[Thali-talk] Thali daily status - 7/15/2015

Yaron Goland yarong at microsoft.com
Wed Jul 15 15:43:42 EDT 2015

The road to story 0 on Android - We have the post card app up and running so we are feature complete on Android. What is now needed is that we need to get to be test complete. This mostly means having Jukka pass all the tests Matt is writing. Matt will then need to write a second layer of tests to test the mux which is pure node.js code so Matt can fix any bugs he finds himself. At the same time Sreejumon is going to fix our install problems. Once Matt's tests are done and passed and install is done then we can release story 0 on Android.

The road to story -1 on iOS - The specific remaining work is to build the TCP <-> Multi-Peer Connectivity Framework bridge. This honestly isn't much work at all. It's literally just setting up sockets and copying buffers. I'm going to sit down with David over the next few days and work with him using peer programming to see if we can't just knock this one out.

The road to story 0 on iOS - Thanks to testing using spider monkey on Android all of our node.js code should "just work" (I know, famous last words) on iOS since we have to use spider monkey there. So the real work will be in making the native APIs on iOS pass all of the compatibility tests. The APIs are actually pretty trivial (there are defined here<https://github.com/thaliproject/Thali_CordovaPlugin/blob/story_0_matthewp/doc/api/replication.md>) so this shouldn't be terribly hard. So my guess would be that as soon as we get story -1 on iOS out the door we should pretty quickly be able to get story 0 on iOS out the door.

Matt - He ran into an issue with Jasmine on Android (see Oguz's entry for more details) and spent a bunch of the day finding and successfully testing a replacement, in our case we are using Tape. He confirmed that this works right on Android and sent it off to Jukka to use for testing. The current tests he has are very simple unit tests just to test local APIs without touching the radios. Today he will write tests that assume at least two devices are next to each other and then tests the APIs under real world conditions.

Srikanth - He got unblocked on story 0 so he can now synch data successfully (it was an install issue) and he worked on the UX for story 0.0. Today he should get a custom binary drop from Oguz of JXCore with the new crypto libraries that Srikanth wrote so he can finish up story 0.0 with the real apis. Everyone should have JXCore with the crypto APIs later this week.

Jukka - Jukka futzed around with the new testing framework that Matt sent him a bit but didn't quite grok it. So we explained to him what's going on. Meanwhile he spent his time continuing to run BLE tests so he could figure out things like how much data he can advertise. The numbers on advertising size look good. Tomorrow he should be able to use Matt's tests (they already found some issues with Jukka's code) including Matt's new tests for device to device. He will also do a long code walk through with David and I so we are familiar with his code before he leaves for vacation.

Oguz - He is still primarily working on the 0.4 release with Node v0.12 support and on getting their sample app into the apple app store. He also helped debug an issue we ran into yesterday with Jasmine. It turns out that Jasmine was calling a function that it had defined as a function expression  (not a declaration) before defining it. Javascript hoisting will only hoist the declaration of the expression's variable but not the function definition itself. So technically this is an error that should have caused Jasmine to fail. The reason it didn't is because V8 has special code to be forgiving about this and still make things work. But spider money (which we are currently using on Android and must use on iOS) isn't forgiving about this and so we get an error. Oguz filed a bug on Jasmine but who knows when they will fix it. So we are using tape instead. But it's actually great that we are running into bugs like this because it means  when we start running on iOS we will already have found a bunch of bugs since we are using spider money on Android.

Yaron - Had a long pair programming session with David to help accelerate our iOS work. Then a bunch of email and then started to dig into Matt's mega-PR. Today I will have a long code walkthrough led by Jukka with David of Jukka's code and then more code reviews and then filing a metric ton of issues.

Sreejumon - He finally worked through the various build issues he was having and now has story 0 working on his devices. Today he is going to focus on cleaning up our install experience for story 0 by using post install hooks in Cordova to automatically move around files and install things. This will make our install much more bullet proof.

David - After a long call with me yesterday doing pair programming he spent earlier today working with some native code to work with the socket APIs he needs for the iOS work. He also attended the code walkthrough with Jukka since he is Jukka's ghost. Tomorrow he will be sitting down with me for a bunch of hours to pair program our way through the iOS work.

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