[TheClimate.Vote] March 24 , 2017 - Daily Global Warming News for All - Data shows Broadcast TV fails Climate Change news

Richard Pauli richard at theclimate.vote
Fri Mar 24 10:19:04 EDT 2017

/March 24, 2017       Data shows Broadcast TV fails climate change news /

*How Broadcast Networks Covered Climate Change In 2016 
In 2016, evening newscasts and Sunday shows on ABC, CBS, and NBC, as 
well as Fox Broadcast Co.'s Fox News Sunday, collectively decreased 
their total coverage of climate change by 66 percent compared to 2015, 
even though there were a host of important climate-related stories, 
including the announcement of 2015 as the hottest year on record, the 
signing of the Paris climate agreement, and numerous climate-related 
extreme weather events. There were also two presidential candidates to 
cover, and they held diametrically opposed positions on the Clean Power 
Plan, the Paris climate agreement, and even on whether climate change is 
a real, human-caused phenomenon. Apart from PBS, the networks also 
failed to devote significant coverage to climate-related policies, but 
they still found the time to uncritically air climate denial -- the 
majority of which came from now-President Donald Trump and his team.

 1. Combined Climate Coverage On ABC, CBS, NBC, And Fox News Sunday
    Decreased Significantly From 2015 To 2016, Despite Ample Opportunity
    To Cover Climate Change.
 2. Networks Had Ample Opportunity To Cover Climate Change In 2016.
    Despite the pronounced decline in climate coverage, the networks had
    ample opportunity to cover climate change in 2016
 3. ABC, CBS, NBC, And Fox Failed To Discuss Climate-Related
    Ramifications Of A Clinton Or Trump Presidency Until After The Election.
 4. PBS NewsHour Was The Only Show To Discuss Climate Ramifications Of A
    Clinton Or Trump..
 5. Tyndall Report Found No Discussion Of Climate Change In Issues
    Coverage During Campaign. The Tyndall Report, which tracks the
    broadcast networks' weeknight newscasts, analyzed election-related
    issues coverage on the major networks' weeknight newscasts and found
    no issues coverage devoted to climate change in 2016 up through
    October 25.
 6. Networks Aired A Disproportionate Amount Of Climate Coverage After
    Election Day...
 7. Networks Did Not Air A Single Segment On Link To National Security...
 8. PBS Was The Only Network To Address Economic Impacts Of Climate
 9. Networks Rarely Addressed How Climate Change Impacts Public Health...
10. CBS And ABC Rarely Covered Climate Link To Extreme Weather, While
    NBC And Fox Ignored It Completely.
11. The Clean Power Plan Was Almost Completely Ignored On Sunday Shows
    And Received Sparse Coverage On Nightly News Shows.
12. PBS Far Outpaced Networks In Coverage Of U.N. Climate Agreement And
13. CBS, NBC, And Fox Addressed The Climate Impacts Of The Keystone XL
    Pipeline Only Once, While ABC And PBS Failed To Do So At All
14. Fox Was The Only Network To Cover The Dakota Access Pipeline In A
    Climate Context.
15. For The Second Consecutive Year, ABC's World News Tonight Did Not
    Feature A Single Scientist In Its Climate Coverage.
16. Sunday Shows Did Not Feature A Single Scientist In Climate-Related
17. PBS And CBS Frequently Aired Coverage Related To Climate-Related
    Scientific Research, While NBC And ABC Did So Less Often.
18. Every Network's Sunday Show Significantly Decreased Its Climate
    Coverage. After dropping slightly from a high of 81 minutes of
    coverage in 2014 to 73 minutes in 2015, the Sunday shows' climate
    coverage dropped 85 percent to just 11 minutes of coverage in 2016 -
19. Bernie Sanders Brought Up Climate Change Four Times As Much As Hosts
    Did On ABC, CBS, And NBC Sunday Shows.
20. In 2017 So Far, CBS Evening News Has Already Aired More Than Half
    The Amount Of Climate Coverage It Did In All Of 2016.


    'Moore's law' for carbon would defeat*global warming*

The Guardian 	 -‎7 hours ago‎ 	


    A new "carbon law", modelled on Moore's law in computing, has been
    proposed as a roadmap for beating climate change. It sees carbon
    emissions halving every decade, while green energy continues to
    double every five years.
    Moore's law is the observation that innovation doubles the number of
    transistors on a computer chip about every two years and it has held
    true for 50 years. The researchers behind the carbon law say similar
    laws of exponential growth can already be seen in clean energy.
    The researchers also set out milestones for each decade, with coal
    disappearing by 2030, and oil by 2040. "It is both a tale of extreme
    urgency, reminding the world community of what was agreed [in
    Paris], and also saying it's not more difficult than it was
    establishing Moore's law in IT which came through investment,
    innovation and economies of scale," said Prof John Schellnhuber, at
    the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany,
    another author of the article and who has advised Angela Merkel, the
    Pope and the EU.
    The carbon law's proponents are senior climate-change scientists and
    they argue it provides a simple, broad but quantitative plan that
    could drive governments and businesses to make urgently needed
    carbon cuts, particularly at a time when global ...


    POLITICS: Stephen Hawking: "Replace Scott Pruitt"

E&E News 	 -‎19 hours ago‎ 	


Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking said this week that President Trump 
should replace U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt.

*Oklahoma City Fox Affiliate Reveals EPA Chief Scott Pruitt Lied To 
Senate About His Emails 

    But on February 24, KOKH's Fox 25 Primetime News at 9 aired an
    investigative report confirming that Pruitt had in fact used a
    private email account to conduct official state business. In the
    segment, investigate reporter Phil Cross reported that an email he
    had obtained "shows Pruitt was not only receiving copies of official
    emails but also conducting state business using an email address his
    office wants to hide," adding that "[t]he [Oklahoma Attorney
    General's] office confirms Pruitt did use a private email account
    for public business."

