[TheClimate.Vote] July 5, 2018 - Daily Global Warming News Digest -

Richard Pauli richard at theclimate.vote
Thu Jul 5 09:40:16 EDT 2018

/July 5, 2018/

*Weatherwatch: California's clearer skies raise fire risk 
Cloud cover is plummeting on the state's south coast, leading to drier 
vegetation and greater threat of wildfire
The Golden State is in danger of becoming the "Cinder State". New 
research reveals that cloud cover is plummeting in southern coastal 
California, increasing the chances of bigger and more intense wildfires.
- - - - -
A combination of global warming and increasing city sprawl (the urban 
heat-island effect) are the main drivers behind the reduction in cloud 
cover. And less cloud cover means drier vegetation and greater chance of 
fire. To date firefighters have been swift to deal with summer 
wildfires, but the increasing danger means they will have their work cut 

[complaint detailed decades-long malfeasance]*
Document: Judge Dismisses Climate Suit Against Oil Companies 
JUNE 26, 2018
Judge William Alsup of Federal District Court in San Francisco said the 
world had benefited from fossil fuels and held that the courts were not 
the proper venue to balance those benefits against global warming concerns.

    Based on the opinion presented by Judge Alsup on the municipal suit
    in SF this week it seems that focusing more narrowly on company's
    responsible for intentionally misleading of the public... might have
    "At one point counsel seemed to limit liability to those who had
    promoted allegedly phony climate science to deny climate change"... 
    Seems to me, either the judge was giving us a roadmap or trying to
    cover himself for punting responsibility back to legislators.
    It's a good read if you haven't had a chance. Starts out with a nice
    history of climate science and on the record agreement by both
    parties (oil companies and plaintiffs) on the facts of climate
    change. "The issue is not over science."   - Kaya Axelsson

Original Document PDF 

[AG-WEB from the Farm Journal]
*When the Jet Stream is "Blocked" Catastrophic Weather Can Occur 
The sky sometimes has its limits, according to new research from two 
University of Chicago atmospheric scientists....
- - - -
The deadly 2003 European heat wave, California's 2014 drought and the 
swing of Superstorm Sandy in 2012 that surprised forecasters - all of 
these were caused by a weather phenomenon known as "blocking," in which 
the jet stream meanders, stopping weather systems from moving eastward. 
Scientists have known about it for decades, almost as long as they've 
known about the jet stream - first discovered by pioneering University 
of Chicago meteorologist Carl-Gustaf Rossby, in fact - but no one had a 
good explanation for why it happens.

"Blocking is notoriously difficult to forecast, in large part because 
there was no compelling theory about when it forms and why," said study 
coauthor Noboru Nakamura, a professor in the Department of the 
Geophysical Sciences...
- - - -
"It turns out the jet stream has a capacity for 'weather traffic,' just 
as highway has traffic capacity, and when it is exceeded, blocking 
manifests as congestion," said Huang.
Much like car traffic, movement slows when multiple highways converge 
and the speed of the jet stream is reduced due to topography such as 
mountains or coasts.
The result is a simple theory that not only reproduces blocking, but 
predicts it, said Nakamura, who called making the cross-disciplinary 
connection "one of the most unexpected, but enlightening moments in my 
research career - truly a gift from God."...
- - - - -
*Atmospheric blocking as a traffic jam in the jet stream 

    Atmospheric blocking due to anomalous, persistent meandering of the
    jet stream often causes weather extremes in the midlatitudes.
    Despite its ubiquity, the onset mechanism of blocking is not well
    understood. Here we demonstrate with meteorological data that there
    exists a close analogy between blocking and traffic congestion on a
    highway, and that they can be described by a common mathematical
    theory. The theory predicts that the jet stream has a capacity for
    the flux of wave activity (a measure of meandering), just as the
    highway has traffic capacity, and when it is exceeded, blocking
    manifests as congestion. Stationary waves modulate the jet stream's
    capacity for transient waves and localize block formation. Climate
    change likely affects blocking frequency by modifying the jet
    stream's proximity to capacity.


[local. regional govt is key]
*Solar Is Saving Low-Income Households Money in Colorado. It Could Be a 
National Model. 
The state's energy assistance programs are solving two challenges at 
once: help people save money on electricity bills while expanding 
renewable energy.
By Dan Gearino
Low-income households in Colorado are getting a new question during 
visits from energy assistance agencies: Have you considered solar panels?
It's an innovative approach to solving two challenges at once: reducing 
greenhouse gas emissions as the effects of climate change appear across 
the state, and lowering low-income families' electricity bills...
- - - --
One key to Colorado's success is that much of the rooftop solar work is 
being run by county and regional weatherization offices that already 
provide insulation and other energy efficiency services.

