{news} Fwd: [media-states] GP RELEASE Greens blast Dem bill to bar 3rd party races for Congress

Green Party-CT greenpartyct at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 10 06:05:22 EST 2006

Scott McLarty <scottmclarty at yahoo.com> wrote:  From: Scott McLarty <scottmclarty at yahoo.com>
To: natlcomaffairs at green.gpus.org, media-states at lists.gp-us.org,
lavender-caucus at green.gpus.org
Subject: [media-states] GP RELEASE Greens blast Dem bill to bar 3rd party races for Congress
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 12:32:42 -0800 (PST)


For Immediate Release:
Thursday, February 9, 2006

Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-518-5624,
mclarty at greens.org
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator, 916-995-3805,
starlene at greens.org

Greens blast bill from Democrats that would bar
third parties in races for Congress.

Panic and retaliation among progressive Democrats
over Green challenges are behind HR 4694, say
Greens, citing the bill's prohibitive petition
requirements, ban on private contributions;
Greens call the bill patently unconstitutional.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Green Party leaders called on
Congress to reject a House bill that combines
public funding of congressional campaigns with a
scheme to ban third party and independents from
such races.

HR 4694 ("Let the People Decide Clean Campaign
Act") would grant nominees of parties (i.e.,
Democrats and Republicans) that had averaged 25%
of the vote for House races in a given district
in the last two elections would get full public

All others (i.e., third party and independent
candidates) would be required to submit petitions
signed by 10% of the last vote cast for partial
funding, and 20% petitions for full funding.

Furthermore, candidates who don't qualify for
funding would be barred from spending any
privately raised money on their campaigns.

"10% and 20% in many districts represent
prohibitively large numbers of required
signatures," said Phil Huckelberry, co-chair of
the Illinois Green Party and co-chair of the
national Green Party's Ballot Access Committee. 
"The goal behind HR 4694 is to use public
financing of campaigns -- itself a sorely needed
reform -- to eliminate third party challenges in
congressional races."

"In Missouri’s 2nd congressional district, a
candidate with a party that won less than 25% of
the vote in the last two elections would need
nearly 70,000 signatures to qualify for the
public funding that her/his Democratic and
Republican opponents would get automatically, and
only signatures from the 2nd District would
count. Nearly 35,000 signatures would be
required in order to allow the candidate to spend
anything at all on the campaign." (St. Louis
Oracle, February 05, 2006

The Green Party of the United States supports
public financing of campaigns as one of several
measures to remove the corrupting influence of
corporations on U.S. politics
But Greens warned that HR 4694 uses public
financing of campaigns as a cover to destroy
democracy by reducing the field to two parties.

Greens called the bill patently unconstitutional
and, if passed, unlikely to survive a court
challenge. But Greens said that the bill is
significant because of the line-up of Congress
members supporting it.

The bill's eight sponsors include liberal
Democrats: David Obey (Wis.), Rosa DeLauro
(Conn.), Barney Frank and James McGovern (Mass.),
Henry Waxman and Bob Filner (Calif.), Steve
Israel (N.Y.), and Tim Ryan (Ohio). Mr. Obey,
Ms. DeLauro, and Mr. Israel faced Green
competition (Mike Miles, Ralph Ferrucci, and John
Keenan, respectively) in recent elections,
suggesting that their sponsorship is retaliatory.
Mr. Miles is seeking the House seat again in
2006 (Wisconsin, District 7); Mr. Ferrucci is
running for the U.S. Senate (Connecticut).

"The Democrats behind this bill have as little
regard for democracy and open elections as
Republicans who have use altered district lines
and other methods to fix elections," said D.C.
Statehood Green Party activist T.E. Smith. 
"Hiding this strategem in a bill for public
financing of campaigns makes it doubly shameful."

"An obvious motivation behind HR 4694 is panic
over a Green insurgency. Voters have realized
that the Democratic Party has given President
Bush and the GOP a pass on various abuses of
power and radical actions, such as the invasion
of Iraq and the confirmation of Judge Samuel
Alito, which most Democrats declined to
filibuster. The time is ripe for a noncorporate
independent third party, and many Democrats are
worried," added Mr. Smith.


Green Party of the United States
1700 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 404
Washington, DC 20009.
202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN
Fax 202-319-7193

Text of HR 4694

Mike Miles for the U.S. House of Representatives
(Wisconsin, District 7)

Ralph A Ferrucci for U.S. Senate (Connecticut)

Coalition For Free and Open Elections

Green Party rebuttal to President Bush's 2006
State of the Union Address (Video News Release)

~ END ~

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  Paid for by Thornton For Governor -   www.VoteThornton.com
  info at votethornton.com
  Cliff Thornton for Governor- Campaign manager- Tim McKee cell (860) 324-1684 or (860) 643-2282
  National Committee member of the Green Party- Connecticut

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