[✔️] September 23, 2022 - Global Warming News Digest

Richard Pauli Richard at CredoandScreed.com
Fri Sep 23 08:20:52 EDT 2022

/*September 23, 2022*/

/[  PBS //From WHYY audio interview  ]/
*How Climate Change Supercharged The Weather*
Fresh Air
September 22, 2022
44-Minute Listen
Washington Post reporter Brady Dennis warns our aging infrastructure 
systems weren't built to withstand the stresses of climate change: 
"There is a certain amount of suffering that we can't avoid."


/[ 1:20 video to promote political actions  ]/
*Gen Z Mental Health: Climate Stories Trailer, 2022*
August 2022
Maxfield Biggs

/[  audio interview from  ]/
*Overpopulation: From 8 billion to 3 | Phoebe Bernard*
Sep 22, 2022  Phoebe Barnard is a biologist, global change scientist, 
and policy analyst with decades of experience confronting some of the 
most pressing problems of our time, bridging the gap between academia 
and government. She’s also CEO of the Stable Planet Alliance, a 
coalition of scientific, legal, social, health, media, policy, 
leadership, faith, culture, and grassroots organizations tackling the 
overpopulation and hyperconsumption problem.

Phoebe joins me to discuss overpopulation—its effects, our trajectory, 
and the difficult decisions we face as a species. She argues we must 
reduce our population to 3 billion in the next century if planet earth 
is to survive, and us along with it, warning that population reduction 
policies may be forced on citizens in the future if we do not choose for 
ourselves now.

We discuss the morality and politics of overpopulation, addressing the 
West’s all-too-recent history of eugenics and ethnic cleansing. We then 
explore population reduction as an intergenerational right: There may be 
less of us in the future, but those future people may be better off for it.

/[ Brazil contains the Amazon ]/
*Honest Government Ad | Visit Brazil 🇧🇷*
20,250 views  Sep 22, 2022  The Brazilian Government has made a tourism 
ad ahead of the coming election, and it’s surprisingly honest and 
🇧🇷✨ Guest co-writing & voiceover by Sabrina Fernandes

/[ Club of Rome, examines the future,  food as fore-runner - take note, 
make plans ]/
*Julian Cribb The Age of Renewable Food*
Sep 21, 2022  Summary:

    The world food supply is balanced on a knife edge—growing less and
    less secure as our numbers and demands increase.  The climate in
    which agriculture arose is now extinct, half the topsoil is gone and
    water is running critically short. New crises like the current
    heatwaves and Ukraine war will only exacerbate the built-in
    instability caused by these factors into food chain breakdowns and,
    sometimes, famines.  In this talk I describe the problems with the
    human food supply—and a potential approach that can enable us to
    feed ourselves renewably, prevent most wars and reverse the 6th Mass

  Julian Cribb AM is a prolific author and science communicator, member 
of science organizations and winner of many awards.  A newspaper editor 
by trade, he was science editor for The Australian newspaper, director 
of national awareness for CSIRO, and president of Australian 
professional bodies for agricultural journalism and science 
communication.  For two decades his main focus has been the 
self-inflicted existential emergency faced by humanity.  He is a 
co-founder of the Council for the Human Future.

/[ One man's video opinion ]/
*Climate Change and the Collapse of our Societies*
Sep 19, 2022  When people try to imagine how society might collapse if 
we carry on as we are with climate change, they sometimes think that the 
first time we run out of food society will collapse.   However societies 
collapse in much more complex, fascinating ways.

This video is a mixture or using examples of what has previously 
happened when societies fail or are under pressure with personal 
attempts to try and make sense of it all.

Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin, Timothy Snyder
I Was Dying of Hunger near Fields of Grain, Ivan Brynza.
Development as Freedom, Amartya Sen


/[ research plans ]/
*Climate Change is NSF Engineering Alliance’s Top Research Priority 
Other focus areas include biology and cybersecurity*
KATHY PRETZ - - Sept 21, 2022
Since its launch in April 2021, the Engineering Research Visioning 
Alliance has convened a diverse set of experts to explore three areas in 
which fundamental research could have the most impact: climate change; 
the nexus of biology and engineering; and securing critical 
infrastructure against hackers.

To identify priorities for each theme, ERVA—an initiative funded by the 
U.S. National Science Foundation—holds what are termed visioning events, 
wherein IEEE members and hundreds of other experts from academia, 
industry, and nonprofits can conceptualize bold ideas. The results are 
distilled into reports that identify actionable priorities for 
engineering research pursuit. Reports from recent visioning events are 
slated to be released to the public in the next few months.

