[TheClimate.Vote] April 22, 2017 - Daily Global Warming News - Earth Day

Richard Pauli richard at theclimate.vote
Sat Apr 22 09:43:40 EDT 2017

/April 22, 2017      Earth Day/


    After the March for Science, It's Time to Get Political

Huffington Post 	 -‎9 hours ago‎ 	


This weekend, tens of thousands of people are expected to take part in 
the March for Science in Washington, D.C. and at over 500 satellite 
marches all around the world.


    "Bring it on": Students sue Trump administration over*climate

CBS News 	 -‎2 hours ago‎ 	


EUGENE, Ore. - Avery McRae has been passionate about the environment for 
half a lifetime, and she's been worried about*climate change*since 
kindergarten. Now, at 11, she is really getting serious. She recently 
signed on to sue President Trump and the .

*U.K. Has First Day Without Relying on Coal for Power Since 1880s 

    "Friday 21st April 2017 was the first 24-hour period since the 1880s
    where Great Britain went without coal-fired power stations," the
    National Grid control room said in a Twitter post confirming the
    achievement announced earlier.
    The country is getting half of its electricity from gas power
    plants, 30 percent from renewables and interconnectors and the
    remainder from nuclear plants, according to Duncan Burt, head of
    operate the system at National Grid.

*A Rare April Tropical Storm Is the Latest 2017 Weather Oddity 

    In a year of weather oddities, the Atlantic has produced one of its
    own: the short-lived Tropical Storm Arlene.
    With top winds of 50 miles (80 kilometers) per hour, Arlene became
    only the sixth tropical system to emerge in the Atlantic in April
    since geostationary satellites began watching the basin starting in
    the mid 1960s.
    "It's a long time from April to peak season - long enough for lots
    of things to change - so you can't use an April storm as any
    reliable harbinger for what to expect later in the year,"

*Why the Hell Did the New York Times Just Hire a Climate Denier? 

    New columnist Bret Stephens writes drivel as the world burns.
    Will Bret Stephens' Climate Denial Threaten The Integrity Of The NYT
    Opinion Section?
    The NY Times' Climate Denial-Free Opinion Section Is Unique Among
    Major Newspapers, But Bret Stephens Could Change That


    Gov. Brown:*Global warming*is like 'a heroin addiction'

E&E News 	 -‎12 hours ago‎ 	


Brown also pushed back against President Trump's assertion in 2012, via 
Twitter, that the concept of*global warming*was invented by China to 
fool U.S.

Peter Hadfield is a British journalist and author, trained as a 
geologist, who currently runs the YouTube channel Potholer54, which has 
over 100,000 subscribers ...Potholer54  on Media debunking
(video) Crowder gets it wrong again… and again... (and yet again!) 
Response to "DEBUNKED: Top 5 "Climate Change" Myths" by Louder with 
Crowder <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEylCS6-hBE&t=110s>

Weekly Video compiliation of Climate News
*Climate & Extreme Weather News #20 (April 15th-April 20th 2017) 

