[✔️] March 18, 2022 - Daily Global Warming News Digest

👀 Richard Pauli richard at theclimate.vote
Fri Mar 18 10:12:14 EDT 2022

/*March 18, 2022*/

[ NOAA data from Wildfire Today ]
*Western drought expected to continue through June*
Author Bill Gabbert -- March 17, 2022
Affecting parts of 23 states
In an analysis updated March 17 by NOAA, the drought in the western half 
of the United States is expected continue at least through June 30, 
2022, affecting parts of 23 states.
And in most of those areas the temperatures will be higher than average 
and there will be less than average precipitation.

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/[ bookmark this site for a US Drought Monitor - Maps, Data, summary, 
etc. ]/
*U.S. Drought Monitor*
Map released: March 17, 2022
Current map - https://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/CurrentMap.aspx

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[ also bookmark this NOAA site  ]
*US Seasonal Drought Outlook *[Map]*
*pdf version 

/[ words from climate scientists -- brief video clips ]/
*Cross Section of Key Scientists on Climate Extremes and the Impact on 
Mar 17, 2022
Clips from recent interviews, March 2022.


/[ Sarcasm atop Aussie Satire video ad ]/
*Honest Government Ad | The Floods 🌊*
Mar 17, 2022
The Australien Government has made an ad about this summer’s floods and 
it’s surprisingly honest and informative. 🇦🇺👽🌊

👉 Help communities recover from the floods in Qld/NSW:
🔹 https://www.gofundme.com/f/bundjalung-community-flood-relief
🔹 https://www.floodhelpnr.com.au
🔹 https://www.givit.org.au/storms-and-flooding

/[  Global warming means that everything is interconnected ]/
//*As BP, Shell, ExxonMobil Announce Cutting Ties to Russia, Oil Baron 
Charles Koch Remains Silent About His Sprawling Russian Operations*
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: March 8, 2022 ~

British Petroleum (BP), Shell, ExxonMobil and Norwegian oil and gas 
producer, Equinor, have all released statements indicating they are 
severing business ties with Russia in response to its invasion of 
Ukraine. But billionaire oil baron Charles Koch, who has sat at the helm 
of Koch Industries for more than half a century, has been unusually 
quiet about his plans for his sprawling Russian operations.

According to Koch Industries, one of the largest private corporations in 
the world, three of its companies operate in Russia: Molex, a 
manufacturer of semi-conductors, printed circuits, fiber optics and a 
multitude of other electrical components; Koch Engineered Solutions, 
which makes process and pollution control equipment; and Guardian 
Industries, a glass and auto parts manufacturer. Another unit of Koch 
Industries, Koch Supply and Trading, has a history of trading Russian oil.

Guardian Industries’ division, Guardian Glass, has two large plants in 
Russia: one in Ryazan and one in Rostov. The Rostov plant was described 
as follows in a 2011 press release from Guardian Glass:

    “The $220-million plant will be Guardian’s largest, producing 900
    tons of glass per day, and will include a technologically advanced
    glass coater.

    “The Rostov plant will produce Guardian’s high-performance,
    energy-efficient ClimaGuard(R) (residential) and SunGuard(R)
    (commercial) glass products for construction of homes, offices,
    retail, health-care and other facilities. The plant is expected to
    begin operation in mid-2012, based on fulfillment of all incentives
    and agreements with local authorities, and will initially create 300
    new jobs…

    “The location is a good fit for Guardian’s growth strategy to supply
    glass to Russia and neighboring countries….”

Should Charles Koch be supplying glass for “homes, offices, retail, 
health care” in Russia while Russian President Vladimir Putin, in the 
name of Russia, is bombing homes, offices and hospitals into rubble in 
Ukraine and ruthlessly killing innocent children and families?

