[✔️] August 23, 2023- Global Warming News Digest | PBS summary, N Atlantic cold blob, Anger is Powerful, Stages of Collapse, NJ requires, Water related impacts, 1971 The Powell Memo

Richard Pauli Richard at CredoandScreed.com
Wed Aug 23 07:46:23 EDT 2023

/*August 23*//*, 2023*/

/[ a brief summary by PBS - video ]/
*Climatologist discusses extreme summer weather as heat wave brings more 
record highs*
PBS NewsHour
Aug 22, 2023
A heat wave is baking much of the country, leading to record highs and 
triple-digit temperatures in the Midwest and the South. It’s the latest 
in a series of extreme weather events that have led to damage, 
destruction and death this summer. Amna Nawaz discussed more with 
Michael Mann of the University of Pennsylvania and author of the 
forthcoming book, “Our Fragile Moment.”

/[ North Atlantic, the cold blob and possible collapse of AMOC 
circulations - video ]/
*Is Earth's Largest Heat Transfer Really Shutting Down?*
Aug 22, 2023
PBS Terra
With unprecedented heat waves and record-breaking global temperatures, 
it’s hard to believe that there might be a place on earth that has 
actually COOLED since the industrial revolution. But, it turns out, 
there is such a spot. The COLD BLOB off of Greenland mystified 
scientists for years, but new studies have uncovered a scary reality - 
this cool patch might be a warning of the impending collapse of a vital 
earth circulation system. And the consequences would be dire.

In this episode of Weathered, we travel to the Gulf Stream with the new 
PBS Terra show Sharks Unknown to experience the AMOC first hand. And we 
ask, what is the likelihood that the AMOC will collapse, and what would 
the consequences be?

Weathered is a show hosted by weather expert Maiya May and produced by 
Balance Media that helps explain the most common natural disasters, what 
causes them, how they’re changing, and what we can do to prepare.

This episode of Weathered is licensed exclusively to YouTube.

/[  This is controversial, but better activism than militarism  ] /
*Anger is most powerful emotion by far for spurring climate action, 
study finds*
Link to climate activism is seven times stronger for anger than it is 
for hope, say Norwegian researchers

Ajit Niranjan
Mon 21 Aug 2023

Anger is by far the most powerful emotional predictor of whether 
somebody plans to take part in a climate protest, research suggests.

The study, which asked 2,000 Norwegian adults how they felt about the 
climate crisis, found the link to activism was seven times stronger for 
anger than it was for hope. The effects were smaller for other actions, 
but fear and guilt were the best predictors of policy support, while 
sadness, fear and hope were the best predictors of behavioural change.

On average, people reported having fairly mild feelings about the planet 

“The problem isn’t that people feel too scared about climate change,” 
said Thea Gregersen, a climate psychologist at the Norwegian Research 
Centre and lead author of the study. “The problem, in Norway at least, 
seems to be that they’re not scared enough.”

Faced with rising reports of ecological anxiety, psychologists across 
the world are racing to understand how people’s feelings about the 
destruction of nature affect their mental health and behaviour. But the 
few studies to interrogate the link between emotions and actions have 
shown mixed results.

“We’re nowhere near having a comprehensive understanding,” said Caroline 
Hickman, a climate psychologist at the University of Bath, who was not 
involved in the study. “If anybody presents this material confidently as 
certainties or pretends they’re an expert, ignore them. Run away.”

The researchers in Norway, a rich oil-exporting country, found that for 
every two steps a person took along the anger scale, they moved one step 
along the activism scale. The link between emotion and action was weaker 
for questions about limiting emissions in everyday life and supporting a 
tax on petrol and diesel.

The methods were sound and typical for the field but the effect sizes 
were small, said Cameron Brick, a social scientist at the University of 
Amsterdam who was not involved in the study. The researchers also only 
looked at what people said they would do, rather than what they did, he 
added. Previous studies have shown “intentions are surprisingly weakly 
aligned with actual behaviour”.

Climate scientists have raised fears that a glut of doom-laden headlines 
and negative rhetoric – some of it based on incorrect claims – will push 
people into despair and stop them from acting. A survey of 10,000 young 
people in 2021 found most agreed with the statement “humanity is 
doomed”, even though the planet will stop heating in a matter of years 
if people were to stop clogging the atmosphere with carbon.

But experts suggest the gloom reflects a lack of faith in society, 
rather than a misunderstanding of the physics. “Rather than climate 
anxiety, we should be calling it politician anxiety or people anxiety, 
because it’s the people in power who are failing to do the right thing 
whilst lying to us, or doing the opposite, that is causing the terror,” 
said Hickman, who was the lead author of the 2021 study and previously a 
social worker.

