[Thali-talk] Thali daily status - 7/16/2015

Yaron Goland yarong at microsoft.com
Thu Jul 16 11:36:38 EDT 2015

Matt - He finished up a bunch of tests yesterday for Jukka and then in a fit of complete insanity got up at 3:00 am his time so he could work with Jukka in order to make sure Jukka actually got the tests running. Unfortunately a fat finger by Oguz meant that Express wasn't working on Cordova with JXCore but they were able to get the local unit tests fully passing. Today Matt wants to do a bit of work to make the output from the test runner human readable (right now it's a bunch of JSON) and then hopefully will go to sleep before working with Jukka again to get the Express based tests (e.g. the phone to phone tests) working before Jukka leaves for vacation.

Srikanth - Yesterday he worked on the UX and some file handling issues for certs but ran into the bug that Matt would eventually run into that JXCore and Cordova and Express weren't working properly together. However this didn't block his UX /file work. Today he will continue that work. Mostly he needs to make sure that the certs are stored in the right place and he needs to fix the UX so he can have a drop down of destinations where a postcard can be sent based on entries in his address book. This is all for story 0.0.

Jukka - He spent a bunch of time yesterday walking David and I through his code (extremely informative, make sure to read his blog article<http://www.drjukka.com/blog/wordpress/?p=140> where he explains the architecture). We did find a number of issues and he has already submitted fixes for those. He also worked with Matt to get all the local unit tests passing and tomorrow his time he will continue to work with Matt to get all the phone to phone integration tests passing.

Oguz - Still working on 0.4 and ideally the Apple app store sample app should go in today or tomorrow at the latest. He also fixed a bit of a fat finger. He had updated the github cordova project for JXCore's master branch to a broken version and then had forgotten to submit the fixed version which is what caused all of our stuff to break. But it's fine, it's all fixed now. This is part of the danger of using pre-release software. The good news is that moving forward Nubisa will only use the master branch (which is what we synch off) for the cordova project for "known good". So hopefully this issue won't happen again.

Yaron - Yesterday I spent a bunch of time with Jukka and David on the code walk through. Had an internal call. Spent time actually cleaning up our bugs which we have been ignoring since we are using these daily status update. Spent some time seeing if I could hook up one of the existing pretty printers to make the test output look nice. Matt actually showed in his code how to do the hookup since there is no standard out on node on mobile but unfortunately the pretty printer I was using made too many assumptions about the capabilities of the output so it didn't work. So I went back to updating our stories and our issues. I didn't want to start coding yesterday because I will be spending most of today on the phone with David pair programming the iOS code.

Sreejumon - He spent yesterday just trying to understand the hook architecture in Cordova because he needs to use it to automate our install work. Today he will figure out if we can grab the after plugin install event (which would be best) or if we need to grab the before build event (less good). Then he will start to write the install script.

David - He spent a bunch of time yesterday on the phone with Jukka and I reviewing Jukka's code. He also is still working on getting the basic tcp/ip client/listener working in a standalone native project. Today we should work together on pair programming.

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