[TheClimate.Vote] Daily News of Global Warming Issues for voters, candidates and officials July 6, 2016

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    New research:*climate*may be more sensitive and situation more dire

The Guardian 	 -‎4 hours ago‎ 	


[Infrared image of Earth 
They find that the use of sea surface temperatures biases the Otto 
result low by about 9%, and the lack of Arctic observations by another 
15%. When observations are adjusted to estimate surface air 
temperatures, or when models are adjusted to estimate land-ocean surface 
temperatures, the estimated transient climate response from climate 
models and the Otto approach are in close agreement. *...We’re also left 
with the question, when evaluating dangerous global warming, should we 
consider measured land-ocean temperatures, or faster-warming air 
temperatures? As Ed Hawkins notes, if we decide climate targets refer to 
the latter, it puts us about 24% closer to dangerous thresholds. Thus 
the climate situation may be even more, not less urgent than previously 

*Water world: rising tides close in on Trump, the climate change denier 

The Guardian
Climate change has barely registered as a 2016 campaign issue, but in 
Florida, the state which usually decides the presidential election, the 
waters are lapping at the doors of Donald Trump’s real estate 
empire...Trump’s insouciance in the face of overwhelming scientific 
evidence of climate change – even lapping up on his own doorstep – makes 
him something of an outlier in south Florida, where mayors are actively 
preparing for a future under climate change...Trump, who backed climate 
action in 2009 but now describes climate change as “bullshit”, ..

    Climate Policy vs *Climate Ethics*? A Debate on Justice and Our
    Global Future

New Security Beat (blog) 	 -‎1 hour ago‎ 	


As the international community looks to the Paris climate agreement and 
beyond, a key question emerges: Will strong ethical arguments or 
pragmatic national interest lead to a safe and sustainable future?..

  Climate Policy and Climate Ethics: A Debate on Justice and our Global
  Future (video) <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iy0tkQ_7_-w>

YouTube video 2 hours...The Paris Agreement last year has been heralded 
as a sea change in global climate change policy. For the first time in 
20 years governments have agreed in principle to limit emissions and 
created a platform to encourage increasingly ambitious responses. But is 
the outcome a just one? And does it matter?...Stephen Gardiner, a 
philosophy professor at the University of Washington, and David 
Weisbach, a law professor at the University of Chicago, take up two 
sides of this debate in the new book, Debating Climate Ethics. 
...Speaking at the Wilson Center on June 15, they traded points about 
whether an ethical framing or a focus on self-interest paves the path 
for meaningful action on climate change.on the human dimensions of 
climate change and the relevance of ethics in creating global climate 

    This new Antarctica study is bad news for*climate change*doubters

Washington Post 	 -‎13 hours ago‎ 	


For a number of years now,*climate change*skeptics have argued that 
there's a key part of the Earth's*climate*system that upends our 
expectations about*global warming*, and that is showing trends that 
actually cut in the opposite direction. This*...*

    *Climate Change*Could Alter Interactions Among Species

Scientific American 	 -‎27 minutes ago‎ 	


 From plants and crustaceans to birds and mammals, species across the 
food chain in the United Kingdom are shifting how they respond to 
seasonal changes, and British researchers say*climate change*is a major 
reason why. Stephen Thackeray, a lake ...

    Can New York Be Saved in the Era of*Global Warming*?

RollingStone.com 	 -‎1 hour ago‎ 	


"The problem for New York is,*climate science*is getting better and 
better, and storm intensity and*sea-level-rise*projections are getting 
more and more alarming," says Chris Ward, the former executive director 
of the Port Authority of New York and New*...*

    5 emerging trends in*climate*resilience

GreenBiz 	 -‎6 hours ago‎ 	


For example, in Pittwater, Australia, permission for development is 
"only granted once the local council is satisfied that*sea level rise*, 
coastal erosion and recession, or change of flooding patterns as a 
result of*climate change*have been considered*...*

    Court Decision on*Climate*Plan Jolts Carbon Prices

Climate Central 	 -‎4 hours ago‎ 	


A temporary halt to the federal government's plan to cut electric power 
plant emissions has caused carbon prices in the Northeast's only 
cap-and-trade program to plummet, according to the U.S.

    Carbon tax and pricing*greenhouse gas*emissions: Research and

Journalist's Resource 	 -‎6 hours ago‎ 	


Such a tax, which would assign a fee to carbon dioxide emissions because 
of their detrimental impact on the atmosphere and contributions 
to*climate change*, has long appealed to a diverse mix of people of 
varying political ideologies, from groups on*...*

              ========================  #### 

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