[TheClimate.Vote] August 21, 2018 - Daily Global Warming News Digest

Richard Pauli richard at theclimate.vote
Tue Aug 21 10:19:39 EDT 2018

/August 21, 2018/

[Dramatic video 1:47 fire drive - father/son got out OK - see this video]
*Raw video: Hikers escape wildfire by driving through it 

    "The wildifre (sp) was between us and the only way out," he wrote.
    "After we reached the downed, burning tree seen at the end of the
    video, I had to reverse all the way back to the trailhead, where we
    were lucky to flag down a boat. We were rescued by two park
    employees and taken to safety. The car burned in the fire."


*Meteorologists: Increase in air quality alerts linked to climate change 

[time to talk about everything]
*Capitalism alone cannot reverse climate change 

[as good as the filter material]
*Build a do-it-yourself air purifier for about $25 
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kH5APw_SLUU>* (less if you already have 
a fan)
Michigan Medicine
Dr. Jeffrey E. Terrell, director of the Michigan Sinus Center, 
demonstrates how to build an air purifier with a HEPA filter for about 
$25 with parts from your local hardware store.
- - - -
[local state info]
*Washington Smoke Information <http://wasmoke.blogspot.com/>*
This site is an effort by county, state, and Federal agencies and Indian 
Tribes to coordinate and aggregate information for Washington 
communities affected by smoke from wildland fires. The information is 
posted here by the agencies themselves while volunteers built and 
maintain the page.

[Defense - unofficial discussion]
Audio and Transcript 
What's the connection between climate change and national security? 
"Military commanders don't operate on the basis of fiction," says Leon 
Panetta, who served as Secretary of Defense and Director of the CIA 
under President Obama. "Understanding climate change and what was 
happening had to be part and parcel of our effort to protect our 
security." The military has long seen climate as critical to readiness, 
as Rear Admiral David Titley (Ret) explains. "If you're directly 
connecting renewable energy to increasing our combat effectiveness," 
explains Titley, "the military is all in."
- - - -
[very large number of citations]
*Climate and Security Week(s) In Review: June 26 - August 20 
a list of notable headlines and comments on climate and security matters 
from the past several weeks.
- - - -
"No country is fully insulated from climate risk outside its border."
*Climate risks without borders 
New index reveals how climate risks are reinforced by global 
connectivity, leaving no country shielded from impact
Despite the Paris Agreement being a remarkable multilateral achievement, 
it comes with a certain irony. While being able to mobilise almost all 
countries on the planet to curb emissions and mitigate climate change, 
there is little focus on how climate-induced events in one country 
affects another. Instead, most measures are largely confined to national 
or local legislations.
In a study recently published in Global Environmental Change 
centre PhD student Johanna Hedlund together with colleagues from the 
Stockholm Environment Institute, has made a first attempt at developing 
a global index of how climate change affects one country - and requires 
adaptation there as a result of climate change impacts in another 
country. Despite previous attempts there is no widely accepted 
terminology to describe this phenomenon.
As a consequence, it remains to a large degree ignored both in research 
and adaptation planning. In their study, Hedlund and her co-authors 
introduce theTransnational Climate Impacts (TCI) Index 
<https://www.sei.org/featured/inescapably-intertwined/>, a new 
perspective on the complexity of exposure to climate change impacts in a 
globalised world. The study provides further support for demands that 
trade, migration and investments policies make more extensive climate 
- - - -
[visual indexing]
*Inescapably intertwined: the reality of globalisation and borderless 
climate risks <https://www.sei.org/featured/inescapably-intertwined/>*
Living in an era of growing interconnectedness, it is time to admit: 
climate adaptation isn't only a matter of national policy. Climate 
change does not respect national borders and adaptation efforts are 
unlikely to succeed if done in geographic isolation. The Transnational 
Climate Impacts Index (TCI Index) examines country exposure to climate 
change from an international perspective.

[Book review - fundamentally defines danger]
*Take unprecedented action or bear the consequences, says eminent 
scientist and advisor 
By David Spratt and Ian Dunlop
"Climate change is now reaching the end-game, where very soon humanity 
must choose between taking unprecedented action, or accepting that it 
has been left too late and bear the consequences."
Those are the challenging words from Prof. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber 
<https://www.pik-potsdam.de/members/john/shortbio>, for twenty years the 
head of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, and a senior 
advisor to Pope Francis, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the 
European Union.  In the foreword to a new report, Schellnhuber says the 
issue now "is the very survival of our civilisation, where conventional 
means of analysis may become useless".
The report,*What Lies Beneath: The understatement of existential climate 
risk <https://www.breakthroughonline.org.au/>*, is released today by the 
Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration.
Schellnhuber describes climate warming as an "existential risk", and 
says the report highlights crucial insights which may lurk at the 
fringes of conventional policy analysis but which have a new resonance 
in today's circumstances, "a unique situation with no precise historic 
analogue" in which "the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is 
now greater, and the Earth warmer, than human beings have ever 
- - - -
Strictly speaking, we would have to redo the Industrial Revolution and 
the greenhouse-gas emissions it triggered a thousand times or so, always 
starting with the Earth system in its 1750 pre-industrial state.  Then 
calculate the averaged observed outcome of that planetary experiment in 
terms of mean surface-temperature rise, global biological productivity, 
total number of climate refugees, and many other variables. This is a 
nonsensical notion...

