[TheClimate.Vote] Daily News of Global Warming Issues for voters, candidates and officials July 4, 2016

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    Scientists send letter to*climate*skeptics in Congress

Daily Kos 	 -‎17 hours ago‎ 	


“For the United States,*climate change*impacts include greater threats 
of extreme weather events,*sea level rise*, and increased risk of 
regional water scarcity, heat waves, wildfires, and the disturbance of 
biological systems,” the updated 2016 letter*...*

*What Brexit teaches us about climate change communications* 
George Marshall COIN
The Remain campaign was an object case in bad communications, one from 
which there is much to learn. The tragedy for the Remain campaigners is 
that the principles of good engagement were already well known, not 
least from the field of climate change communications.  Mistakes are 
forgivable, but there is no excuse for stumbling down a path that is 
already littered with the wreckage of previous attempts to motivate 
public opinion- or then, as your support haemorrhages, doubling down on 
a losing strategy...
...There are many curious parallels between the climate change and 
referendum debates.  Following the language of social theorist Horst 
Rittel both issues are "wicked" problems: complex, multifactoral, and 
contradictory. Both issues struggle through the same cognitive landscape 
of bias, fear and group loyalty. And campaigners for both issues  have 
failed to understand the way that people form their opinions....

    *Climate Change's*Iniquitous Transmission of Urgency: The Gulf South

Common Dreams (press release) 	 -‎Jul 2, 2016‎ 	


Hundreds of protesters disrupted an offshore oil and gas lease auction 
held in March at the Superdome in New Orleans. The action was part of 
the growing international Keep It in the Ground movement that aims to 
stave off the worst effects of*climate**...*

    Lyme Disease Spread Speeded By*Climate Change*? How To Prevent This
    Life-Altering Disease

The Inquisitr 	 -‎1 hour ago‎ 	


Lyme Disease is an inflammatory illness that's spread through infected 
mice or deer, yet it would appear that not much is known about it.

    Vast Peat Fires Threaten Health and Boost*Global Warming*

Scientific American 	 -‎20 hours ago‎ 	


*Largest blazes on earth smolder for months in Canada and 
Indonesia*...Unlike the dramatic wildfires near Fort McMurray, peat 
fires smolder slowly at a low temperature and spread underground, making 
them difficult to detect, locate and extinguish. They produce little 
flame and much smoke, which can become a threat to public health as the 
smoke creeps along the land and chokes nearby villages and cities... 
Although they look nothing like it, peat fires are the "largest fires on 

    Research ... finds a link between*air pollution*and mental disorders
    in young people

PRI 	 -‎2 hours ago‎ 	


A sign on a school in Manhattan attempts to limit*air pollution*from 
idling cars near a school. A new study from Sweden suggests risk of 
asthma is not the only consequence of*air pollution*exposure in 
childhood; there are also apparently mental health*...The researchers 
came to their findings by cross-referencing pollution exposure with a 
registry of dispensed psychiatric medication for children and 
adolescents in Sweden. The results are persuasive, in part, because the 
study sampled an unusually large population, around half a million 
people*...**“We know that air pollution can get into the brain and cause 
inflammation and that psychiatric disorders can be caused by 
inflammation. So I think there is a need for these kind of large 
epidemiological studies, and I think there will be more to come in the 
next few years.”

    Australia Is Being Swamped By*Climate Change*Deniers

New Matilda 	 -‎8 hours ago‎ 	


And why does Hanson even have an opinion on*climate science*? Why are 
racists*climate*deniers? Does Hanson have doubts about enlightenment 

    Friendly elk hangs out with*wildfire*crew

KREM.com 	 -‎16 hours ago‎ 	


It's not every day*wildfire*crews get support from their four-legged 
friends. Over the weekend, a friendly elk shared some affection to 
firefighters and officers battling the wildfires in Kittitas County.

              ========================  #### 

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