“I realised eight years ago … that the narratives I was hearing around 
climate change were the same as the narratives I’d heard around child 
abuse. The very people who are supposed to protect you are the people 
who are hurting you. And not only are they hurting you, they’re telling 
you that they love you and they’re doing it for your own good.”

When the researchers in Norway asked participants what made them angry, 
they found most people mentioned human actions such as causing the 
climate crisis or failing to stop it. A further 26% said their anger 
related to human qualities such as people not caring.

People should feel angry because they had been deliberately deceived by 
fossil fuel companies and governments had let that happen, said Dr Laura 
Thomas-Walters, a social scientist at the Yale Programme on Climate 
Communication and an activist with Extinction Rebellion, who was not 
involved in the studies.
The link from anger to activism was logical, she added. “It’s in the 
name that activism is an ‘active’ behaviour, and anger can spur action.”
But messages that make people angry can also push others to shut down, 
particularly if they feel powerless. There were robust studies from 
health psychology that showed communicating risks could backfire if 
people were not also told how they could protect themselves, said 
Lorraine Whitmarsh, the head of the UK’s Centre for Climate Change and 
Social Transformations, who was not involved in the study. “People 
really need to feel they can make a difference on climate change. And 
it’s much harder to make a difference on climate change than it is on 
health risks, because it’s a great big global collective problem.”

Scientists are working to understand the role that hope plays. A review 
study published on Tuesday found “partial yet inconclusive evidence” 
that increasing hope makes people engage more with the climate. It found 
people whose hope was rooted in complacency were less likely to engage 
than those whose hope was linked to action.

“Even there, the relationship seems to be more the other way around,” 
said Lea Dohm, a psychologist and co-founder of the German climate 
action group Psychologists for Future, who also was not involved. “It 
may be less that hope comes first and then brings action, but rather 
that people act and then hope arises.”

What people needed from the media, she said, was above all an honest 
portrayal of the facts. “When we state scientific facts, some feelings 
will come. And what we need to do then is validate them and say, hey, 
what you feel is justified, reasonable and shared by many other people.”


/[ Oh I suppose so. Interesting this was reprinted in The Nation ]/
*We Are Witnessing the First Stages of Civilization’s Collapse*
Will our own elites perform any better than the rulers of Chaco Canyon, 
the Mayan heartland, and Viking Greenland?

This article originally appeared at TomDispatch.com. To stay on top of 
important articles like these, sign up to receive the latest updates 
from TomDispatch.com.

In his 2005 bestseller Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or 
Succeed, geographer Jared Diamond focused on past civilizations that 
confronted severe climate shocks, either adapting and surviving or 
failing to adapt and disintegrating. Among those were the Puebloan 
culture of Chaco Canyon, N.M., the ancient Mayan civilization of 
Mesoamerica, and the Viking settlers of Greenland. Such societies, 
having achieved great success, imploded when their governing elites 
failed to adopt new survival mechanisms to face radically changing 
climate conditions.

Bear in mind that, for their time and place, the societies Diamond 
studied supported large, sophisticated populations. Pueblo Bonito, a 
six-story structure in Chaco Canyon, contained up to 600 rooms, making 
it the largest building in North America until the first skyscrapers 
rose in New York some 800 years later. Mayan civilization is believed to 
have supported a population of more than 10 million people at its peak 
between 250 and 900 A.D., while the Norse Greenlanders established a 
distinctively European society around 1000 A.D. in the middle of a 
frozen wasteland. Still, in the end, each collapsed utterly and their 
inhabitants either died of starvation, slaughtered each other, or 
migrated elsewhere, leaving nothing but ruins behind.

The question today is: Will our own elites perform any better than the 
rulers of Chaco Canyon, the Mayan heartland, and Viking Greenland?

As Diamond argues, each of those civilizations arose in a period of 
relatively benign climate conditions, when temperatures were moderate 
and food and water supplies adequate. In each case, however, the climate 
shifted wrenchingly, bringing persistent drought or, in Greenland’s 
case, much colder temperatures. Although no contemporary written records 
remain to tell us how the ruling elites responded, the archaeological 
evidence suggests that they persisted in their traditional ways until 
disintegration became unavoidable.
These historical examples of social disintegration spurred lively 
discussion among my students when, as a professor at Hampshire College, 
I regularly assigned Collapse as a required text. Even then, a decade 
ago, many of them suggested that we were beginning to face severe 
climate challenges akin to those encountered by earlier societies—and 
that our contemporary civilization also risked collapse if we failed to 
take adequate measures to slow global warming and adapt to its 
inescapable consequences.

