[TheClimate.Vote] Daily News of Global Warming Issues for voters, candidates and officials July 7, 2016

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    Have conservatives noticed their favorite *climate*talking point has
    been obliterated?

The Week Magazine 	 -‎3 hours ago‎ 	


Conservatives have long been searching for a reason to do nothing 
about*climate change*. For some, this means ... Several years ago, it 
seemed like that crowd had a perfect argument to justify inaction 
on*climate*: the*global warming*"pause. ...*Climate*. *..But lo and 
behold, two years later warming has surged back with a vengeance. First 
2014 was measured as the hottest year on record by a slight margin, then 
2015 broke that record by a bit more, and now 2016 is set to obliterate 
the record again, this time by a huge margin..*

    The Democrats'*climate change* conundrum

Christian Science Monitor 	 -‎1 hour ago‎ 	


The Sanders camp is seeing the platform as a missed opportunity for the 
party to push for more meaningful action on*global warming*- notably a 
carbon tax and a ban on “fracking” as a means of fossil fuel extraction. 
...But behind the clash is also a trend of rising concern. Climate 
change has never been more prominent as a political issue – about 
two-thirds of Americans say they care a “great deal” or a “fair amount” 
about climate change, the highest percentage since 2008. And, in 
contrast with Republicans, more than 80 percent of Democrats – Clinton 
voters included – are concerned about climate change...The question for 
Democrats is not whether to ramp up the effort on climate policy, but 
how and how rapidly.

*Climate change: the missing issue of the 2016 campaign 
The Guardian asked readers to identify the “one issue that affects your 
life you wish the presidential candidates were discussing more”.  
Resoundingly, the largest group of participants pointed to climate 
change....Of the 1,385 who responded to the call-out – from all 50 
states – one in five expressed discontent at the relative silence from 
candidates around a subject that they believed to be of supreme and 
epochal importance. They noted that much of the Republican debate has 
either focused on blatant denial that climate change even exists ...Many 
of the respondents vented despair at a political system that in their 
view allowed a matter of such overwhelming significance to be so 
overlooked. “The fact that no one is really talking about climate 
change, to me, is indicative of just how lost we are,” said Linda 
Hayden, 51, from Oregon. “Our house is on fire and we are arguing about 
who is more angry!”

    Summer of Fire:*Climate Change *Driving Wildfires

News Deeply 	 -‎Jul 5, 2016‎ 	


The number of large fires is growing, and so is the area burned and the 
length of the annual fire season. There is not one single cause for 
this, but a big contributor is temperature. Most of the region’s large 
fires are happening in warmer years that result in earlier spring 
runoff...“The conclusion of our work is very direct, warming 
temperatures are drying out western forests and warmer and earlier 
springs are lengthening the fire season and the consequence of these 
factors is that there are more opportunities for large severe fires,” 
said Anthony LeRoy Westerling, associate professor of environmental 
engineering at the University of California, Merced. “As a result, fire 
activity is increasing.”...Their most current research, published in 
March, uses data up to 2012 and found that since the window between 1973 
and 1982, the number of large fires in the west has increased more than 
500 percent across the region and the area burned has increased more 
than 1,200 percent. But certain areas have seen a much larger uptick – 
the area burned in the northern Rockies is up 3,000 percent and in the 
Northwest, 5,000 percent...
Their research also found that fire season now runs 220 days, an 
increase of 84 days in recent decades.

    *Climate*Denier Marco Rubio Tries To Tackle Toxic Florida Algae, Is
    Baffled By Cause

ThinkProgress 	 -‎19 hours ago‎ 	


*Rubio is flat-out ignoring two major forces behind Florida’s water 
woes: Pollution from agriculture and climate change....“It’s a complex 
and painful thing to talk about and it’s a very difficult thing to deal 
with because it doesn’t have one singular cause and it doesn’t have one 
singular project that solves it all,” Rubio said in a statement, urging 
the lake’s managers to stop releasing water into the estuaries just 
north of West Palm Beach....Climate change*is expected to result in 
increased temperatures of nearshore ocean water, and this could lead to 
increased growth of harmful microorganisms.

    Bankrupt  Peabody Energy (Coal) Paid*Climate*Denialist Craig Idso To
    Write*Greenhouse Gas*Reports

DeSmog (blog) 	 -‎7 hours ago‎ 	


Idso was appointed Peabody's director of environmental science in 2001. 
He said he left the company the following year but continued to work as 
a consultant “for a few more years” to prepare annual reports as part of 
the*greenhouse gas*reporting program.
* *Fate of Keystone XL Pipeline Could Be Decided in a Texas Courtroom 
Before NAFTA Tribunal Considers TransCanada’s Suit 
DeSmogBlog Texas landowner Michael Bishop continues to challenge 
TransCanada’s right to build the southern route of the Keystone XL 
pipeline, renamed the Gulf Coast pipeline when the project was divided 
into segments. Meanwhile, TransCanada is suing the United States for not 
being granted the presidential permit needed in order to build the 
Keystone XL's northern route. A win for Bishop in his suit against 
TransCanada Keystone Pipeline L.P. in Nacogdoches County District Court 
could complicate TransCanada’s North American Free Trade Agreement 
(NAFTA) challenge.

Climate Law Blog On June 14, an Arizona trial court ruled that the 
University of Arizona must turn over more than a decade of university 
climate scientists’ emails to the Energy & Environment Legal Institute 
(“E&E”), a group that, in its own words, “pepper[s] universities around 
the country” with open records requests as part of a mission of “free 
market environmentalism.”  This June 2016 decision is a complete 
reversal from a March 2015 decision by the same judge, as well as a 
serious departure from other court cases across the country protecting 
scientists’ research correspondence....E&E – formerly named the American 
Tradition Institute (“ATI”) – has repeatedly used open records laws in 
attempts to obtain years of publicly funded scientists’ correspondence.  
The group’s work has been described as “filing nuisance suits to disrupt 
important academic research” as part of its work to convince “the public 
to believe human-caused global warming is a scientific fraud.”  The 
group has been linked to the coal and oil industries, “major 
conservative players,” and “organizations opposing action on climate 

    *Arctic*Cruise Raises Hopes and Environmental Concerns

New York Times 	 -‎5 hours ago‎ 	


Even with*global warming*opening up the Northwest Passage, fewer than 50 
passenger ships have completed the full transit, and those were largely 
yachts and expedition boats with at most a few hundred people.

              ========================  #### 

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