*'Earth is a planet in upheaval': World Meteorological Organization 
issues dire climate warning 

    "Truly uncharted territory"
    Humanity is "now in truly uncharted territory," thanks to CO2-driven
    climate change, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) warned
    The WMO's annual "State of the Global Climate in 2016"
    <http://library.wmo.int/opac/doc_num.php?explnum_id=3414> paints a
    dire picture for humanity: record CO2 levels, record warming, record
    drop in both Arctic and Antarctic sea ice, and record high sea
    levels. Severe droughts "brought food insecurity to millions in
    southern and eastern Africa and Central America."
    NOAA reported this month that the record-smashing warming of 2016
    continued into 2017. In this country, "there were 11,743 daily warm
    temperature records broken or tied" in February alone. Globally, it
    was the second hottest February and January-February on record after


    Google Says Its Job Is to Promote*Climate Change* Conspiracy

Gizmodo 	 -‎4 hours ago‎ 	


    Yesterday, I wrote a short post about Google's Top Stories module.
    If you googled "great barrier reef" on Wednesday, you'd be presented
    with a Breitbart article filled with insane ravings about how
    climate change isn't real, featured at the very top in ...
    The company has a lot of responsibility here, and it has tried to
    shed virtually all of it. Google should make the legitimately
    difficult but correct decision to filter out climate denial from its
    Top Stories module. It is simply the right thing to do, and Google
    knows it. Google can present whatever range of views it pleases, but
    pushing climate change denial goes beyond that, reaching into the
    territory of active harm...
    There are some things in this world that are simply just true, and
    climate change is one of them. Climate change also happens to be one
    of the greatest threats to the world at large, and at the very
    least, Google, as one of the world's biggest information providers,
    could do a good job by not highlighting falsehoods about it.
    Mass turnover and recovery dynamics of a diverse Australian
    continental radiation
    Surprisingly, our results suggest that invasion of arid habitats was
    not an evolutionary end point. Instead, arid Australia has acted as
    a source for diversity, with repeated outward dispersals having
    facilitated diversification of this group. This pattern contrasts
    trends in richness and distribution of other Australian vertebrates,
    illustrating the profound effects historical biome changes have on
    macroevolutionary patterns.

*(report) World Bank - Carbon Tax Guide : A Handbook for Policy Makers 

    Recent years have seen renewed and growing interest in carbon taxes
    that put a price on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This resurgence
    in interest has come as over three-quarters of the world have
    developed Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris
    Agreement and are looking for cost-effective ways to achieve these
    emission reduction goals. It has also developed alongside a gradual
    shift toward taxes on goods and services, with many jurisdictions
    seeking to use the tax system to achieve greater economic efficiency
    and to pursue a range of policy goals beyond raising revenue.
    Experience has shown carbon taxes to be versatile instruments that
    are capable of being adapted to a wide range of policy goals and
    national contexts. This Guide provides a practical tool to help
    policymakers determine whether a carbon tax is the right instrument
    to achieve their policy goals and to support them in designing and
    implementing a tax that is best suited to their specific needs,
    circumstances and objectives. The guide provides both conceptual
    analysis and important practical lessons learned from implementing
    carbon taxes around the world.
    Citation  "Partnership for Market Readiness. 2017. Carbon Tax Guide
    : A Handbook for Policy Makers. World Bank, Washington, DC. World
    Bank. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/26300
    License: CC BY 3.0 IGO."   URI http://hdl.handle.net/10986/26300

*How Trump Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the (Climate) Bomb 

    Trump will reportedly instruct Environmental Protection Agency chief
    Scott Pruitt to scrap and redo a landmark batch of regulations known
    as the Clean Power Plan, a hallmark initiative of former President
    Barack Obama that would have helped curb U.S. emissions of
    greenhouse gases. According to the New York Times, which obtained a
    draft document of the order, Trump will also outline ways to block
    or cripple "about a half dozen" other climate-related executive
    orders from the previous administration.
    *Trump Lays Plans to Reverse Obama's Climate Change Legacy
    "Trump's announcements have zero impact," said Richard J. Lazarus, a
    professor of environmental law at Harvard. "They don't change
    existing law at all."
    Much of that task will now fall to Mr. Pruitt.
    "To undo the rule, the E.P.A. will now have to follow the same
    procedure that was followed to put the regulations in place," said
    Mr. Lazarus, pointing to a multiyear process of proposing draft
    rules, gathering public comment and forming a legal defense against
    an expected barrage of lawsuits almost certain to end up before the
    Supreme Court.

(video for kids) <http://www.worsethanpoop.com/videos2/>*Worse Than 
Poop! <http://www.worsethanpoop.com/videos2/>*
The 'pooping cars' movie is a 6-minute animated kids' video on the 
science behind climate change, the role that cars play in CO2 pollution, 
and the promise of a poop-free future.  Classic video 6 minutes.

*(3 videos) This Day in Climate History March 24, 1989 & 2014 
<http://www.nbcnews.com/video/rachel-maddow/54769123#54769123>-  from 
D.R. Tucker*
Video report - historic review of the notorious Exxon Valdez oil spill 
and other oil spills.
Rachel Maddow reports on a ship collision near Galveston, Texas that has 
caused the spilling of 160,000 gallons of thick oil, posing a dramatic 
threat to nearby nature preserves and locking up commercial vital 
shipping and boating in the area. 
Chris Hayes talks to his panel about Duke Energy, a company caught 
dumping fossil fuel into a river. 
Chris Hayes talks to his panel about the U.S. becoming the world's top 
oil producer. http://video.msnbc.msn.com/all-in-/54768921

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