But in those discussions (which continued until I retired from teaching 
in 2018), our analyses seemed entirely theoretical: Yes, contemporary 
civilization might collapse, but if so, not any time soon. Five years 
later, it’s increasingly difficult to support such a relatively 
optimistic outlook. Not only does the collapse of modern industrial 
civilization appear ever more likely, but the process already seems 

*Precursors of Collapse*

When do we know that a civilization is on the verge of collapse? In his 
now almost 20-year-old classic, Diamond identified three key indicators 
or precursors of imminent dissolution: a persistent pattern of 
environmental change for the worse like long-lasting droughts; signs 
that existing modes of agriculture or industrial production were 
aggravating the crisis; and an elite failure to abandon harmful 
practices and adopt new means of production. At some point, a critical 
threshold is crossed and collapse invariably follows.

Today, it’s hard to avoid indications that all three of those thresholds 
are being crossed.

To begin with, on a planetary basis, the environmental impacts of 
climate change are now unavoidable and worsening by the year. To take 
just one among innumerable global examples, the drought afflicting the 
American West has now persisted for more than two decades, leading 
scientists to label it a “megadrought” exceeding all recorded regional 
dry spells in breadth and severity. As of August 2021, 99 percent of the 
United States west of the Rockies was in drought, something for which 
there is no modern precedent. The recent record heat waves in the region 
have only emphasized this grim reality.

The most recent report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 
offers many examples of such negative climate alterations globally (as 
do the latest headlines). It’s obvious, in fact, that climate change is 
permanently altering our environment in an ever more disastrous fashion.

It’s also evident that Diamond’s second precursor to collapse, the 
refusal to alter agricultural and industrial methods of production which 
only aggravate or—in the case of fossil-fuel consumption—simply cause 
the crisis, is growing ever more obvious. At the top of any list would 
be a continuing reliance on oil, coal, and natural gas, the leading 
sources of the greenhouse gases (GHGs) now overheating our atmosphere 
and oceans. Despite all the scientific evidence linking fossil-fuel 
combustion to global warming and the promises of governing elites to 
reduce the consumption of those fuels—for example, under the Paris 
Agreement of 2015—their use continues to grow.

According to a 2022 report produced by the International Energy Agency 
(IEA), global oil consumption, given current government policies, will 
rise from 94 million barrels per day in 2021 to an estimated 102 million 
barrels by 2030 and then remain at or near that level until 2050. Coal 
consumption, though expected to decline after 2030, is still rising in 
some areas of the world. The demand for natural gas (only recently found 
to be dirtier than previously imagined) is projected to exceed 2020 
levels in 2050.

The same 2022 IEA report indicates that energy-related emissions of 
carbon dioxide—the leading component of greenhouse gases—will climb from 
19.5 billion metric tons in 2020 to an estimated 21.6 billion tons in 
2030 and remain at about that level until 2050. Emissions of methane, 
another leading GHG component, will continue to rise, thanks to the 
increased production of natural gas.

Not surprisingly, climate experts now predict that average world 
temperatures will soon surpass 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees 
Fahrenheit) above the pre-industrial level—the maximum amount they 
believe the planet can absorb without experiencing irreversible, 
catastrophic consequences, including the dying out of the Amazon and the 
melting of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets (with an accompanying 
rise in sea levels of one meter or more).

There are many other ways in which societies are now perpetuating 
behavior that will endanger the survival of civilization, including the 
devotion of ever more resources to industrial-scale beef production. 
That practice consumes vast amounts of land, water, and grains that 
could be better devoted to less profligate vegetable production. 
Similarly, many governments continue to facilitate the large-scale 
production of water-intensive crops through extensive irrigation 
schemes, despite the evident decline in global water supplies that is 
already producing widespread shortages of drinking water in places like 

Finally, today’s powerful elites are choosing to perpetuate practices 
known to accelerate climate change and global devastation. Among the 
most egregious, the decision of top executives of the ExxonMobil 
Corporation—the world’s largest and wealthiest privately-owned oil 
company—to continue pumping oil and gas for endless decades after their 
scientists warned them about the risks of global warming and affirmed 
that Exxon’s operations would only amplify them. As early as the 1970s, 
Exxon’s scientists predicted that the firm’s fossil-fuel products could 
lead to global warming with “dramatic environmental effects before the 
year 2050.” Yet, as has been well documented, Exxon officials responded 
by investing company funds in casting doubt on climate change research, 
even financing think tanks focused on climate denialism. Had they 
instead broadcast their scientists’ findings and worked to speed the 
transition to alternative fuels, the world would be in a far less 
precarious position today.