IEEE is one of more than 20 professional engineering societies that have 
joined ERVA as affiliate partners.

Research energy storage and greenhouse gas capture solutions
Identifying technologies to address the climate crisis was ERVA’s first 
theme. The theme was based on results of a survey ERVA conducted last 
year of the engineering community about what the research priorities 
should be.

“The resounding answer from the 500 respondents was climate change,” 
says Dorota Grejner-Brzezinska, EVRA’s principal investigator. She is a 
vice president for knowledge enterprise at Ohio State University, in 

During the virtual visioning event in December, experts explored solar 
and renewable energy, carbon sequestration, water management, and 
geoengineering. The climate change task force released its report last 

These are some of the research areas ERVA said should be pursued:

Energy storage, transmission, and critical materials. The materials 
include those that are nanoengineered, ones that could be used for 
nontraditional energy storage, and those that can extract additional 
energy from heat cycles.
Greenhouse gas capture and elimination. Research priorities included 
capturing and eliminating methane and nitrous oxide released in 
agriculture operations.
Resilient, energy-efficient, and healthful infrastructure. One 
identified priority was research to develop low-cost coatings for 
buildings and roads to reduce heat effects and increase self-cooling.
Water, ecosystem, and geoengineering assessments. The report identifies 
research in creating sensing, measuring, and AI models to analyze the 
flow of water to ensure its availability during droughts and other 
disruptive events caused or worsened by climate change.
“The groundwork ERVA has laid out in this report creates a blueprint for 
funders to invest in,” Grejner-Brzezinska says, “and catalyzes 
engineering research for a more secure and sustainable world. As 
agencies and research organizations enact legislation to reduce carbon 
emissions and bolster clean-energy technologies, engineering is poised 
to lead with research and development.”

/[The news archive - looking back at a major media influencer irked by 
Bush's sorry record  ]/
/*September 23, 2004*/
September 23, 2004: In a Concord (NH) Monitor op-ed, former EPA 
Administrator and lifelong Republican Russell Train rips President 
George W. Bush's climate and environmental record:

    The scientific community is alarmed by the Bush administration's
    widespread rejection of sound science. The Union of Concerned
    Scientists, a nationwide organization of eminent scientists
    declared: 'When scientific knowledge has been found to be in
    conflict with its political goals, the administration has often
    manipulated the process through which science enters into its
    decisions.' More recently, 48 Nobel Prize-winning scientists wrote
    in an open letter to the American people that the administration
    'has ignored unbiased scientific advice in the policy-making that is
    so important to our collective welfare.'
    There was no mandate in the 2000 election to weaken and undo our
    environmental and public health protections. In this year's
    election, environmental policy needs a full public debate.

    We do not believe that turning back the clock or simply maintaining
    the status quo is a sufficient response for the road ahead. The
    candidates should do at least as well in responding to the planet's
    realities in 2004 as Richard Nixon did in 1970.

    How do the candidates propose to slow global climate change and
    reduce our dependence on foreign oil? How will their environmental
    policies protect our children's health and America's natural
    resources that are vital to the health of our economy?

    These are issues the candidates must address. The American people
    deserve nothing less.


*Mass media is lacking, here are a few daily summariesof global warming 
news - email delivered*

**Inside Climate News*
We deliver climate news to your inbox like nobody else. Every day or 
once a week, our original stories and digest of the web’s top headlines 
deliver the full story, for free.
**Climate Nexus* https://climatenexus.org/hot-news/*
Delivered straight to your inbox every morning, Hot News summarizes the 
most important climate and energy news of the day, delivering an 
unmatched aggregation of timely, relevant reporting. It also provides 
original reporting and commentary on climate denial and pro-polluter 
activity that would otherwise remain largely unexposed.    5 weekday
*Carbon Brief Daily https://www.carbonbrief.org/newsletter-sign-up*
Every weekday morning, in time for your morning coffee, Carbon Brief 
sends out a free email known as the “Daily Briefing” to thousands of 
subscribers around the world. The email is a digest of the past 24 hours 
of media coverage related to climate change and energy, as well as our 
pick of the key studies published in the peer-reviewed journals.
more at https://www.getrevue.co/publisher/carbon-brief
*T*he Daily Climate *Subscribe https://ehsciences.activehosted.com/f/61*
Get The Daily Climate in your inbox - FREE! Top news on climate impacts, 
solutions, politics, drivers. Delivered week days. Better than coffee.
Other newsletters  at https://www.dailyclimate.org/originals/


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