[✔️] November 30, 2022 - Global Warming News Digest

Richard Pauli Richard at CredoandScreed.com
Wed Nov 30 09:07:03 EST 2022

/*November 30, 2022*/

/[  Global News - 2 minute video  ] /
*20 per cent of species in Canada at risk of extinction: Report*
Global News
693 views  Nov 29, 2022
More than 2,200 plants, animals, fish, and other wildlife in Canada are 
at some level of risk of extinction, according to a troubling new report 
released by the federal and provincial governments.
The study comes as Montreal prepares to host next week’s COP15 summit on 

/[  Tic Tok  ]/

/[  From Climate Home News  ]/
*The climate vulnerable are starting to roar*
Published on 28/11/2022, 3:15pm
The Cop27 summit won a breakthrough for those on the frontlines of the 
climate emergency. Cop28 must herald the end of oil and gas
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Countries at Cop27 agreed to create a special fund for “loss and damage” 
which will effectively compensate people who have suffered the most 
severe climate impacts, ones so bad they cannot be adapted to.

It’s a remarkable achievement considering that vulnerable countries had 
to fight to even get the issue on the agenda in the first few days of 
the meeting. Many of us weren’t convinced we would get this positive 
outcome halfway through the two-week summit in Sharm.

But in the negotiating rooms and conference halls, the developing 
countries, with civil society support, fought as if their lives depended 
on it because they do. The cause of climate justice prevailed. How is it 
fair that those suffering loss and damage caused by others, not 
themselves, should have to pay for it?

Creating the fund is one thing, but it’s currently an empty vessel. The 
next task is to get money flowing through it to the frontline 
communities that need it...
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Already, there are signs that the reign of the fossil fuel industry is 
beginning to crack. For the first time a Cop decision document included 
language around the expansion of renewables.

World leaders who attended the summit, such as Kenya’s president William 
Ruto, championed the benefits of clean power and outlined why they were 
leaving their fossil fuel reserves in the ground.

Witnessing African leadership on African soil was a proud moment for 
this African.  There’s no reason we can’t see our entire continent 
becoming pioneers for such forward-thinking energy policy. After all, 
Africa contains 39% of the world’s renewable energy potential.

Another sign the fossil fuel industry is getting nervous is just how 
many lobbyists they are now sending to these annual climate talks to try 
and disrupt them in favour of flogging their product of pollution.

This year saw a record number of fossil fuel industry delegates, more 
than 600. A few years ago, they wouldn’t have bothered but they know the 
growing demand for action on climate change by the public and that the 
transformative potential of clean energy is a threat to their 
century-long monopoly of the global energy market. So much so they have 
distorted the world’s carefully balanced climate during that time.

We still have a long way to go, and the indifference of the fossil fuel 
companies at the climate suffering they cause knows no bounds. But the 
victory of the vulnerables in Sharm shows what can be achieved when 
enough people get behind a good idea and gives us confidence that we 
can, and must, end the world’s addiction to fossil fuels.

Mohamed Adow is the director of Power Shift Africa.

/[ classroom ed -- understanding net zero  1 hour video ]/
*The Atmospheric Physics Behind Net Zero*
Gresham College
921 views  Nov 29, 2022
Before net zero, climate policy was all about contraction and 
convergence of emissions between rich and poor to achieve, in the words 
of the Rio Convention, “stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations 
in the atmosphere” at a safe level. But scientists struggled to 
establish what that “safe” level was, making little progress in over a 
quarter of a century. And it was not because we were incompetent: for 
fundamental reasons in physics and probability theory, we were asking 
the wrong question.

A lecture by Myles Allen
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available 
from the Gresham College website:

Gresham College has offered free public lectures for over 400 years, 
thanks to the generosity of our supporters. There are currently over 
2,500 lectures free to access. We believe that everyone should have the 
opportunity to learn from some of the greatest minds. To support 
Gresham's mission, please consider making a donation: 
Website: https://gresham.ac.uk

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/[ Climate modeling prediction - what scientists knew in the 1970s and 
the Charney report ] /https://youtu.be/Auq5PLKTA3M?t=2188

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/[  Great history of the science - MIT looks at a point in history of 
chaos theory and studying weather and climate - video by MIT 15 min ]/
*Celebrating the Science of Jule Charney and Ed Lorenz*
MIT Video Productions
1,947 views  Mar 23, 2018
Born 100 years ago, MIT professors Jule Charney and Ed Lorenz profoundly 
shaped the field of meteorology during their lifetimes. Charney laid the 
groundwork for numerical weather prediction and saw it transform nearly 
every aspect of the field, while Lorenz changed our conception of 
weather from deterministic phenomena to chaos. Their stories are 
intertwined with the evolution of meteorological research at MIT, which 
is continued today in the Program for Oceans, Atmospheres, and Climate 
within the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences.