Or consider China’s decision, even as it was working to develop 
alternative energy sources, to increase its combustion of coal—the most 
carbon-intense of all fossil fuels—in order to keep factories and air 
conditioners humming during periods of increasingly extreme heat.

All such decisions have ensured that future floods, fires, droughts, 
heatwaves, you name it, will be more intense and prolonged. In other 
words, the precursors to civilizational collapse and the disintegration 
of modern industrial society as we know it—not to speak of the possible 
deaths of millions of us—are already evident. Worse yet, numerous events 
this very summer suggest that we are witnessing the first stages of just 
such a collapse.

*The Apocalyptic Summer of ’23*

July 2023 has already been declared the hottest month ever recorded and 
the entire year is also likely to go down as the hottest ever. Unusually 
high temperatures globally are responsible for a host of heat-related 
deaths across the planet. For many of us, the relentless baking will be 
remembered as the most distinctive feature of the summer of ’23. But 
other climate impacts offer their own intimations of an approaching 
Jared Diamond-style collapse. To me, two ongoing events fit that 
category in a striking fashion.

The fires in Canada: As of August 2, months after they first erupted 
into flame, there were still 225 major uncontrolled wildfires and 
another 430 under some degree of control but still burning across the 
country. At one point, the figure was more than 1,000 fires! To date, 
they have burned some 32.4 million acres of Canadian woodland, or 50,625 
square miles—an area the size of the state of Alabama. Such staggering 
fires, largely attributed to the effects of climate change, have 
destroyed hundreds of homes and other structures, while sending 
particle-laden smoke across Canadian and American cities—at one point 
turning New York’s skies orange. In the process, record amounts of 
carbon dioxide were dispatched into the atmosphere, only increasing the 
pace of global warming and its destructive impacts.

Aside from its unprecedented scale, there are aspects of this year’s 
fire season that suggest a more profound threat to society. To begin 
with, in fire terms—or more accurately, in climate-change terms—Canada 
has clearly lost control of its hinterland. As political scientists have 
long suggested, the very essence of the modern nation-state, its core 
raison d’être, is maintaining control over its sovereign territory and 
protecting its citizens. A country unable to do so, like Sudan or 
Somalia, has long been considered a “failed state.”

By now, Canada has abandoned any hope of controlling a significant 
percentage of the fires raging in remote areas of the country and is 
simply allowing them to burn themselves out. Such areas are relatively 
unpopulated, but they do house numerous indigenous communities whose 
lands have been destroyed and who have been forced to flee, perhaps 
permanently. Were this a one-time event, you could certainly say that 
Canada still remains an intact, functioning society. But given the 
likelihood that the number and extent of wildfires will only increase in 
the years ahead as temperatures continue to rise, Canada—hard as it 
might be to believe—can be said to be on the verge of becoming a failed 

The American West’s megadrought has been accompanied by another 
indicator of abiding environmental change: the steady decline in the 
volume of the Colorado River, the region’s most important source of 
water. The Colorado River Basin supplies drinking water to more than 40 
million people in the United States and, according to economists at the 
University of Arizona, it’s crucial to $1.4 trillion of the US economy. 
All of that is now at severe risk due to increased temperatures and 
diminished precipitation. The volume of the Colorado is almost 20 
percent below what it was when this century began and, as global 
temperatures continue to rise, that decline is likely to worsen.

The floods in China: While American reporting on China tends to focus on 
economic and military affairs, the most significant news this summer has 
been the persistence of unusually heavy rainfall in many parts of the 
country, accompanied by severe flooding. At the beginning of August, 
Beijing experienced its heaviest rainfall since such phenomena began 
being measured there more than 140 years ago. In a pattern found to be 
characteristic of hotter, more humid environments, a storm system 
lingered over Beijing and the capital region for days on end, pouring 29 
inches of rain on the city between July 29 and August 2. At least 1.2 
million people had to be evacuated from flood-prone areas of surrounding 
cities, while more than 100,000 acres of crops were damaged or destroyed.

It’s not that unusual for floods and other extreme weather events to 
bedevil China, causing widespread human suffering. But 2023 has been 
distinctive both in the amount of rainfall it’s experienced and the 
record heat that’s gone with it. Even more strikingly, this summer’s 
climate extremes forced the government to behave in ways that suggest a 
state at the mercy of a raging climate system.

