[TheClimate.Vote] Daily News of Global Warming Issues for voters, candidates and officials July 5, 2016

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    *Climate change*: the missing issue of the 2016 campaign

The Guardian 	 -‎3 hours ago‎ 	


The Guardian asked readers to identify the “one issue that affects your 
life you wish the presidential candidates were discussing more”. 
Resoundingly, *the largest group of participants pointed to climate 
change*.... “The American people could not have a starker choice before 
them between a presumptive candidate of one of the two parties who 
recognizes the risk posted by human-caused climate change and 
articulates solutions, and the presumptive candidate of the other party, 
who denies that climate change is even real.”.. “merely believing in 
climate change at this point is way too low a bar. We need leaders who 
understand it’s the issue of our century, and will work with the focus 
it requires.” 

*Infographic: Western Wildfires and Climate Change 
Union of Concerned Scientists   Multi-color chart of Western Wildfires - 
showing number of fires per year, temperatures and increased wildfire 
risk, and increased length of wildfire season... refer to these charts 
prior to any discussion of correlation with global warming over the 
years.  Good information presented in quick and easy graphics. 

    Does Exxon Have a Constitutional Right to Deny*Climate Change*?

Newsweek 	 -‎5 hours ago‎ 	


Last fall, investigations by Inside*Climate*News and the Los Angeles 
Times revealed that the oil giant has decades of internal documents 
showing that its own scientists and executives knew fossil fuels 
contributed to*climate change*. Publicly, the*...*

    Exxon gets boost in*climate*fight

The Hill 	 -‎20 minutes ago‎ 	


Exxon Mobil Corp. and its allies are finally starting to pick up wins in 
the fight over the company's history with*climate change*. After months 
of new investigations by state attorneys general, pressure from 
Democratic lawmakers, protests by*environmentalists and more, Exxon's 
supporters say it has started clawing back with victories in court...
But the foes of the United States’ largest oil company are undeterred 
and promising to keep the fight up for as long as it takes to hold Exxon 
accountable for its role in climate change...
At issue is the difference between Exxon’s public stance on climate 
change and its internal research on the issue, and whether the company's 
actions over the last four decades constitutes fraud or other 
crimes...“People are coming to understand that Exxon Mobil had its own 
scientists telling them repeatedly as far back as the ‘70s about the 
harms caused by the burning of fossil fuels. And notwithstanding what 
their own scientists were telling them, Exxon Mobil was putting out a 
public story intended to downplay and disparage and sow doubt about 
climate change,” Kimmell said. “The public is increasingly understanding 
that and seeking to hold the company accountable for that.”*

    Why*Climate Change*Is an Education Issue

Project Syndicate 	 -‎7 hours ago‎ 	


NEW YORK -*Climate change*affects us all, but we still are not acting as 
quickly as we should to address its causes, mitigate the damage, and 
adapt to its effects.

    When*Global Warming*Is Good — For Russia

NPR 	 -‎18 hours ago‎ 	


Melting Arctic ice is giving Russia new shipping routes and access to 
oil. They're also building up militarily, in what could be the next 
crisis zone between Russia and the West.

    Australia Is Being Swamped By*Climate Change*Deniers

New Matilda 	 -‎12 hours ago‎ 	


And why does Hanson even have an opinion on*climate science*? Why are 
racists*climate*deniers? Does Hanson have doubts about enlightenment 
empiricism?...These people are not in jail where they belong. Instead 
they spent the last eight weeks fronting up to Australians asking to be 
entrusted again. We are not in safe hands....What kind of electoral 
dissonance are One Nation Voters suffering? As we of the Greens voting 
variety have been instructed, the workers of Australia have been so 
cowed by threats to Medicare they simply cannot spare a thought for 
refugees. Apparently the capacity for workers to run more than one 
thought process in their heads at any time is somewhat limited. Only the 
left commentariat can multitask, it seems...Hanson will find a way to 
jumble racism with climate obstruction. As Naomi Klein presciently 
argues they already go hand in glove. She writes, “there is no way to 
confront the climate crisis as a technocratic problem, in isolation. It 
must be seen in the context of austerity and privatisation, of 
colonialism and militarism, and of the various systems of othering 
needed to sustain them all.”

    The curious case of crabs crawling crazy 'cause of*climate change*

Quartz 	 -‎2 hours ago‎ 	


No-one likes the shore crab. It's one of the world's worst alien 
invasive species, threatening the native wildlife of any new region it 
invades..Female shore crabs take care of fertilized eggs by paying 
attention to a chemical signal coming from their broods. The signal 
tells them to waft fresh water over the eggs—providing oxygen and 
cleaning debris—so that they stay healthy. However, researchers at the 
University of Hull have found that an acidic ocean changes the shape of 
that chemical, which means the crab is no longer able to recognize it. 
The upshot: the crab eggs don’t get fresh water and many of them 
die.......The problem of not recognizing such important chemical 
signals, according to University of Hull chemistry professor Mark Lorch, 
affects not just shore crabs, but all kinds of species from sea snails 
to the iconic clownfish. The chemical signals are used not just to take 
care of broods, but also to detect prey, locate food, and find mates. 
Without such signals, these species start behaving oddly—often to their 
own detriment.

Classic web sites:
*I Heart Climate Scientists - a facebook page with humorous drawings 
Hundreds of political cartoons, drawings, photos -- all about climate 
change - most are humorous

              ========================  #### 

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