBS News

CBS News 	 -‎17 hours ago‎ 	


    Budget cuts may threaten vital tools like climate-monitoring satellites.
    With temperatures soaring last winter to 50 degrees above normal,
    the area around the North Pole is melting and the Arctic Sea ice is
    shrinking at a rate never seen before.
    "We're not talking about something that is 100 years from now. We're
    talking about something that's going to happen in the next decade,"
    said Jeremy Mathis, director of Arctic research for the National
    Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
    "The Arctic is warming twice as fast as other parts of the planet,"
    Mathis said.
    The warming Arctic is causing the jet stream to wobble across
    America and helping spawn massive weather events. The number of
    billion-dollar weather events in 2017 is on track to set a record...


    'Drawdown' and*global warming's*hopeful new math

GreenBiz 	 -‎Apr 17, 2017‎ 	


    "Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse
    Global Warming" (Penguin Books), was edited by the author and
    entrepreneur Paul Hawken along with a self-described "coalition" of
    research fellows, writers and advisors...
    The 80 solutions that make up the bulk of the book are grouped into
    seven buckets: energy; food; women and girls; building and cities;
    land use; transport; and materials. To qualify for inclusion, a
    solution must have proven to reduce energy use through efficiency,
    material reduction or resource productivity; replace existing energy
    sources with renewable energy; or sequester carbon in soils, plants
    or kelp through regenerative farming, grazing, ocean and forest
    Each solution is ranked by cost-effectiveness, speed to
    implementation and societal benefit. Also included for each is its
    projected savings in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and the
    solution's total financial cost - the amount of money needed to
    purchase, install and operate it over 30 years - and its net cost or
    benefit - how much money would be required to implement the solution
    compared to the cost of repeating business as usual...
    "Drawdown's" aggregate bottom line is shockingly affordable: When
    you total up the net first costs and subtract the net operating
    costs for all 80 solutions, the net operating savings add up to $74
    trillion over 30 years.

*Pick climate or economics 

    To aid the former, Naomi Klein says, government and business would
    have to change the latter, and likely won't
    Award-winning writer Naomi Klein spoke to a capacity crowd at First
    Parish Church about the incompatible goals of climate action and the
    free market. "If you look at the pillars of neoliberalism ... what
    you see is that it's impossible to reconcile climate action with
    that worldview."
    When it comes to acting on climate change, there are two choices,
    author and activist Naomi Klein told a full house at First Parish
    Church in Cambridge Wednesday, "We can give up - wait for the
    apocalypse. That's one option. The other option is to stand up in a
    truly unprecedented way."
    "If you look at the pillars of neoliberalism - privatization,
    deregulation, cutting public programs to pay for tax cuts - what you
    see is that it's impossible to reconcile climate action with that
    Therefore, those concerned about climate change need to transform
    the building blocks of the economy, she explained, and this cannot
    be achieved through small remedies such as carbon taxes, an approach
    she calls marginal.
    "Climate change is the essence of a collective crisis," she stated. 
    "We need collective action and massive investments in the public
      Klein leveled criticisms against President Trump's positions on
    the climate in her characteristic colorful, pointed style.
    "He embodies the extractivist mindset so perfectly," she said. "He
    thinks he can grab anything, women, oil, land. The way he sees any
    relationship is for maximum extraction … the opposite of any kind of
    reciprocity or interconnection."
    As an antidote to the grim picture of climate politics, Klein
    reminded the audience at First Parish of the many domains where
    activism can continue and likely would be most effective: states,
    cities, schools, and universities.
    "We can design a response to the climate change that is better than
    the present."

*The Planet Can't Stand This Presidency 

    Trump is in charge at a critical moment for keeping climate change
    in check. We may never recover.
    APRIL 20, 2017   By BILL McKIBBEN
    But there's an extra dimension to the environmental damage. What Mr.
    Trump is trying to do to the planet's climate will play out over
    geologic time as well. In fact, it's time itself that he's stealing
    from us.
    What I mean is, we have only a short window to deal with the climate
    crisis or else we forever lose the chance to thwart truly
    catastrophic heating.


    Bloomberg To World Leaders: Ignore Trump's Ideas On*Climate Change*

CBS New York 	 -‎7 hours ago‎ 	


Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg urged world leaders not to follow 
President Donald Trump's lead on climate change and declared his 
intention to help save an international agreement to reduce carbon 


    Trump admin takes 2 opposite tracks on *climate change*

WND.com 	 -‎4 hours ago‎ 	


The status of this U.S. Agency for International Development, or 
USAID,*Climate Change*Program under Trump, however, recently received an 
update through a one-sentence modified contracting-notice that WND 
discovered during routine database .

*This Day in Climate History April 24, 2004 
<http://www.c-span.org/video/?181525-1/PresidentialRadioAddress419> -  
from D.R. Tucker*

      In one of the strangest weekly radio addresses ever recorded,
    President George W. Bush tries to put a positive spin on his
    administration's environmental record.
    George W. Bush:   "Finally, we are regulating mercury emissions from
    power plants for the first time ever. Under our new proposal mercury
    emissions will be cut by approximately 70 percent."

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