[TheClimate.Vote] Daily News of Global Warming Issues for voters, candidates and officials july 10, 2016

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    Will Democrats Get It Right on*Climate*Before It's Too Late?

Common Dreams (press release) 	 -‎Jul 7, 2016‎ 	


"Democrats are not just in a race with Donald Trump, they're in a race 
against time to save our communities from catastrophic climate change." 
...Environmentalists see the upcoming full Democratic Platform Committee 
meeting in Orlando as a final opportunity to ensure the party takes 
meaningful action on*climate change*over the next four years. ..As it 
stands in its final draft form, the platform falls short in several key 
ways, according to the group:
It does not take a stand against fracking.
It does not ask that new fossil fuel projects receive the same climate 
test that Keystone XL did.
It does not take a stand against the Trans Pacific Partnership.
It allows new and expanded oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, despite 
calling for a ban off other coasts.

    Trump's Energy Plan Poses*Climate*Threat to US Economy

GovExec.com 	 -‎Jul 9, 2016‎ 	


Sea-level projections by the Intergovernmental Panel on*Climate 
Change*(*IPCC*), by our research group and by others indicate that 
global average sea level at the end of the century would likely be about 
1-2.5 feet higher under the Paris Path than in 2000*...*

    In NC, dangerous delays and delusions on*sea-level rise*

News & Observer 	 -‎17 hours ago‎ 	


Isle de Jean Charles, Louisiana, on the Mississippi Delta will have the 
distinction of being the first U.S. community to be relocated with 
federal funds because of*sea-level rise*. *...North Carolina’s 30-year 
rule is a means to put off preparations for sea-level rise and continue 
with unhindered money-making activities at the beach*...*The state has 
chosen the impossible path of holding the shoreline in 
place...Government is locking the next generation into a future filled 
with catastrophic loss of property and human lives....Sea-level rise is 
upon us, and in the near future we will be forced to retreat from the 
shoreline. Two new peer-reviewed studies have suggested that a 
3.5-to-6-foot sea-level rise by 2100 is a real possibility because of 
the increasing instability of the ice sheets in Greenland and West 
Already in North Carolina, widespread killing of trees in the lowermost 
coastal plain is evidence of sea-level rise. The trees die when 
intruding salt water pushes up the lighter freshwater and drowns the roots.*

    Article on hot temps avoids talk of*climate change*

DesMoinesRegister.com 	 -‎10 hours ago‎ 	


The title of a June 30 article in The Des Moines Register said "13 days 
during June reach at least 90 degrees in Iowa." It also stated that Des 
Moines' average temperature was about 6 degrees warmer than a typical June.

    Surviving*climate change*in Bangladesh

Aljazeera.com 	 -‎8 hours ago‎ 	


As one of the world’s most densely populated countries, situated over 
the large delta where three of Asia’s biggest rivers -  the Ganges, 
Brahmaputra, and Meghna - meet, Bangladesh feels the effects of a 
changing climate intensely...While cyclones, storms and flooding rivers 
have always been a part of life here, they now seem to come more often, 
are less predictable and are more powerful. River erosion has increased 
and the sea levels have risen bringing salty water farther inland. In 
many places, life as people knew it is no longer the same...The 150 
million inhabitants of Bangladesh adapt, cope and innovate in the face 
of this change. Many have migrated to the capital Dhaka and other cities 
further inland, which has caused the population in these cities to swell 
and living conditions to deteriorate....photographs   The reflection of 
a man walking near the water in the Monga region in southern Bangladesh. 
Despite being one of the countries most affected by*climate change*, 
Bangladesh contributes very little to the process.

    UK weather: 'Spanish plume' to bring six-week*heatwave*

Metro 	 -‎4 hours ago‎ 	


The British summer could finally be upon us, with a little help from the 
Spanish. A 'Spanish plume' of very hot air, heading to the UK in the 
middle of July, could see six weeks of 30°C temperatures.

    *Global warming*to blame for hundreds of*heatwave*deaths, scientists

The Guardian 	 -‎Jul 8, 2016‎ 	


Hundreds of deaths in the searing European heatwave of 2003 can be 
attributed to manmade climate change, say scientists...Researchers 
calculated that 506 out of 735 heat-related deaths recorded that summer 
in Paris – the hottest city – were due to global warming...The impact of 
climate change was less severe in London, where 64 out of 315 deaths 
were blamed on manmade effects...Scientists arrived at the figures after 
combining climate model simulations of the 2003 heatwave with a health 
impact assessment.
*2003 European heat wave - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
The 2003 European heat wave led to the hottest summer on record in 
Europe since at least 1540.[1] France was hit especially hard. The heat 
wave led to health crises in several countries and combined with drought 
to create a crop shortfall in parts of Southern Europe. Peer-reviewed 
analysis places the European death toll at more than 70,000.[2] The 
predominant heat was recorded in late summer, partly a result of the 
western European seasonal lag from the maritime influence of the 
Atlantic warm waters in combination with hot continental air and strong 
southerly winds.

    Gauging the impact of*climate change*on US agriculture

MIT News 	 -‎Jul 7, 2016‎ 	


To assess the likely impact of climate change on U.S. agriculture, 
researchers typically run a combination of climate and crop models that 
project how yields of maize, wheat, and other key crops will change over 
time. But the suite of models commonly used in these simulations, which 
account for a wide range of uncertainty, produces outcomes that can 
range from substantial crop losses to bountiful harvests. These mixed 
results often leave farmers and other agricultural stakeholders 
perplexed as to how best to adapt to climate change.  (First see the 
Battisti video below)

**video: Climate Change and Global Food Security: Prof David Battisti 
https://youtu.be/YToMoNPwTFc?t=6m57s (starts 7 mins in) This is an 
understandable but advanced academic talk on food security. Dr. Battisti 
is a most respected global warming scientist specializing in food 
futures teaching at University of Washington. I've heard a few of his 
lectures - but this talk seems to compress much of his work. In this 
talk in Tucson, he addresses an older audience in clear language using 
plenty of graphics. I suspect that many other food studies will be in 
reaction to this. For anyone studying this aspect of global warming, 
this is an important overview. Fast, dense, and plenty of new 
information. Very little of it is pleasant... all of it forthright. If 
you watch only a few serious lectures on global warming -- be sure to 
make this one of them. While you are watching check the USAID site 
FEWS.NET of http://www.fews.net/ Famine Early Warning System Network 
which complements in short term models.

              ========================  #### 

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