In addition to imposing sweeping financial sanctions, both the European 
Union and the U.S. have imposed sanctions intended to strip Russia of 
technology that would allow its economy to advance while it bombs its 
neighbor and makes thinly-veiled threats about its potential use of 
nuclear weapons. According to the European Council on Foreign Relations, 
this is what those technology sanctions consist of:

    “The long list of advanced technologies subject to de facto bans on
    exports to Russia includes semiconductors, telecommunications
    equipment, software (including that for encryption), lasers,
    aviation and space systems, and oil-refining machinery. While EU
    sanctions are limited to sales and exports to Russia from within the
    union, the US now prohibits exports to Russia and Belarus from
    anywhere in the world of any product created using American software
    or equipment. With other important tech players such as South Korea,
    Japan, and Taiwan having joined the blockade, Russia is largely cut
    off from the global high-tech industry.”

This raises the question as to whether products produced within Russia 
by U.S. corporations need to be separately sanctioned. Other major 
corporations did not need to have that spelled out and quickly announced 
that they were severing relationships with Russia. Koch, however, is not 
known for altruistic behavior. In fact, it is known for exactly the 

According to ImportGenius.com, in the past eight years Koch Supply and 
Trading has purchased large amounts of oil from two Russian companies, 
Gazprom Neft and Surgutex. Koch Supply and Trading is a sprawling 
trading octopus that operates in the dark for the most part. For all 
anyone knows, it could be trading Russian oil on world markets, which 
could be propping up the price of Russian oil and helping to finance 
Putin’s brutal and murderous campaign in Ukraine.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the first-ever shipments of 
Russian crude oil purchased by the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve in 
2002 were supplied by Koch Industries.

For the past forty years, Charles Koch has been involved in creating and 
funding a sprawling network of front groups that seek to shrink the 
federal government in order to gut it of its regulatory powers over 
corporations – particularly those involved with fossil fuels, like his 
own Koch Industries. Charles Koch, who is currently worth $53 billion 
according to Forbes, also holds semi-annual strategy meetings with 
like-minded billionaires and millionaires to plan how to sway election 
outcomes to candidates that will do their bidding in Congress.

In 2014, then Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid accused Charles Koch and 
his brother, David (who died in 2019) of trying “to fix every election 
in America to their liking.” That was the same year that Koch Industries 
launched its first ever nationwide marketing campaign – which since that 
time has enriched media outlets with millions of dollars in ads for its 
consumer paper products division which produces such items as Dixie 
disposable paper plates, bowls, cups and Northern Quilted and Angel Soft 
bath tissue.

Charles Koch tried to distance himself in the media from Donald Trump’s 
reelection bid but he and Koch Industries were deeply incentivized to 
ensure that Donald Trump had another four years as President, because 
the first Trump administration had been packed with Koch-friendly 

A Koch nonprofit front group that played a major role in the 2016 
presidential election was Freedom Partners. (It shuttered in 2019.) It 
was hard to see where Freedom Partners began and Koch Industries ended. 
In 2018, we took a hard look at Freedom Partners’ Board of Directors. We 
found that all but one of its Board Members was a current or former Koch 
company employee. According to the Center for Media and Democracy, 
Freedom Partners ended up with 12 of its former employees working in the 
Trump Administration.

Freedom Partners Action Fund, a related organization that pummeled 
Democrats in attack ads in the leadup to the 2016 election, had received 
at least $14 million from Charles Koch and his trust before it shuttered 
its operations.

Freedom Partners put their marching orders for the first Trump 
administration in a formal memo. The Trump administration quickly 
marched to the beat, from the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord 
to the massive tax cut for corporations.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), seen as an enemy by the 
fossil fuels industry, was handily dealt with by the Trump 
administration. He put industry cronies in charge. Koch Industries has 
been serially charged, including a criminal conviction, with dangerously 
polluting the environment. On January 13, 2000, the Justice Department 
and the Environmental Protection Agency announced the largest civil fine 
ever imposed against Koch Industries to resolve claims related to its 
“more than 300 oil spills from its pipelines and oil facilities in six 
states.” The company agreed to pay a $30 million civil penalty and spend 
$5 million on environmental projects. Daniel Schulman documented Koch 
Industries’ history of environmental abuses in his 2014 book, Sons of 
Wichita: How the Koch Brothers Became America’s Most Powerful and 
Private Dynasty.