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/[ more physics lessons ]/
*The Atmospheric Physics Behind Net Zero*

/[  from the Guardian ]/
*Evidence grows of forced labour and slavery in production of solar 
panels, wind turbines*
A ‘certificate of origin’ scheme could counter concerns about renewables 
supply chains, says Clean Energy Council
Adam Morton Climate and environment editor
Mon 28 Nov 2022
- -
The Australian clean energy industry has warned of growing evidence 
linking renewable energy supply chains to modern slavery, and urged 
companies and governments to act to eliminate it.

A report by the Clean Energy Council, representing renewable energy 
companies and solar installers, has called for more local renewable 
energy production and manufacturing and a “certificate of origin” scheme 
to counter concerns about slave labour in mineral extraction and 
manufacturing in China, Africa and South America...
[ more at ] 

/[ from Variety ]/
*Jordan Peele, Riz Ahmed to Executive Produce Nuhash Humayun’s 
Live-Action Short ‘Moshari’ (EXCLUSIVE)*
By K.J. Yossman
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“’Moshari’ is a unique horror short in that it’s profoundly visual and 
emotionally striking from the first frame,” said Rosenfeld and Gills. 
“Nuhash drew us into his dynamic post-apocalyptic world and never let 
go. It’s a film about survival, love and family, but it’s also a 
terrifying and novel take on what a monster movie can be. Monkeypaw is 
so grateful to be part of the team.”

Ahmed and Moore added: “We were floored by Nuhash’s riveting film that 
evokes our subconscious fears, from the childhood monster under the bed 
to an apocalyptic future. He weaves together jump scares and an 
emotional survival story of two young sisters, confronting colonialism 
and climate change in the process. We’re thrilled to join Nuhash’s team 
and help share this story.”...

/[ Everyone knows -- this should be an easy fix ]/
*Climate change: Wasted methane gas 'a scandal'*
By Jonah Fisher
BBC Environment Correspondent
Nov 29, 2022
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Green Alliance says oil and gas companies are wasting enough methane to 
power more than 700,000 UK homes.

It says high energy prices mean more of the gas should be captured and used.

A spokesperson for UK oil and gas companies rejected that, saying it was 
not profitable to capture all of it.

Scientists say that methane is, alongside carbon dioxide, one of the 
main contributors to global warming...
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"The technology exists to capture the gas that's being vented and 
emitted from the various equipment that we see on this site," Clean Air 
Task Force campaign manager James Turrito said outside the gate to the 
oil well. "This is absolutely avoidable."

/[  gender  ]/
*We are the global champion for gender equality.*
UN Women is the UN organization delivering programmes, policies and 
standards that uphold women’s human rights and ensure that every woman 
and girl lives up to her full potential.

/[The news archive - looking back at the history of disillusion and 
disinformation ]/
/*November 30, 2010*/
November 30, 2010: Katie Couric, in her CBSNews.com "Notebook" segment, 

    "The debate over global warming is once again heating up in
    Washington. Roughly half of the newly elected Republican
    congressmembers are climate change skeptics, according to one
    survey, and some want to roll back environmental regulations.

    "Their position was bolstered by the Climategate scandal, in which a
    handful of scientists were accused of manipulating data to support
    climate change. The scientists were later cleared, but the damage
    was done. Less than 60 percent of Americans now believe in global
    warming, down from 80 percent in 2006.

    "Still, the vast majority of scientists -- 97 percent -- say
    man-made climate change is real. 700 climate experts have joined a
    media project to educate the public, and UN talks are underway in
    Cancun on a treaty to curb greenhouse gases.

    "Time is ticking. Global warming may have become a political
    football, but scientists say it's one we can't afford to punt."


*Mass media is lacking, here are a few daily summariesof global warming 
news - email delivered*

**Inside Climate News*
We deliver climate news to your inbox like nobody else. Every day or 
once a week, our original stories and digest of the web’s top headlines 
deliver the full story, for free.
**Climate Nexus* https://climatenexus.org/hot-news/*
Delivered straight to your inbox every morning, Hot News summarizes the 
most important climate and energy news of the day, delivering an 
unmatched aggregation of timely, relevant reporting. It also provides 
original reporting and commentary on climate denial and pro-polluter 
activity that would otherwise remain largely unexposed.    5 weekday
*Carbon Brief Daily https://www.carbonbrief.org/newsletter-sign-up*
Every weekday morning, in time for your morning coffee, Carbon Brief 
sends out a free email known as the “Daily Briefing” to thousands of 
subscribers around the world. The email is a digest of the past 24 hours 
of media coverage related to climate change and energy, as well as our 
pick of the key studies published in the peer-reviewed journals.
more at https://www.getrevue.co/publisher/carbon-brief
*T*he Daily Climate *Subscribe https://ehsciences.activehosted.com/f/61*
Get The Daily Climate in your inbox - FREE! Top news on climate impacts, 
solutions, politics, drivers. Delivered week days. Better than coffee.
Other newsletters  at https://www.dailyclimate.org/originals/


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