[✔️] November 1, 2022 - Global Warming News Digest

Richard Pauli Richard at CredoandScreed.com
Tue Nov 1 09:17:18 EDT 2022

/*November 1, 2022*/

/[ COP-out- 27  ] /
*Cop27 protesters will be corralled in desert away from climate conference*
Visitors to Sharm el-Sheikh also face extensive searches and video 
surveillance in taxis
Ruth Michaelson
Mon 31 Oct 2022
Across Sharm el-Sheikh, a slim strip of manicured resorts, asphalt and 
concrete near the southern tip of the Sinai peninsula, teams of workers 
are putting the finishing touches to preparations for the UN’s Cop27 
climate conference.
- -
New surveillance technologies are also in place, so much so that Maj Gen 
Khaled Fouda, governor of South Sinai, recently boasted to a local cable 
channel that any visitors entering overland will be extensively searched 
at a gate encircling the city. He added that 500 white taxis 
commissioned to transport attenders during the conference will be 
equipped with interior cameras, all connected to a local “security 
observatory”, to monitor the footage.

There will be space for protesters to gather at Cop27, but only in a 
purpose-built area out near a highway and away from the conference 
centre or any other signs of life. Images of the designated protest area 
show a row of white painted cabins between a row of palm trees and a car 
park. It was unclear whether protesters will be permitted to spread out 
among the vast open landscape, or be forced to crowd next to the cabins 
to find relief from the desert sun.

“It’s very chic, very clean. There are cafes and restaurants on site,” 
said Fouda, and: “No one is allowed here without registration.” He added 
that Egyptian authorities constructed the protest area in response to a 
spate of calls from western diplomats worried that demonstrations would 
be prevented at Cop27 in line with a ban on public protest that has 
existed for almost a decade.

“This could be the most highly surveilled Cop in the history of the 
conference,” said Hussein Baoumi, of Amnesty International.

- -

/[ Thunberg watch -- so reports Fortune magazine ]/
*COP27 leaders and says she’ll skip the ‘greenwashing’ climate summit*
October 31, 2022
- -
Speaking at a Q&A for the launch of her new book, Thunberg announced she 
would be skipping the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, 
otherwise known as COP27, held in Egypt next week, as it has become a 
platform for attention-grabbing politicians.

    “I’m not going to COP27 for many reasons, but the space for civil
    society this year is extremely limited,” Thunberg said.

    “COPs are mainly used as an opportunity for leaders and people in
    power to get attention, using many different kinds of greenwashing.”...


/[  Wise scientist Dr Jennifer Francis predicts the next el Nino will be 
mean - a brief video]/
Oct 31, 2022
*I spoke not long ago to Jennifer Francis of the Woodwell Climate 
Research Center in MA.*
Jennifer is a highly respected senior scientist and researcher.

/[ Time to reconsider a new opinion  text ]/
*Climate Reparations Really Aren’t That Radical—or Hard*
Noah Gordon
October 26, 2022
Examples of reparations paid throughout history show that making amends 
is much more feasible than rich countries today would have us believe.
- -
Reparations that involve transfers of value from one country to another 
are more relevant for the climate case. The idea behind calls for loss 
and damage funding is that the countries that have done most to pollute 
the atmosphere, and grown rich doing so, should compensate, per U.N. 
language, “developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the 
adverse effects of climate change.” In other words, countries like the 
U.S., France, and Japan should pay countries like Brazil, Indonesia, or 
small island states like Kiribati that will literally disappear beneath 
the waves.
- -
Climate reparations must also overcome hurdles that have not applied in 
past instances. For one, the crime is not only ongoing but 
accelerating—more than half of all carbon dioxide emissions have 
occurred since 1990. For another, the guilty and the wronged can switch 
places: By some point in the late 2020s, China will have emitted more 
greenhouse gases than the EU countries ever have. Yet for the purposes 
of U.N. climate talks, China is officially a developing country that 
would be a recipient of loss and damage funds. And there’s a serious 
first mover problem: Would EU countries agree to hand over large sums 
for loss and damage if Canada or the U.S. refused to budge? Denmark 
recently became the first rich country to make a substantial loss and 
damage pledge—$13 million. But that’s still minuscule in the context of 
these talks...
- -
If rich Western countries harbor any claims to moral leadership on 
climate policy, they have to do better than their officials’ current 
dismissive rhetoric on loss and damage, as exemplified by John Kerry’s 
remarks in September. They must at least consider formal apologies and 
meet unmet pledges for adaptation and mitigation funding. And as for 
loss and damages payment, the least they could do is make concrete 
offers for nonmonetary reparations of the sort that the Caricom 
Caribbean Community has requested of their former European colonizers, 
which in the climate case could include setting up cultural institutions 
to preserve memories of cultures threatened by climate change. Offering 
residence permits to citizens of small island states that will one day 
be lost to the sea would be another good place to start.

Reparations aren’t radical, and they aren’t without precedent. COP27 
will not deliver reparations commensurate to the offense, or in line 
with potential recipients’ demands. But, as with climate mitigation, it 
is better to take some step forward, however small, than to stonewall. 
Better to push for a bike lane on your street or pass an imperfect bill 
through Congress than to stick one’s head in the sand. Better to set up 
a reparations commission or offer some symbolic small-scale funding than 
to pretend that reparations are inconceivable.

/[ futurism -- some thoughtful discussions on decline - mostly outside 
of climate change considerations ]/
*John Michael Greer - The Catabolic Collapse Of Civilization (Part 2)*
Oct 12, 2022  Is the collapse of modern civilization already underway? 
John Michael Greer explains the "Catabolic Collapse" stair-step model of 
decline and we discuss living standards, corporate & financial losses, 
inflation, energy costs, and how overall socioeconomic complexity 
contributes to the decline process.

