[TheClimate.Vote] Daily News of Global Warming Issues for voters, candidates and officials July 11, 2016

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Mon Jul 11 11:26:52 EDT 2016

/July 11, 2016   by forwarding this email you help keep voters and 
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*ExxonMobil May Have Friends In High Places, But Fraud Is Not 
Constitutionally Protected 
Bill Moyers and company: How far will fossil fuel industry-funded 
elected officials go to protect one of the biggest carbon polluters in 
the world?
When a handful of attorneys general launched investigations of 
ExxonMobil for climate fraud, I wonder if they had any idea that they 
would be attacked for attempting to stifle the company’s right of free 
speech....After all, if ExxonMobil publicly downplayed warnings by its 
own scientists about the threat posed by burning fossil fuels in its 
communications with investors and the general public, it very well may 
have committed fraud, which is not protected by the First Amendment.

    How might*global warming*affect air travel?

PRI 	 -‎1 hour ago‎ 	


Planes flying in extreme heat need either a longer runway or less weight 
for takeoff and landing because of the laws of aerodynamics....“As the 
temperature increases, the density of the air on the runway decreases, 
which decreases the lift force on the wings of the plane. That, of 
course, makes it more difficult for it to take off,” explains Paul 
Williams, a Royal Society University research fellow in the department 
of meteorology at the University of Reading in the UK...Weight 
restriction days — that is, days when planes can’t take off without 
removing either passengers or cargo — have increased fourfold since 
1980, Williams says... “It doesn’t happen very often, but the projection 
is that we'll see an increase in the number of weight restriction days 
by between 50 and 200 percent in the coming decades, as the globe 
continues to warm,” Williams adds.“I've seen statistics showing that the 
number of accidents caused by turbulence has grown by a factor of five 
since 1980,” he says.

'Shocking images' reveal death of 10,000 hectares of mangroves across 
Northern Australia 
Close to 10,000 hectares of mangroves have died across a stretch of 
coastline reaching from Queensland to the Northern 
Territory...International mangroves expert Dr Norm Duke said he had no 
doubt the "dieback" was related to climate change..."It's a world-first 
in terms of the scale of mangrove that have died," he told the ABC...Dr 
Duke flew 200 kilometres between the mouths of the Roper and McArthur 
Rivers in the Northern Territory last month to survey the extent of the 
dieback...He described the scene as the most "dramatic, pronounced 
extreme level of dieback that I've ever observed"..."The wet season was 
only one-month-long in the year before. Usually the wet season in the 
Northern Territory in that area is three or four months long," Dr Duke 
said...He said he was convinced unusually low rainfall in the 2014 wet 
season and elevated temperatures led to the massive mangrove dieback.

* video Climate Change And Increasingly Wild Weather: Stu Ostro and Dr 
Jennifer Francis <https://youtu.be/BHfIzlaChSk?t=27m4s>
YouTube Video - Dr Jennifer Francis shows how changes in the Arctic 
strongly affects weather below.  The trends in the sizes of the waves in 
the jet stream is a fairly new analysis of weather trends.

    Ray Martinez wants vote on*Climate*Action Plan

The Coloradoan 	 -‎15 hours ago‎ 	


Should Fort Collins voters get a shot at city's*Climate*Action Plan? 
City Councilmember Ray Martinez thinks so, in part because the plan 
aimed at significantly reducing the community's*greenhouse gas*emissions 
could cost hundreds of millions of dollars*..*

  * *Oil giant Shell shows its love for millennials in leaked plans to
    dominate planet's energy
    <http://www.nationalobserver.com/2016/07/08/news/oil-giant-shell-shows-its-love-millennials-leaked-plans-dominate-planets-energy>* by
    Mike De Souza, National Observer, July 8, 2016
  * *Global fish production approaching sustainable limit, UN warns
    <https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/jul/07/global-fish-production-approaching-sustainable-limit-un-warns>* by
    Arthur Neslen, Guardian, July 7, 2016

*A rare “blob” of unusually warm water that did massive damage to 
California’s marine life has reemerged 
<http://qz.com/727349/a-rare-blob-of-unusually-warm-water-that-did-massive-damage-to-californias-marine-life-has-reemerged/>* by 
Kelsey Kennedy, Quartz, July 9, 2016

              ========================  #### 

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