The activities of Charles Koch and Koch Industries are incompatible with 
a democracy. They have funded climate denial front groups for decades. 
They’ve turned much of the Republican Party into parrots of Ayn Rand. 
They own a political campaign services company with a massive voter 
database called i360 that works on behalf of Koch-approved candidates 
for both state and federal office. (How is it legal, by the way, for a 
fossil fuels conglomerate to function as a de facto political party/get 
out the vote operation?) And as we reported in January of last year, the 
money trail to the January 6 siege on the Capitol leads directly to 
Charles Koch and Koch Industries.

Last March, Daniel Lippman at Politico reported that Charles Koch had 
made a commitment to donate $4.5 million over five years to the think 
tank, the Atlantic Council. What happened next was that a pro-Russian 
article popped up on the Atlantic Council’s website. The co-author of 
the piece, Emma Ashford, had come from the Cato Institute. (For how the 
Koch brothers kept their ownership of the non-profit think tank, the 
Cato Institute, a secret for decades, see our report: Secret Owners of 
Cato Institute Surface as Koch Brothers Move to Take Control.)

The article on Russia at the Atlantic Council was so bad that 22 of the 
think-tanks’ staffers and fellows released a statement distancing 
themselves from the article. According to Lippman, “One person who 
signed the statement told POLITICO that they worried the article was, or 
might be viewed as, a shoddy work product influenced by a $4.5 million 
donation over five years to the Atlantic Council from Charles Koch, who 
advocates for less American intervention abroad.”

Something has gone incredibly wrong with U.S. intelligence and the U.S. 
national security apparatus for this Koch Industries structure to be 
tolerated in America.



/[  "Climate change is threat multiplier for all other risks." Beckwith 
video rant -- start video at about 5 mins in  ]/
*Climate Change Risk Assessment: Emissions, Heat Waves, Drought, and 
Cascading Impacts: Chatham House*
Mar 17, 2022 --  Paul Beckwith
I chat in detail about the excellent Chatham House report on Climate 
Change Risks to our society.

First I talk a bit about what Chatham House is and does. You may have 
heard about meetings that follow Chatham House rules, which basically 
mean that all ideas and topics in the meeting can be openly and publicly 
disseminated, but no person in the meeting can be identified and no idea 
can be attributed to any person. This protocol ensures that ideas can be 
openly and truthfully discussed without any political or peer pressure 
nonsense inhibitions.

I then go over the key summary and conclusions of the report, and talk 
about the key ideas within, relating to direct climate effects, 
temperature rises, heat waves and drought and direct impacts on society 
via food supply disruption and water disruption.

To me, the most interesting and important sections in the report are on 
the cascading systemic impacts of climate change on society, and the 
numerous cause and effect flowcharts outlining how climate disruption 
impacts and multiplies societal disruption in areas of finance, supply 
chains, armed conflict, resource wars, political instabilities, poverty, 
nationalism and populism; all very relevant topics two years into a 
pandemic that many thing is ending, with armed conflict of Russia 
invading Ukraine and dictator threats of nuclear conflict and chatter 
about the possibilities of World War III.

- -

[ Research Paper mentioned above ]

/[  Make it a holiday ] /
*Why misinformation is 'sticky' and sometimes easy to fall for*
MAR 16, 2022
BY Kim Malcolm, Andy Hurst

MisinfoDay is a yearly education event hosted by the Center for an 
Informed Public (CIP) at the University of Washington and Washington 
State University’s Edward R. Murrow College of Communication. The goal 
is to teach high school students how to identify and combat online 

Maddy Jalbert is a postdoc scholar with the CIP. She's an expert on why 
people fall for misinformation. She told KUOW’s Kim Malcolm about some 
of her findings.

This interview has been edited for clarity.
**Maddy Jalbert:* One of the big reasons people fall for misinformation 
is that we don't always question whether information is true. When we go 
about our daily lives, for example, you're probably not questioning, 
‘Oh, is she lying about her name? Is she lying about where she's from? 
Is her name really Maddy?’ We often don't go about just questioning 
everything. In fact, we generally go about the world assuming that what 
we're told is true, unless we have a reason to question it.
**Kim Malcolm: And once someone has been given a piece of information, 
even if it turns out it's untrue, it can be hard to get it out of your 
head, right?*

Information can be very sticky. Once we learn something, we just can't 
go back and erase the information. Think about in the courtroom if 
someone gives evidence and then withdraws it. It's not like the jury can 
simply pretend that they've never heard the evidence before.