"One of Bill McKibben's best:"
*On April 29, We March for the Future 

    We'll either save or doom the planet during the Trump
    administration. Don't sit the Peoples Climate Mobilization out.
    By Bill McKibben
       Here's the truth about these protests: People started planning
    them more than a year ago,
    And yet we still knew we would need to march. Because global warming
    isn't really Trump's fault. Yes, he's a uniquely disgusting person,
    and yes, he was elected at the worst possible moment, just as
    humanity was starting to build a tiny bit of momentum in the fight
    against climate change. And yes, he's mounting an all-out defense of
    the archaic fossil-fuel industry. There's no question he's the enemy
    right now....
    Pruitt, of course, is wrong, since his entire job is to represent
    the industry that has spent a quarter-century lying through its
    teeth about climate change. But he's aggressively wrong—he hadn't
    even started his new job before the transition team was leaking news
    that the administration was ready to defund the satellites we use to
    keep track of the climate. Think about that for a moment. We're not
    just going to ignore the mounting evidence; we're going to stop
    collecting it....
    Which helps explain, I think, the mounting anger of the scientific
    There will be teach-ins across the country—I've just finished
    helping film a video to use at those gatherings (available for free
    download), and it was a good reminder that even many progressives
    don't know the scientific depth and breadth of our understanding. As
    James Hansen explains in the video, at least since the great Swedish
    chemist Svante Arrhenius in the waning days of the 19th century,
    we've understood what was coming...
    None of this is too hard to understand. It's satellite science, not
    rocket science. At least until Trump powers down the feed, we can
    watch in real time as our emissions wreck our home...
    This Peoples Climate Mobilization (#ClimateMarch) will be the big
    one, the sequel to the massive protest that filled the streets of
    New York in September of 2014. Expect—well, expect lots of people
    determined to show that they're fed up with Trump's nonsense and
    aware that there's another future available. We'll be marching from
    the Capitol, up Pennsylvania Avenue, and we'll completely surround
    the White House—a kind of citizens' arrest of the nincompoop inside.
    There will be a moment of silence and then tremendous noise, loud
    enough to shake the occupants of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to their
    senses if they had them. We'll end with a closing event at the
    Washington Monument, where people will be able to gather in "circles
    of resistance" and talk about the road ahead.

An Ethical Dilemma
*Donald Trump's presidency has some in the mental health community 
re-evaluating their role. 

    The problem with Trump, ... is that he displays signs of "malignant
    narcissim" – a personality disorder that includes anti-social
    behavior, paranoia and a tendency to live in one's own,
    self-aggrandizing reality. And it's not curable,
    "The abnormal is being normalized. That's how dictatorships work.
    They take over the definition of reality," says Gartner, who began
    the "Duty to Warn" movement to oust Trump...
    Central to the mental health professionals' conundrum is the
    so-called Goldwater Rule, an ethics code the American Psychiatric
    Association adopted in 1973 after a magazine was successfully sued
    for libel for a story featuring psychiatrists discussing 1964 GOP
    presidential nominee Barry Goldwater's mental fitness. The rule,
    which the APA vehemently reaffirmed last month, says psychiatrists
    should not be diagnosing patients they have not examined, and
    further should not release such diagnoses without the consent of the
    *At Yale, a meeting of anti-Trump mental health professionals
      A group of mental health professionals that believe President
    Donald Trump is mentally unfit to be president is convening at Yale
    despite criticism from both Trump supporters and professionals
    working in their field.
    The Connecticut Post reports that the group, Duty to Warn, is
    holding its first conference Thursday at Yale University. The group
    has drawn considerable criticism from the psychiatric establishment
    for its violation of the American Psychiatric Association's
    ''Goldwater rule,'' which states psychiatrists are not to give
    professional opinions on people they have not personally examined.


    *Climate Change*Is Now

New York Times 	 -‎13 hours ago‎ 	


Yet in the face of this urgent challenge - one that affects all of 
humanity, rich and poor, liberal and conservative, America and the rest 
of the world - President Trump has chosen to accelerate*climate change*. 
He and his aides are encouraging pollution.


    March set a remarkable new record for global warming, NOAA reports

ThinkProgress 	 -‎Apr 19, 2017‎ 	


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported that 
last month set an unusual and unexpected new record for global warming.


    March breaks new*global warming*record despite absence of El Nino

The Independent 	 -‎Apr 20, 2017‎ 	


In a report, NOAA said: "The combined*global*average temperature over 
the land and ocean surfaces for March 2017 was 1.05C above the 
20th-century average of 12.7C.

/*This Day in Climate History April 22, 1970 
<http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A20998-2004Dec22.html> - 
*from D.R. Tucker, Brad Johnson, Elizabeth Kolbert, Michael E. Mann and 
Peter Sinclair

      "NBC Nightly News" anchor Frank Blair, covering the events of the
    first Earth Day, cites global warming as a concern. News coverage of
    first Earth Day -- a range of demonstrations and protests in Los
    Angeles, New York, Philadelphia and Miami on the first Earth Day,
    April 22, 1970--and a scientist's prescient warning of global warming.

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