[✔️] February 21 2023- Global Warming News Digest | Predicament, Beckisphere, Malaria, George Soros, Economy of Discourse, UN Security

Richard Pauli Richard at CredoandScreed.com
Tue Feb 21 06:07:02 EST 2023

/*February 21, 2023*/

/[ - deep and brief - both hope and doom - 3 min video ]/
*living into being - Speaker Joe Brewer - Film Maker Katie Teague*
The Poetry of Predicament
Feb 20, 2023
A gorgeous short film.
Much needed practical wisdom and clarity.
Many thanks to both Joe and Katie.

/[ Becki gives some counter-snark  - YouTube video ~8 min ]/
*In response to the gas stove lovers on Instagram*
Beckisphere Climate Corner
13 views  Feb 20, 2023  #climatechange #cleanenergy #news
If you like the work I do, please consider joining the Beckisphere 
Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/beckisphere or buying me a cup of 
coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/beckisphere. Remember to talk 
about the climate crisis every day and support your local news 

/[  Warming brings more  ] /
*Malaria-Carrying Mosquitos Are Expanding Their Territory Almost 3 Miles 
a Year*
20 February 2023
Scientists have long warned that climate change would push species into 
new territories, with the march of disease-carrying mosquitos among 
their gravest concerns.

But this is not some theoretical future threat. Mosquitos that transmit 
malaria have been moving into warming areas for over a century in 
Africa, according to a new study.
- -
In fact, this new study suggests that African Anopheles mosquitos have 
moved so far that, on average, they are now found 500 kilometers (310 
miles) closer to the south pole and 700 meters (2,300 feet) farther 
uphill than they were at the turn of the 20th century.

According to Carlson, this is some of the first "hard historical 
evidence" that mosquitos are already on the move with rising 
temperatures – and have been for quite from time.

"This is exactly what we would expect to see if climate change is 
helping these species reach colder parts of the continent," says Carlson.

"Up to this point," Carlson tells Science Alert, "most work on climate 
change and malaria has focused on the dynamics of malaria transmission 
itself. Here, we're taking a step back and saying, climate change might 
be independently affecting mosquitos and spreading them around before we 
even get to the malaria part of the story."...
- -
In fact, this new study suggests that African Anopheles mosquitos have 
moved so far that, on average, they are now found 500 kilometers (310 
miles) closer to the south pole and 700 meters (2,300 feet) farther 
uphill than they were at the turn of the 20th century.

According to Carlson, this is some of the first "hard historical 
evidence" that mosquitos are already on the move with rising 
temperatures – and have been for quite from time.

"This is exactly what we would expect to see if climate change is 
helping these species reach colder parts of the continent," says Carlson.

"Up to this point," Carlson tells Science Alert, "most work on climate 
change and malaria has focused on the dynamics of malaria transmission 
itself. Here, we're taking a step back and saying, climate change might 
be independently affecting mosquitos and spreading them around before we 
even get to the malaria part of the story."
- -
In the worst-case scenario, nearly a billion people could be threatened 
with new exposure to virus transmission from Aedes mosquitos as the 
planet heats up to add to the billions more at risk from malaria.

Less is known, however, about the impact of climate change on Aedes 
mosquitos than on Anopheles so we best get to grips with how the 
situation is changing – with increased surveillance to monitor for 
disease outbreaks.

"We should be looking for species on the move," Carlson tells 
ScienceAlert, "and thinking about that as a facet of how we prepare for 
the health impacts of climate change."

The research has been published in Biology Letters.

/[  He has billions, but is he smart?  ]/
*Billionaire George Soros Issues a Dire Warning About the World*
The legendary financier and philanthropist warns that climate change 
will precipitate the collapse of our world.
FEB 18, 2023
George Soros is worried.

The billionaire and legendary investor fears that our civilization will 
collapse if nothing changes.

He has indeed just sounded the alarm on this catastrophe which is coming 
if we do not act. The problem or the cause that could accelerate the 
downfall of our world is climate change, says Soros.

The rise in temperatures in recent years will have disastrous 
consequences on the planet, he warned during a speech at the 2023 Munich 
Security Conference on Feb. 16.

"Our civilization is in danger of collapsing because of the inexorable 
advance of climate change," the billionaire said. "The climate system is 
broken, and it needs to be repaired. That’s the main message I’d like to 
convey this evening."

He said the time is urgent because temperatures continue to rise at a 
rate that will most likely push past the 1.5°C warming threshold since 
pre-industrial levels set by the Paris Agreement.

The current level of global warming is, according to Soros, alarming 
because in order to succeed in limiting and stabilizing global warming 
below 2°C by 2100, it will then be necessary to reduce CO2 emissions 
quickly and also greatly reduce emissions of other greenhouse gases. 
This is very tight, especially since the changes already observed will 
increase, in particular the extremes of temperature, the intensity of 
precipitation, the severity of droughts, the increase in frequency and 
intensity of climatic events that are now rare, as activists point out, 

"The message is urgent because we are dangerously close to breaching the 
1.5-degree limit set in the Paris Agreement in 2015," Soros asserted. 
"We are already at 1.2 degrees and if we maintain our current course, 
global warming will reach more than 2.5 degrees around 2070."