I'll give you an example of something that was sticky for me. You may 
have heard that you lose most of your heat through your head, so you had 
a parent that told you to wear a hat. You may think when it's cold out, 
the most important thing you can wear is a hat. But you've also probably 
thought, ‘if I'm going outside, am I going to be warmer if I wear a coat 
and I wear warm pants and I wear boots, and I don't wear a hat, or if I 
go outside naked with just a hat?’

We can see that we hold this false belief, we lose most of our heat 
through our head, but we're really bad at updating that based on our 
experience. We've never really connected our experience to the belief, 
so these things can just be really sticky.
**You've also studied something called the illusory truth effect. What 
is that?*

The illusory truth effect refers to the phenomenon that merely repeating 
information makes it seem more true. This occurs for true information 
and for false information. If you've seen something before, you're more 
likely to believe it when you come across it again. Before it was ever 
studied in a lab, demagogues knew that it worked, that just merely 
repeating something over and over was an effective tactic to spread that 

*You study misinformation, but you also look at how to fight it. What is 
the key for individuals, even if they think they're super savvy about 
what they're looking at?*

That is a good question. There's still a lot of work to be done, but I 
would say one key thing is just being aware that everyone is susceptible 
to misinformation. As individuals, we have a tendency to believe that 
others can be biased, but we ourselves are not. But in fact, all of us 
are susceptible to misinformation. This is really just a byproduct of 
the way our brains work. Our brains like to take shortcuts because we 
really just can't do everything all of the time. And typically, the 
shortcuts work. When we come across something and it feels true, we 
trust the source. Oftentimes, that information is true, but when we rely 
on these shortcuts, it's inevitable that there are going to be false 
beliefs and misinformation that sneak in. It's really just part of being 

*It has come up in conversation a lot over the last couple of years that 
media literacy needs to be required curriculum for middle school and 
high school students. What do you think of that?*

I think that media literacy is one of the most important things you can 
teach. Every day I'm on social media, and with social media, we tend to 
build habits. If we can teach people to have good social media habits 
and good media habits when they're younger, as they get older those 
habits are going to be useful for the rest of their lives.
Listen to the interview by clicking the play button...

- -

[After you get news, it's time to check the listings in databases]
*SourceWatch and DeSmogBlog*

/[  "Jason Edward Hickel is an economic anthropologist whose research 
focuses on ecological economics, global inequality, imperialism and 
political economy."   Consider an eco-Utopia. Such a great interview.   
Alas, how do we make a fast transition? ]/
*Degrowth and Ecosocialism | Jason Hickel*
Mar 17, 2022
Planet: Critical
Economic anthropologist, Jason Hickel, is one of the leading degrowth 
researchers leading the charge for ecosocialism. He says if we limit the 
energy demands of the elite and hungry multinational corporations, 
reimagining economics to support and nurture human dignity, we could 
stay within our planetary boundaries—and lift the entire world out of 
- -
Degrowth proves putting people over profit would be good for the planet. 
Some of the most exciting policies include shortening the work week, 
providing universal basic services, and redistributing income. As we 
discuss, it’s a form of environmentalism that could join forces with the 
labour movement to dictate massive, sweeping global changes that could 
provide a better quality of life for every living being on earth.

- -

/[ books by Jason Hickel]/
“A powerfully disruptive book for disrupted times.  Jason Hickel takes 
all we've been told about growth and development and turns it inside 
out, offering instead a radically possible vision of a post-growth 
future. If you’re looking for transformative ideas, this book is for you.”

/[The news archive - looking back]/
*March 18, 2013*

USA Today reports: "Could the USA deal with a Hurricane Katrina every 
two years? Such a scenario is possible by the end of the century due to 
climate change, according to a study published Monday in the Proceedings 
of the National Academy of Sciences."


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More daily news summaries
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- -

[After you get the news, it's time to check the listings in databases]
*SourceWatch and DeSmogBlog*


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