{news} time for a protest? Rell to have Parade, Ball with Inauguration - can you say Marie Antoinettte?

Green Party-CT greenpartyct at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 30 19:35:05 EST 2006

Committees Formed To Plan Inaugural Ball    Inaugural Parade, Ball First Since 1999    POSTED: 2:54 pm EST November 30, 2006
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  HARTFORD, Conn. -- Plans are underway for the first inaugural parade and ball since 1999.   
Gov. M. Jodi Rell said there are three committees working on her Jan. 3 inauguration. One is working on the parade, one on the inauguration ceremony and one on the ball.   
Rell first took office in 2004 after former Gov. John Rowland resigned amid scandal. She decided to skip the pomp and circumstance at the time and held a simple inaugural ceremony outside the state Capitol. Rowland skipped the traditional inaugural parade and ball back in 2003 when the state was in the middle of a budget crisis.                      // Set DC ad position if(typeof dcadposition == 'undefined')dcadposition = 1; else dcadposition++; if (typeof segQS == 'undefined')segQS=''; if (typeof adid == 'undefined')adid='false';  document.write("");          if ((!document.images & navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mozilla/2.") >= 0)  || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("WebTV")>= 0) { document.write(""); document.write(""); }    
Rell said her office is waiting for some guidance from the Office of State Ethics on how best to fund the inaugural ball.   
New laws taking effect ban contributions from lobbyists and contractors. In past years, both helped to foot the bill.

    Tim McKee cell (860) 778-1304 or (860) 643-2282
   National Committee Member of the Green Party(Connecticut)

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