Soros believes that we cannot afford it because we will then have 
crossed almost a point of no return.

"That would take us past several tipping points such as the melting of 
the Arctic permafrost. Once that happens, the amount of money needed to 
re-stabilize or repair the climate system grows exponentially," the 
billionaire warned. "The accelerating pace of climate change will also 
cause large scale migration for which the world is ill prepared.”

'Our Civilization Will Be Thoroughly Disrupted'
To illustrate some of the consequences of climate change of which he 
speaks, such as the rise in sea level or the melting of the ice caps, 
phenomena seen by environmental activists as irreversible for centuries 
or even millennia, Soros uses the example of Greenland.

"In July 2022, an extreme weather event occurred in Greenland. It was so 
warm that scientists there could play volleyball in short sleeve shirts 
and shorts," he said.

The billionaire added that: "The melting of the Greenland ice sheet 
would increase the level of the oceans by seven meters. That poses a 
threat to the survival of our civilization."

Based on the principle that human action contributes to destabilizing 
the climate system, the major donor of the Democratic Party ensures that 
to stop the damage we can no longer be satisfied with focusing on 
"mitigation" and "adaptation." That's why he's pushing for the use of 
the controversial experimental solar technology to prevent the Arctic 
from melting.

This consists of spraying aerosol into the stratosphere to reflect 
sunlight out of the earth's atmosphere. If some experts recognize that 
it can reduce global warming they also warn that this technology can 
affect the ozone layer.

"Unless we change the way we deal with climate change, our civilization 
will be thoroughly disrupted by rising temperatures that will make large 
parts of the world practically unlivable," Soros argued.

He said it was urgent to "reorient our international financial 
institutions, particularly the World Bank, to focus on climate change."

This latest proposal comes a day after the resignation of David Malpass, 
the president of the World Bank, who was a climate denier.

/[  Opinion from 2 years ago  YouTube video  7 minutes ]/
*The problem with climate change messaging is NOT what you think.*
Vlad Vexler
Mar 5, 2021  #vladvexlershow
What is the major problem with climate change messaging? And Is climate 
alarmism OK?

Recently, Michael Mann criticised climate journalist David Wallace 
Wells, author of The Uninhabitable Earth, for  practicing a doomist mode 
of climate change communication. Michael Mann as also criticised Rupert 
Read and Extinction Rebellion for inadvertently lending support for 
doomism in climate messaging.

The problem is that climate advocates want everybody else to converge 
with them. This view can be summed up as  "if I wouldn't say something, 
others shouldn't say it either". On this view, if I my level of alarm 
about the climate crisis is 7 out of 10, I'd rather others whose alarm 
is at 9 or at 5 changed their mind and converged with me, or just 
stopped speaking. Or, if a minority of voices in the climate movement 
talk about societal collapse, but I am not worried about societal 
collapse,  I'd prefer if their voices entirely disappeared.

Climate change communication should aim at an economy of discourse that 
expands rather than contracts. Climate communication should start from 
the fact that people come to care about the climate crisis for different 
reasons. People come to the table of politics from different 
backgrounds, with different values, psychologies, needs, and fears. This 
is an age old truth about human beings, and climate messaging should 
acknowledge it.

What is wrong with this approach? It ignores that fact that people come 
to the table of politics from different backgrounds, with different 
values, psychologies, needs, and fears. And therefore, that people come 
to care about the climate crisis for different reasons.

The only reason somebody is truly motivated about a cause is if they are 
motivated in their own distinctive way. They DON'T NEED to converge on 
WHY they are jumping aboard; they just need to agree that we need to do 
everything we can to mitigate the climate crisis.

    00:00 What's going wrong in communication about the climate crisis?
    00:19 People care about the climate crisis for different reasons
    02:12 Dangerous trend in climate communication
    03:35 Climate communication and the hypothesis of societal collapse
    05:18 Enriching our ECONOMY OF DISCOURSE and not contracting it


/[ The United Nations ]/

*Sea level rise poses ‘unthinkable’ risks for the planet, Security 
Council hears*

14 February 2023Climate and Environment

“The impact of rising seas is already creating new sources of 
instability and conflict,” said UN Secretary-General António Guterres, 
who opened the meeting.

Noting that some nations’ coastlines have already seen triple the 
average rate of sea level rise, he warned that, in the coming decades, 
low-lying communities – and entire countries – could disappear forever.

“We would witness a mass exodus of entire populations on a biblical 
scale, and we would see ever-fiercer competition for fresh water, land 
and other resources,” he warned.

‘Threat multiplier’
Describing sea level rise as a threat multiplier, the Secretary-General 
said the phenomenon also jeopardizes access to water, food and healthcare.

Meanwhile, saltwater intrusion can decimate jobs and entire economies in 
industries like agriculture, fisheries and tourism, and it can damage or 
destroy vital infrastructure, such as transportation systems, hospitals 
and schools.

According to recently released data from the World Meteorological 
Organization (WMO), global average sea levels have risen faster since 
1900 than over any preceding century in the last 3,000 years.

