[TheClimate.Vote] Daily News of Global Warming Issues for voters, candidates and officials July 9, 2016

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*Louder than Words - vote the climate change issue 
Tamino Blog <https://tamino.wordpress.com/2016/07/08/louder-than-words-2/>
To put it simply: *make climate change the #1 issue when you get in the 
voting booth*...
The most important part of that is: keep Donald Trump out of the white 
house.  Period. The second most important part is:*get the senators and 
congresspersons who are the problem the hell out of our congress... *One 
way to influence those who are there, is to be heard. I know of three 
ways to influence your elected representatives (besides voting of 
course):*telephone calls, emails, and handwritten letters. Do all three. 

*ExxonMobil: New Disclosures Show Oil Giant Still Funding Climate 
Science Denial Groups 
DeSmogBlog  ExxonMobil and the climate science denial machinery that it 
has helped to build over the years are now under more scrutiny than ever 
before. ... In the latest disclosures, one of the larger single 
donations — $325,000 — went to the American Enterprise Institute, an 
organisation that has long fought regulations to cut greenhouse gases 
while also criticising renewable energy....As United Nations climate 
talks opened in Paris in December 2015, the AEI’s energy and environment 
“expert” Benjamin Zycher provided his analysis of the science of climate 
change...Zycher cherry-picked his way through various issues — from sea 
level rise to global temperatures — each time dismissing, or heavily 
questioning, the role of increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the 
atmosphere...“In short”, Zycher wrote, “it appears to be the case that 
temperatures have been increasing in fits and starts since the end of 
the little ice age, and the central issue — whether the dominant cause 
is natural or anthropogenic — is unresolved.”

    Alberta Wildfires Costliest Disaster in Canadian History

Climate Central 	 -‎2 hours ago‎ 	


The Fort McMurray*wildfire*, driven by drought and*climate change*, was 
the costliest natural disaster in Canadian history, ringing up $3.58 
billion in losses, according to the Insurance Bureau of Canada....The 
wildfire, which ignited May 1 in eastern Alberta and was brought under 
control on July 5, forced Canada’s largest-ever evacuation. It scorched 
more than 1.4 million acres and destroyed 2,400 homes and other 
buildings in and around Fort McMurray, the hub of Canada’s oil sands 
industry....The disaster resulted in more than 27,000 personal property 
insurance claims averaging $81,000 each and 5,000 commercial insurance 
claims averaging $227,000 each. Canada’s previous costliest natural 
disaster, the 2013 floods which inundated Calgary, totaled less than 
half the insurance claims — $1.7 billion — of this year’s wildfires, 
according to the IBC.

*As Temperatures Climb Across the Country, Workers Will Suffer 
In These Times 
The summer of 2016 is barely two weeks old, but this year is already on 
track to break high temperature records in the United States. On June 
20, cities across the Southwest and into Nevada reached all-time 
triple-digit highs...   Last year, the federal Occupational Safety and 
Health Administration (OSHA) received more than 200 reports of workers 
hospitalized because of heat-related illness and at least eight deaths 
associated with heat exposure. According to OSHA, since 2003, heat has 
killed—on average—more than 30 workers a year. In 2014, 2,630 U.S. 
workers suffered from heat illness and 18 died on the job from heat 
stroke and related causes.
Of these deaths, nine occurred in the workers’ first three days on the 
job, four of them on the worker’s first day—and at workplaces where 
employers had no way of allowing new workers to acclimatize to the heat. 
These numbers have been even worse in the past. In 2011, heat killed 61 
U.S. workers and sickened 4,420.... if workers are going to be exposed 
to high temperatures, their employer is supposed to have a heat illness 
prevention program. This includes providing workers with water, rest and 
shade. It should also allow workers to acclimatize to the heat, and 
train workers to monitor for and prevent extreme heat exposure and illness.

    Oil industry bears brunt of blame for*global warming*

Independent Online 	 -‎8 hours ago‎ 	


Now no less than 16 US public prosecutors have banded together to demand 
that Exxon-Mobil hand over e-mails, paper memos, documents of any kind 
that so much as use words like “*climate change*”, “*global warming*” or 
“carbon dioxide emissions”, as well*...*

    UK weather: 'Spanish plume' could bring*heatwave*and SIX WEEKS of
    sizzling summer temperatures

Mirror.co.uk 	 -‎2 hours ago‎ 	


A 'Spanish plume' of hot air could yet kick off Britain's soggy summer 
and spark a SIX WEEK*heatwave*. After one of the wettest and dullest 
Junes on record, July has hardly been much better, with frequent 
downpours and precious little sunshine.

    *Climate change*is raising peat fire risk - study

Climate Home 	 -‎10 hours ago‎ 	


Peat bogs - massive stores of atmospheric carbon, held in 
partly-decomposed fibrous plant material - could catch fire and smoulder 
below the surface as they dry out in a regime of*global warming*. ... 
And the scientists warn in Scientific Reports journal that the mining or 
“quarrying” of peat http://sumo.ly/lw0u via @ClimateHome

    The Future of Tea Looks Bleak, Thanks to*Climate Change*

Eater 	 -‎2 hours ago‎ 	


*Global warming*has brought unseasonally high levels of rainfall in 
parts of the world. Because the atmosphere's water-holding limit 
increases by about 4 percent for every one degree Fahrenheit rise in 
temperature, extreme precipitation is more likely*...*

    Miami's plan to deal with*climate change*: Make developers pay up

Grist 	 -‎8 hours ago‎ 	


It's hard to ignore*climate change*in South Florida, what with the city 
streets that flood at high tide and the worsening storms that routinely 
claim waterfront homes...Miami-Dade County has a plan 
to deal with all this: spend $400 million to build a system of valves, 
pumps, and raised roadways to lessen the impact of flooding. It’s 
far-reaching, ambitious, and expensive — and some in the city want 
developers to pay for it....According to the Miami New Times 
four county commissioners have proposed placing “impact fees” on 
developers who build in environmentally sensitive areas. The idea has 
never been tried before, says the paper. Next, the commission will get 
input from the public and local businesses. If the plan does move 
forward, it will be at least a year before developers start paying up..

              ========================  #### 

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