In today's interview, we address key audience questions related to a 
number of topics from our first interview, including: anthropogenic 
climate change, corporate & financial losses, inflation, masking of 
decline issues through automation and privatization, standards of living 
and "side gigs", the relative importance of peak oil, and the 
contributions of complexity, and much more.

John Michael Greer is an accomplished author who writes on ecology, 
politics, appropriate technology, oil depletion and the occult. He has 
published dozens of both books and articles, many of them on peak oil, 
economics, history, philosophy and related topics.

In a 2005 abstract, called "How Civilizations Fall: A Theory of 
Catabolic Collapse", he described an ecological model of collapse in 
which production fails to meet maintenance requirements for existing 
capital, which we'll be discussing today.

- -

/[ his paper ]/
*How Civilizations Fall : A Theory of Catabolic Collapse*
J. Greer
Published 2005
The collapse of complex human societies remains poorly understood and 
current theories fail to model important features of historical examples 
of collapse. Relationships among resources, capital, waste, and 
production form the basis for an ecological model of collapse in which 
production fails to meet maintenance requirements for existing capital. 
Societies facing such crises after having depleted essential resources 
risk catabolic collapse, a self-reinforcing cycle of contraction 
converting most capital to waste. This model allows key features of 
historical examples of collapse to be accounted for, and suggests 
parallels between successional processes in nonhuman ecosystems and 
collapse phenomena in human societies.



/[ It is sometimes difficult to listen to fringe voices -- this is a 
controversial science video "We might be in real trouble"  - 
recommending listening to old people ( that's me!!)   ]/
*Joe Brewer - Planetary Collapse and the Path to Regeneration - LIVING 
The Poetry of Predicament
Oct 31, 2022
This is a reposting of an interview with Joe Brewer on the Nicky Rew 
Podcast, December 2020. "Nicky Rew" appears to have discontinued his 
podcast. We are very proud to include Nicky's fine interview with Joe, 
in our online courses and curriculum.

Here in Living Resilience, in addition to producing this Poetry of 
Predicament Podcast, we offer support and study groups, special guest 
events, and live and self-paced online courses... all in service to the 
global Collapse-Aware community.

The short version of our mission statement or elevator pitch for this 
work: Profound Resources Facing Troubled Times.
- -
We recommend that the viewer watch all 82 minutes of this interview. Joe 
Brewer is one of the few Regenerative Human Systems Designers alive 
today... and one of a very small handful of people actually creating a 
real-time experiment in regenerative community and living, in his 
project in Colombia.

For those who are watching this with the particular focus of our Living 
Resilience - Sense Making Course (available in our online Community 
Space - https://living-resilience.mn.co )
you may want to jump ahead to the chapter marker "Collapse Projections" 
at approximately 49:43. This is followed by Joe's description of his 
Regenerative Community and Living project.

Our main reasons for including this interview with Joe Brewer in our 
in-house Sense-Making course material are: Joe's remarkably clear and 
concise recap of long-standing and prescient projections from early 
research on human-caused collapse of both Earth and Human Systems. We 
seem to be a self-terminating global culture. One especially toxic 
feature of our self defeating ways is that we have less and less ability 
to integrate any sort of historical context for our now life-critical 
choices. Joe's synthesis of a couple of particularly potent early 
predictions of our collapse stands in sharp contrast to his remarkable 
work in creating regenerative communities in the face of our daunting 


/[ a nice innocent Halloween report --  listening to a young news 
enthusiast -- she is just relaying information - who also seems to have 
a calm demeanor for this kind of news  ]/
*Lula wins Brazil's presidential election, Egypt pushes gas as a climate 
solution | The Climate Recap*
Beckisphere Climate Corner
k34 views  Nov 1, 2022

/[The news archive - looking back]/
/*November 1,  1987*/
November 1, 1987: At a Democratic presidential candidates' forum on the 
environment in Manchester, New Hampshire, Boston Globe environmental 
reporter Dianne Dumanoski asks Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis and 
Sen. Al Gore about their plans to address acid rain and climate change. 
Dukakis and Gore note that the US must show global leadership on both 



*Mass media is lacking, here are a few daily summariesof global warming 
news - email delivered*

**Inside Climate News*
We deliver climate news to your inbox like nobody else. Every day or 
once a week, our original stories and digest of the web’s top headlines 
deliver the full story, for free.
**Climate Nexus* https://climatenexus.org/hot-news/*
Delivered straight to your inbox every morning, Hot News summarizes the 
most important climate and energy news of the day, delivering an 
unmatched aggregation of timely, relevant reporting. It also provides 
original reporting and commentary on climate denial and pro-polluter 
activity that would otherwise remain largely unexposed.    5 weekday
*Carbon Brief Daily https://www.carbonbrief.org/newsletter-sign-up*
Every weekday morning, in time for your morning coffee, Carbon Brief 
sends out a free email known as the “Daily Briefing” to thousands of 
subscribers around the world. The email is a digest of the past 24 hours 
of media coverage related to climate change and energy, as well as our 
pick of the key studies published in the peer-reviewed journals.
more at https://www.getrevue.co/publisher/carbon-brief
*T*he Daily Climate *Subscribe https://ehsciences.activehosted.com/f/61*
Get The Daily Climate in your inbox - FREE! Top news on climate impacts, 
solutions, politics, drivers. Delivered week days. Better than coffee.
Other newsletters  at https://www.dailyclimate.org/originals/


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