[Drought in Afghanistan - PBS report - 7 min video]
*Educated Afghan women offer economic resilience in the face of climate 
change and conflict 
PBS NewsHour - Published on Jul 4, 2018
Drought is drying up farms across Afghanistan, cracking the earth and 
threatening the only way of life the majority has ever known. It's in 
the fields where a new war is being waged between two forces the people 
can't control: climate change and terrorism. But, as special 
correspondent Beth Murphy of The GroundTruth Projects reports, some are 
seeing greater reason to let their daughters be educated.
transcript at:

[Ice drama]*
****Film 'Arctic' Shot on an Icelandic Glacier 
Jade Payne - 3 July 2018
The endless expanse of white snow atop a glacier, framed by Icelandic 
mountains, served as the set for the new movie "Arctic," which premiered 
at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival in France. The film, a solo-survival 
thriller shot in 2017, is director and screenwriter Joe Penna's feature 
film debut.
The only survivor of a plane crash in the highlands of Iceland, 
researcher and explorer Overgard must brave the frigid environment 
during his decision to either stay with the relative safety of the plane 
wreckage or venture into the unknown in search of help.
"Arctic" is the man versus nature genre in its purest form, with the 
story and imagery speaking in place of the film's lack of dialogue. Mads 
Mikkelsen, who portrays Overgard, told Variety that the landscape "is 
the main character in many ways."
The environment is more than just visually striking, as its physical 
challenges are not an easy hurdle. About 11 percent of Iceland is 
covered by glaciers, and the winter temperatures average around 14 
degrees Fahrenheit but can drop well into the negatives. This climate, 
paired with sustained high winds made for a difficult shoot, but an 
intense portrayal.
Despite these challenges, Penna maintains that "the tundra is the 
precise place where 'Arctic' was to be shot -  the harshest environment 
on Earth."
The juxtaposition of a solitary human against the vastness of the Arctic 
allows the courage and determination of Overgard to shine through.
"Nothing represents as much the fragility of a human as the sight of a 
simple silhouette crossing an endless sea of snow," he states. This 
scene, shot from above, specifically proved difficult when shooting in a 
snow-covered landscape. "With virgin snow everywhere you look, it was 
difficult to manage the sets so that they do not look like a 
construction site where 30 people came and went," stated director of 
photography Tomas Orn Tomasson.
With winds 30 to 40 knots throughout the 20-day winter shoot, continuity 
was difficult with the weather in Iceland's highlands, where the largest 
ice caps are located.
"Throughout the filming, weather conditions changed every hour, 
destroying the continuity of our catch," said Penna in an interview.
The film, with a 97-minute run-time, was a "Golden Camera" nominee at 
Cannes. It claimed one of the midnight showings where it received an 
extended standing ovation. Reviews overall have been favorable. It 
received a 7.3 out of 10 on IMDB and a 100 percent "Fresh" rating on 
Rotten Tomatoes by critics.
The film will be released in the United States in 2019 by studio Bleeker 
Street where a wider audience will have the chance to witness the 
frozen, glacial world of "Arctic."

    Video clip of movie Arctic
    *Cannes 2018: Mads Mikkelsen in ARCTIC Clip
    Screen Anarchy
    Published on May 8, 2018
    A man stranded in the Arctic is finally about to receive his
    long-awaited rescue. However, after a tragic accident, his
    opportunity is lost. He must then decide whether to remain in the
    relative safety of his camp or to embark on a deadly trek through
    the unknown for potential salvation.

Penna encourages the audience to "admire our main character's silent 
performance," which allows them to "take something different away from 
the film than the person sitting next to [them] in the theatre."
Glaciers are an excellent way to achieve this effect, and filmmakers 
have taken notice of glacial settings for many years. Glaciers are able 
to stimulate the imagination of all those involved by providing a truly 
unique and striking environment sure to capture the attention of the 

[Just what are you denying?]
*Beating the Heat is not Funny. Ok, Sometimes its Funny. 
July 4, 2018
Seven years ago this week, @USATODAY gave us the best newspaper graphic 
of all time 
<https://twitter.com/BrettKelman/status/1013792835366277121/photo/1>. It 
will never stop being funny.

Day in Climate History - July 5, 2912 
- from D.R. Tucker*
July 5, 2012: Economist Yoram Bauman and law professor Shi-Ling Hsu 
point out the benefits of a federal carbon tax in a New York Times article.

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