When flooding threatened Beijing, officials sought to spare the capital 
from its worst effects by diverting floodwaters to surrounding areas. 
They were to “resolutely serve as a moat for the capital,” according to 
Ni Yuefeng, the Communist Party secretary for Hebei province, which 
borders Beijing on three sides. While that might have spared the capital 
from severe damage, the diverted water poured into Hebei, causing 
extensive harm to infrastructure and forcing those 1.2 million people to 
be relocated. The decision to turn Hebei into a “moat” for the capital 
suggests a leadership under siege by forces beyond its control. As is 
true of Canada, China is certain to face even greater climate-related 
disasters prompting the government to take who knows what extreme 
measures to prevent widespread chaos and calamity.

These two events strike me as particularly revealing, but there are 
others that come to mind from this record-breaking summer. For example, 
the Iranian government’s decision to declare an unprecedented two-day 
national holiday on August 2nd, involving the closure of all schools, 
factories, and public offices, in response to record heat and drought. 
For many Iranians, that “holiday” was nothing but a desperate ploy to 
disguise the regime’s inability to provide sufficient water and 
electricity – a failure that’s bound to prove ever more destabilizing in 
the years to come.

*Entering a New World Beyond Imagining*

Half a dozen years ago, when I last discussed Jared Diamond’s book with 
my students, we spoke of the ways civilizational collapse could still be 
averted through concerted action by the nations and peoples of the 
world. Little, however, did we imagine anything like the summer of ’23.

It’s true that much has been accomplished in the intervening years. The 
percentage of electricity provided by renewable sources globally has, 
for example, risen significantly and the cost of those sources has 
fallen dramatically. Many nations have also taken significant steps to 
reduce carbon emissions. Still, global elites continue to pursue 
strategies that will only amplify climate change, ensuring that, in the 
years to come, humanity will slide ever closer to worldwide collapse.

When and how we might slip over the brink into catastrophe is impossible 
to foresee. But as the events of this summer suggest, we are already all 
too close to the edge of the kind of systemic failure experienced so 
many centuries ago by the Mayans, the ancient Puebloans, and the Viking 
Greenlanders. The only difference is that we may have no place else to 
go. Call it, if you want, Collapse 2.0.

Michael T. Klare, The Nation’s defense correspondent, is professor 
emeritus of peace and world-security studies at Hampshire College and 
senior visiting fellow at the Arms Control Association in Washington, 
D.C. Most recently, he is the author of All Hell Breaking Loose: The 
Pentagon’s Perspective on Climate Change.


/[  Youth getting info -- 4 min audio or text  ]/
*New Jersey requires climate change education. A year in, here's how 
it's going*
August 21, 2023
Seyma Bayram

Setting the standards
Lauren Madden, a professor of elementary science education at The 
College of New Jersey, advised the New Jersey Department of Education 
and First Lady Tammy Murphy's office as they developed the new standards.

Climate change instruction in K-12 schools is long overdue, Madden said.

"We've decided to take young children seriously. We've decided that this 
is something we can unpack in the early years," she said.

To promote climate literacy, especially in the early years of school, 
climate change education should be accessible, Madden said. Climate 
change education doesn't have to be complex for young students to 
understand what it means.

"We can really get into a lot of the foundational information, looking 
at graphs and photographs and maps and places that things have changed 
over time and get into some of that solution-building at an earlier 
age," Madden said.

New Jersey set aside $4.5 million in grants in 2023 to support and train 
educators and ensure students in underserved districts also have access 
to climate change education. The state has appropriated another $5 
million toward climate change education in its 2024 fiscal year budget, 
New Jersey Department of Education spokesperson Laura Fredrick said.

The New Jersey Climate Education Hub also helps teachers by sharing 
instructional materials that educators working across different subject 
areas can use.

Other states, like Connecticut, are trying to follow in New Jersey's 

/[  80% of impacts are water related ]/
UN Climate Change
*The climate crisis is also a water crisis. 🌍💧 From rising seas to 
extreme weather, it's all connected.*

Yet, water is part of the solution.

 From soaking up carbon to driving innovative mitigation and adaptation 
strategies, it's a force to be reckoned with.

/[The news archive - looking back at an historically impactful, big-deal 
statement - the Powell Memo ]/
/*August  23, 1971 */

August 23, 1971: Attorney and future Supreme Court Justice Lewis F. 
Powell Jr. writes a memo to the US Chamber of Commerce urging a greater 
special-interest pushback against public-interest groups. The memo 
becomes the template for efforts by the fossil-fuel industry to generate 
faux-outrage over, and ginned-up opposition to, efforts to regulate 
greenhouse gases.

*The Lewis Powell Memo - A Corporate Blueprint to Dominate Democracy*
Written in 1971 to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Lewis Powell Memo 
was a blueprint for corporate domination of American Democracy.




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