[TheClimate.Vote] Daily News of Global Warming Issues for voters, candidates and officials July 8, 2016

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Fri Jul 8 09:52:26 EDT 2016

July 8, 2016/   by forwarding this email you help keep voters and 
candidates well-informed about global warming /

*In June, Record Heat in America and All-Time Low Ice Extent in 
Arctic**:* <http://climatenexus.org/>June was the warmest on record 
1895 in the United States, with a monthly average temperature of 71.8°F 
in Lower 48 states, 3.3°F above normal. According to the National 
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, there have also been eight 
weather and climate disasters 
with losses exceeding $1 billion each in the first half of the year – a 
combination of severe storms and massive flooding. In the Arctic, sea 
ice extent plunged 100,000 sq. miles below the previous record low set 
in June 2010, the National Snow and Ice Data Center showed 
The sea ice extent was 525,000 sq. miles below the 1981-2010 long-term 
average. From mid-June onwards, ice cover reduced 70 percent faster than 
typical rate of ice loss, at an average rate of 29,000 sq. miles a day. 
Washington Post 
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The Hill 
Climate Central 
Washington Post 
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    Companies Should Be Forced To Disclose*Climate*Risk, Unilever CEO

Huffington Post 	 -‎10 hours ago‎ 	


Unilever chief Paul Polman said Wednesday that all companies should be 
forced to disclose to shareholders any risk that*climate change*might 
pose to their business. “*Climate change*reporting should be mandatory 
for businesses,” Polman wrote in a tweet that linked to a Brookings 
Institution talk on delivering on the goals of the Paris climate accord. 
“We must hold each other to account on #ParisAgreement.” ...Polman’s 
call for regulation on this issue fits into a larger pattern of growing 
pressure ― especially on firms in heavily polluting industries ― to tell 
investors about any risks posed to their business by climate change and 
by efforts to curb it....More than half of the 20 largest U.S.-listed 
energy and industrial companies don’t disclose information about the 
potential costs they might suffer as a result of climate change....Left 
unchecked, climate change could upend human civilization within the next 
century, swallowing coastal cities as sea levels surge, displacing 
millions of people and unleashing destructive storms as weather becomes 
more extreme and less predictable. That poses a risk to virtually every 
business. Meanwhile, efforts by lawmakers to combat climate change pose 
yet another risk to companies, like oil firms, that make money from 
products that pollute the environment....A few of the world’s biggest 
oil companies ― including U.S. giants Chevron, ConocoPhillips, 
ExxonMobil and Valero Energy ― are starting to tell investors that their 
businesses could take a hit from climate change, according to a review 
of recent public filings with securities regulators.

    Gauging the impact of*climate change*on US agriculture

MIT News 	 -‎35 minutes ago‎ 	


To assess the likely impact of*climate change*on U.S. agriculture, 
researchers typically run a combination of*climate*and crop models that 
project how yields of maize, wheat, and other key crops will change over 
time. But the suite of models commonly*...*

    The great tide: is Britain really equipped to cope with*global

The Guardian 	 -‎16 hours ago‎ 	


On the day that London drowned, 16-year-old Shirley Orchard was serving 
customers bars of chocolate and packets of cigarettes at her father's 
shop on Canvey Island.

    High risk of*wildfire*projected for Amazon

University of California 	 -‎14 hours ago‎ 	


“Severe drought conditions at the start of the dry season set the stage 
for extreme fire risk in 2016 across the southern Amazon,”...The 
long-lasting effects of*El Niño*are projected to cause an intense fire 
season in the Amazon.... the forecast model is focused particularly on 
the link between sea surface temperatures and fire activity. Warmer sea 
surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific (El Niño) and Atlantic 
oceans shift rainfall away from the Amazon region, increasing the risk 
of fires during dry season months...“When trees have less moisture to 
draw upon at the beginning of the dry season, they become more 
vulnerable to fire, and evaporate less water into the atmosphere,” said 
Randerson. “This puts millions of trees under stress and lowers humidity 
across the region, allowing fires to grow bigger than they normally 
would.”.., according to the 2016 seasonal forecast from scientists at 
NASA and the University of California, Irvine.

*Why the 'We're All Responsible' Line is a Climate Change Cop-Out 
DeSmogBlog To no one’s surprise, there’s been an awfully wide range of 
responses to what caused the catastrophic Fort McMurray wildfires...Some 
blame climate change. Others peg it on the El Niño and forest management 
techniques. Still more suggest that now’s simply not the time to be 
having such a conversation...But the one thing that appears to unite all 
sides is “our” alleged complicity in it as North American 
consumers....For instance, the National Post’s Jen Gerson argued in a 
May 5 piece: “We are all responsible for climate change. Fort McMurray 
simply produces some of the products we all consume.”... “It’s this 
‘there’s no such thing as society.’ That’s just not true. The real 
things, the real game-changers here, would be regulations imposed by 
government.”...So while it may be simpler to write statements like “we 
are all responsible for climate change” than to call out a handful of 
powerful people and corporations who have access to policymakers via 
direct lobbying and campaign donations, it ignores the powerful role 
that governments can and probably should play in implementing 
regulations and price mechanisms....If we really want to build a more 
equitable and sustainable society, cutting through the blithe “we’re all 
responsible” lingo is a must.

              ========================  #### 

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