{news} Please--Come to the State Meeting- Stay for the Mexican Food!!

Green Party-CT greenpartyct at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 24 16:05:59 EDT 2005

 Dear Greens,

I want to personally invite you to the next State Green Party meeting on Oct. 25th at 7 pm at the Middletown City Hall.

Why? Each chapter should have at least one member there to tell the rest of the state what is going on in its chapters and vote on issues OR what we can do to HELP your chapter grow! 

Who? Any Green may attend! If you are not sure who CAN come please ask or email around, and maybe share a ride to the meeting! And we have had some great NEW Greens attend the last couple of meeting, who have brought some fresh points of views to the meetings.

What ?  We do the important monthly business of the State party and keep each chapter informed of what is going on. We have 18 candidates for office this November!!   We help local races with paper work and give advice and "thank yous!"!

Where?  In the center of the state.. this month Middletown City Hall! And people drive all the way from New London and Fairfield County to attend.. can't you??

When?? Always the last Tuesday of the month

(Special bonus)- Last month we met after the meeting at La Boca Mexican restaurant for some chips and salsa ( or full dinner if you like!) and REALLY share some good talk about Green Issues!! And almost everyone found it very informative and FUN!!  La Boca is right on Main street, but be warned the Salsa can be spicy!!

So.. if you can make it. and you want to be positive.. and have fun..GO!!


Tim McKee

10-25-05 SCC meeting of the Green Party of CT


Time: 7 to 9pm, 10-25-05, Tuesday

Location: Middletown City Hall, Room 208, 245 DeKoven Drive, Middletown, CT 06457

Phone: 860-344-3459 (office of Town Clerk)

Facilitator: To Be Determined



   (2 minutes): Introductions/identify chapters, recruit timekeeper and stacker. 
   (1 minute):  Identify people present who are NOT voting representatives. 
   (1 minute):  Adopt ground rules. 
   (2 minutes): Approval of tonight’s proposed agenda, additions and deletions. 
    (10 minutes):Presentation of Treasurer’s August and September’s monthly reports. 

      6.    (5 minutes): Review and approval of minutes of 9-27-05 SCC meeting.




1. (2 minutes each): Chapter reports.

2. (10 minutes): U.S. Green Party representatives’ reports by Tim McKee and Thomas Sevigny.

3. (5 minutes): Women’s Caucus report.

4. (5 minutes): V.O.T.E.R. report from Mike DeRosa on possible Pro-Se case against State of CT.

5. (2 minutes): Strategy Committee.

6. (5 minutes): Election Committee: Getting Out The Vote (GOTV) for our candidates in NOV.





Shoreline Chapter




Lindsay Mathews, CO-CHAIR, 256 Shore Drive, Branford, CT 06405

(203) 488-3044


SUBJECT:Request for funding for mailing to Shoreline constituents.


As a result of the information provided to us by the speaker from CCAG at our June, SCC meeting, we would like to do a mailing and fundraising letter to our constituents to update them on the struggle for publicly financed elections in CT and to also use this mailing as a fundraiser.


We propose that the CT GP support this effort by funding this mailing.

The mailing to 250 people would include: 


  Copies:  $44.73 (includes tax)

    a double sided flyer of facts/info given to us by CCAG

    a cover letter from our Chair


Envelopes:  $23.90

    250, #10 envelopes      $7.36

    250, #6/3/4" envelopes    7.58

    Tax @ 6%                    8.96


Labels: $17.57

    250, 2" x 4"           $10.98

    Tax @                          6.59


Postage: $150.60

    250 at 60 cents each    $150.60


Total Cost of Mailing:  $236.77



Draft #1
CTGP Proposal Form
September 1, 2005

PRESENTER (committee, chapter(s) or group of individuals) Hamden Chapter, Northwest Chapter

CONTACT (name, address, phone number, email) Judy Herkimer?

SUBJECT (10 words or less)
Storage, cataloging and access to tape recordings of SCC meetings.

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE (100 words or less; include relationship, reasons and/or justification to the State Central Committee) We have established the ability for the Secretary to tape record SCC meetings to assist in accurate record keeping and transparency, but we have no procedure for storing, cataloging and accessing said tape recordings.

