[TheClimate.Vote] Periodic maintenance notice from theClimate.Vote - daily news service on climate change and global warming

Richard Pauli richard at theclimate.vote
Sat Jun 24 14:00:23 EDT 2017

*This is a periodic reminder that you are subscribed to the daily 
mailing from TheClimate.vote - *The main subjects are global warming 
resilience and political engagement with destabilizing climates. The 
aggregate message is clipped from news reports, headlines and links 
regarding the climate issue.
**No action is required for your subscription to continue.
If you want to change,  there are *three different ways* to subscribe or 

*1.  Send a request to the email address: * subscribe at TheClimate.Vote 
Just put the word on the subject line,  either "subscribe" or 
"unsubscribe"     This is an automatic process.
*2.  By visiting the web page* *of:* 
   At the bottom of the page, enter the email address and press the 
button marked "unsubscribe or editoptions"   This is an automatic process.
/     or/
*3.  Send a personal email to the list owner at*: 
contact at theclimate.vote requesting a subscription or to unsubscribe.   
This is a manual process and it requires careful instructions.   This 
may take a short while to complete.

/Staying informed is the first thing we can do.   This carefully curated 
news mailing is purposely designed to be safe and succinct.   Because 
this is a text-only mailing; never with graphics files; never with 
attached documents - this assures maximum security and privacy. 
Click-bait assurance from links that are clearly spelled out. //

/*As the climate destabilizations unfold, e*//*veryone needs to be 
informed.***By forwarding this daily email to friends, associates, 
representatives and candidates - you keep citizens and governments 
well-informed about climate change news and reports. /

As a citizen and constituent, you are encouraged to communicate with 
officials at all levels of government.  As a voter, you have great power 
to influence the future.

Forward this email as you wish.

*For questions:* contact at theclimate.vote

Thank you for subscribing,

Richard Pauli

    The  .VOTE top level domain is designed to help citizen voters,
    elected officials, governments, candidates and organizations
    exchange information.  The .VOTE and .VOTO sites are designed to
    support honest political discourse.  This domain must be used for
    democratic and election purposes and cannot be used for commercial
    purposes.   Regular audits ensure compliance.

    *Stress warning,  the news presented here is most always about how
    we face new and previously unseen experiences for modern
    civilization.  It is often upsetting and emotional.  Long term
    readers tell me they like to take a break, or just read a few
    headlines.  This entire document is meant to be a single page for
    paying attention to this issue.  This is not required reading.

    The mailing list software is Mailman  V. 2.1.20 - served by
    Pair.com. The list email is sent from the domain of
    credoandscreed.com - please set your email filters accordingly.

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