It warns that, even if global warming is “miraculously” limited to 1.5 
degrees, the planet will still see a sizeable rise in sea water levels...

- - /see the video/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hW9EAkqu6aY 
Kiribati: Battling for Survival (Rising Sea Levels)

*Devastation evident*
Mr. Guterres warned the Security Council that, under any temperature 
rise scenario, countries from Bangladesh to China, India and the 
Netherlands will all be at risk.

Mega-cities on every continent will face serious impacts, including 
Lagos, Bangkok, Mumbai, Shanghai, London, Buenos Aires and New York.

The danger is especially acute for some 900 million people living in 
coastal zones at low elevations –one out of every ten people on earth...

  Devastation is already evident in many parts of the world, he said, 
noting that rising seas have decimated livelihoods in tourism and 
agriculture across the Caribbean.

Sea level rise and other climate impacts are already forcing people to 
relocate in Fiji, Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands and elsewhere.

Against that backdrop, he called for action on several fronts, including 
broadening the global community’s understanding of the root causes of 
insecurity, and addressing the impacts of rising seas across legal and 
human rights frameworks.

“People’s human rights do not disappear because their homes do,” he 

*Threats to world’s ‘breadbaskets’*
Csaba Kőrösi, the current President of the General Assembly, also 
addressed the Council, recalling that climate change – “the greatest 
challenge of our generation” – was the issue most raised by world 
leaders during the Assembly’s last high-level debate.

Citing projections that between 250 and 400 million people will likely 
need new homes in new locations in fewer than 80 years, he also warned 
of devastating impacts for the world’s “breadbaskets,” especially 
fertile deltas along the Nile, Mekong and other rivers.

Meanwhile, climate-induced sea level rise is also provoking new legal 
questions that are at the very core of national and State identity.

He urged the Council to recognize the significance of climate action as 
a key tool for peacebuilding, stressing that the data and frameworks to 
defend against the sea level threat already exist.

“What is needed now – as ever – is the political will to act,” he said...

*Made stateless by the sea*
Bogdan Aurescu, Romanian foreign minister and Co-Chair of the 
International Law Commission Study Group on Sea-Level Rise, agreed that 
climate change-related sea level poses a real risk to over two-thirds of 
UN Member States.

Outlining a range of sea level rise implications, he said coastlines are 
being “pushed” inward, affecting baselines from which countries’ 
maritime zones are measured and therefore threatening countries’ access 
to resources.

While several actions are available to protect countries’ coastlines, 
including physical barriers, their costs remain out of reach for many of 
the countries worst affected.

Mr. Aurescu emphasized the need to better harness international law to 
support countries most at risk from sea level rise, pointing out that 
the International Law Commission recently added the topic “Sea-level 
rise in relation to international law” to its agenda.

Among other threats, he said urgent efforts are needed to avoid possible 
situations of “de facto statelessness,” including by preserving the 
fundamental rights and identities of people forced to flee their home 
countries as a result of climate change.

*Impunity and inaction*
Also addressing the Security Council was Coral Pasisi, Director of 
Climate Change of the Pacific Community and President of the 
non-governmental organization, Tofia Niue.

She warned that, by 2050 – “within the lifetime of our children and 
grandchildren” – sea level rise will have exceeded at least one metre 
for most small island developing States, a shift that will last for 
thousands of years.

Listing severe impacts already facing communities today, from coral reef 
bleaching to salt water intrusion, she decried the international 
community’s continued flouting of responsibility and impunity in failing 
to act to stop climate change.

“This is a security issue of paramount importance to the Pacific 
Region,” she said, emphasizing that the security fallout of unaddressed 
sea level rise will fall directly under the Council’s remit.

She also expressed her hope that the General Assembly will soon adopt a 
resolution, put forward by Vanuatu, requesting an advisory opinion from 
the International Court of Justice on the obligations of States 
vis-á-vis climate change


/[The news archive - looking back at Rick Santorum ]/
/*February 21, 2012*/
February 21, 2012: Conservative blogger Steven L. Taylor calls out GOP 
presidential candidate Rick Santorum for his repeated denials of climate 

"[C]onservatives ultimately see any attempt at environment regulation as 
really not about the environment anyway, but about an excuse for 
increased government control.  Not only does this pay into general 
concerns about 'big government' but this strand of the argument asserts 
that all this researchy/sciencey talk is just a ruse:  those guys aren’t 
really scientists interested in understanding the environment.  No!  
They are Marxists in lab coats looking to fool you all into socialism!

"Now, understand:  I do not consider myself an expert on climate 
change.  I do not even have especially strong views on the subject, 
although I do accept the rather overwhelming scientific consensus that 
we have a climate change problem.  What this means in terms of policy is 
another issue. However, I find it problematic when politicians hand-wave 
over serious issues [due to] some inherent belief that they understand 
topics that would otherwise require a lifetime of study to 
understand...Further, while I understand concerns over taxes and 
regulations, that doesn’t make issues like pollution go away.

"In short:  if one is going to make arguments on this topic (and seek to 
influence policy in this arena) I would like to see more than appeals to 
the Biblical creation story and fear mongering about government control."

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