{news} Would anyone like to go to National Meeting of the Green Party in Tulsa?

Green Party-CT greenpartyct at sbcglobal.net
Fri May 20 21:14:44 EDT 2005

Hello Everyone,

The Annual Meeting Committee of the GPUS would like you to fill out 
this survey in regard to the meeting in Tulsa on July 21-24th, 2005.  The 
committee is just trying to get an idea of attendance and food 
preferences and other ideas people may have.

Please visit the link below to fill out the survey.  We appreciate your 
extra time, it should only take a couple of minutes.  Please note this 
is not a registration form, it is only a survey.  Please also send this 
to your state and local lists.




      THE GREEN PARTY OF CONNECTICUT is the third largest political party in CT. The Greens are also the third largest political party in the US, with 220 Greens officeholders in 27 states. Over 80 countries in world have Green Parties. Wangari Maathai, the 2004 winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, is Kenya's assistant minister for environment and an elected Green Party member.
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