PROPOSAL (200 words or less)

1.Tape recordings will be made at all regular SCC meetings, and will be announced at the start of each meeting.
2.These tapes will then be used by the Secretary to compose the meeting's minutes.
3.The Secretary will be responsible for copying the tapes to digital format and posting them to the archived minutes on the ctgreens.org website (when this feature becomes available) within 1 month of the meeting.
4.The Secretary will then label, catalog and store the original tape in the Hartford Chapter's office, or another designated location, so that they may be checked out to individual party members. This should occur within one month of the meeting.
5.The physical tapes and the dated catalog will be kept available for a period of two years, at which time they may be recycled or reused.
6.The digital files will be maintained on the GPCT server for a minimum period of 5 years, or until server space is needed, which ever comes first.

Proposal Draft #2
CTGP Proposal Form
September 1, 2005

PRESENTER (committee, chapter(s) or group of individuals) Hamden Chapter, OTHER Chapters ????

CONTACT (name, address, phone number, email) Aaron Gustafson, 83 Treadwell St. Hamden, 230.9726, aaron at easy-designs.net

SUBJECT (10 words or less)
Adopting new organization structure and goals for the GP of CT

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE (100 words or less; include relationship, reasons and/or justification to the State Central Committee) After holding several state-wide planning sessions, we feel the proposed changes in our organizational structure and the inclusion of specific goals as outlined below and as further decided upon in Committees will benefit the GP of CT.

PROPOSAL (200 words or less)
The GP of CT should adopt a formal organizational structure (including goals, and allowing for occasional Committees that will not function as “standing,” but will convene as the need arises) as follows:

MEDIA COMMITTEE (MC): Aaron Gustafson, Co-chair
      Implement press release dissemination system
        Explore alternative media outlets
        Letters to the editor/op-ed team
        Develop & maintain newsletter, email lists, listservs, websites and blogs
        Work w/ ELC on candidate/campaign support
        Work w/ LC on legislation support
        Research three issues for candidates @ each level: local/state/federal
        Develop CTGP platform & position papers for candidates
        Educational campaign for 2005/06: IRV
        Research & support referendums
        Work w/ MC on current legislation activity
        Work w/ ELC on platform development

ELECTIONS COMMITTEE (ELC): Kelly McCarthy, Co-chair
      Identify good races & groom candidates to achieve electoral goals
      Electoral Goals 2005: 10 Local candidates
      Electoral Goals 2006: 1 Statewide candidate; 5 State candidates (State Senate or Rep.); 2 U.S. Rep candidates; Candidate for Secretary of the State
      Keep track of deadlines for petitions and paperwork
      Develop sliding scale funding formula for endorsed candidates
      Research endorsements
      Organize candidate workshops
      Publish a state-wide resource directory for candidates by 2006
        Work w/ LC on platform development
        Work w/ MC on candidate/campaign activities

FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE (FC): Judy Herkimer, Treasurer
      Implement fund raising plan
      Research & produce merchandising (according to budget)
      Provide tabling kits for all chapters
      Implement endorsement funding for all candidates on sliding scale
      Work w/ ELC, LC, MC on fund raising activities & monitor goals
INTERNAL COMMITTEE (IC): Barbara Barry DeRosa, Secretary
        Overhaul & maintain bylaws
      Develop & implement budget (w/ Treasurer & FC)
      Organize yearly internal elections
      Create & maintain approved proposal reference book for EC (include proposal & date, divided into procedural, endorsements, financial & other)
      Maintain SCC Reps’ voting record
      Monitor registration goals w/ FC, ELC, LC, MC (increase Greens by 10%=250 people by end of 2006)

Guidelines for Member Involvement
Each individual should:
1. Assess personal strengths & interests 2. Estimate your weekly availability & time commitments 3. Choose the one Committee (Media/Legislation/Elections/ Fund raising/Internal) that suites you best 4. Commit to focusing on that Committee’s tasks & goals 5. If your availability changes, inform your Committee as soon as possible, so that your duties may be reassigned



Directions:    www.mapquest.com






      THE GREEN PARTY OF CONNECTICUT is the third largest political party in CT. The Greens are also the third largest political party in the US, with 220 Greens officeholders in 27 states. Over 80 countries in world have Green Parties. Wangari Maathai, the 2004 winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, is Kenya's assistant minister for environment and an elected Green Party member.
National Committee member from Connecticut: Tim McKee (860) 324-1684

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