[book review]
*Searching for Language to Capture How Climate Change Has Altered Our 

    Dispatches from the New American Shore
    By Elizabeth Rush
    Illustrated. 299 pp. Milkweed Editions. $26.

This is a book for those who mourn the changing climate and coast as 
well as, perhaps, America's diminishing literary culture; sadness 
benefits from lyrical prose. Rush's faith in the power of words is real 
and touching and I obviously share it, or I wouldn't be a writer myself. 
Elegies like this one will play an important role as people continue to 
confront a transformed, perhaps unnatural world, and grieve for the 
doomed or already lost. And then there will be a need for new tales, new 
songs, new speeches in perhaps the most important language in this 
crisis: the language of politics. To cope with the rising waters, we 
will need as many options - as many stories, especially ones of hope - 
as we can muster.
- - - - -
David Biello is the science curator for TED Talks and the author of "The 
Unnatural World: The Race to Remake Civilization in Earth's Newest Age."

*The Department of Defense wants to protect itself from climate change 
threats it's helping to spur 

    "When you're pumping money into the military, you're not just
    pumping money into an institution that burns a lot of fossil fuels
    and emits a lot of greenhouse gases," Sen says, adding that funds
    also go to providing armed protection to the fossil fuel industry
    under the guise of national security. "That is really, really


[Ethics and Climate]
*What Americans Urgently Need to Understand About Climate Change In 
Light of an Alarming New Report Published By US Academy of Sciences 
Given that human-induced climate change is now widely understood to be 
an existential threat to life on Earth unless all nations rapidly reduce 
their greenhouse gas (GHG) to net zero as fast as possible, Americans 
urgently need to understand certain features of the problem which have 
been infrequently mentioned in the US national climate change 
conversation including the following:

    There is growing evidence that even if global ghg emissions could be
    reduced to near zero rapidly, there is enough carbon already in the
    atmosphere that limiting warming to the then 2 degrees C warming
    limit goal by the end of this Century has only a 5% chance (Mooney,

    Every day that nations fail to reduce their GHG emissions to levels
    required of them to achieve a warming limit goal such as 2 degrees C
    makes the problem worse because budgets available for the whole
    world that must constrain global emissions to achieve any warming
    limit goal shrink as emissions continue.
    Therefore, the speed that nations reduce their GHG emissions
    reductions is as important as the magnitude of reductions identified
    by any national GHG reduction commitment. For this reason, any
    national commitment on climate change should not only identify the
    amount of ghg emissions that will be reduced by a certain date, but
    the reduction pathway by which these reductions will be achieved,

    For reasons stated in the Seffen et.al. paper, climate change is an
    existential threat to life on Earth that requires the international
    community to rapidly take extraordinarily aggressive coordinated
    steps not only sufficient to prevent global temperatures from rising
    no than more than 2 degrees C, the upper warming limit agreed to by
    the international community in the 2015 Paris Agreement, but to
    minimize any additional warming as quickly as possible,

    Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
    (UNFCCC) which the US ratified in 1992, the US has a legal duty
    under the concept of "equity" to reduce its GHG emissions more
    rapidly than most other nations, and although there is reasonable
    disagreement among nations about what "equity" requires of them, any
    reasonable interpretation of equity would require the US to make
    much larger and more rapid GHG reductions than almost all other
    nations given that the United States emitted 5,011,687 metric kilo
    tons (kt) of CO2 equivalent emissions in 2016, second only to
    China's 10,432,741 kt CO2. (Netherlands Environmental Agency). The
    US also has an equitable duty to more aggressively reduce its
    emissions than most other countries because it has emitted a greater
    amount of cumulative CO2 emissions, that is 29.3% of global CO2
    emissions between 1850 and 2002, while China emitted 7.6% during the
    same period, (WRI, Cumulative Emissions) making the US much more
    responsible for raising atmospheric concentrations of CO2 to the
    current level of 406 ppm than any country.  Also given the US is
    responsible for 15.56 metric tons per capita CO2 emissions which is
    more than twice as much as China's 7.45 metric tons per capita in
    2016 (World Bank), as a matter of equity the US must reduce its GHG
    emissions much more rapidly and steeply than almost all countries,

    The US duty to formulate its ghg emissions reduction target on the
    basis of equity is not only required by its legal obligations under
    the UNFCCC, practically the US and other high emitting nations must
    reduce their GHG emissions by much greater amounts and faster than
    poor developing nations because if they don't the poorer nations
    will have to reduce their GHG emissions almost immediately to near
    zero CO2 so that global emissions don't exceed the carbon budget
    available to prevent a warming limit such as 2 degrees C from being

    Any US policy response to climate change such as a carbon tax must
    be structured to reduce US ghg emissions to levels and speeds
    required of the US to achieve its responsibilities to the rest of
    the world to prevent dangerous climate change. Thus, if the US were
    to pass a carbon tax, the imposition of a tax must either reduce US
    GHG emissions to the level and the speed required of it by its
    obligations or be supplemented by other policy responses such as,
    for instance, mandatory conversions of electric power generation
    from fossil fuel combustion to renewable energy by a date certain or
    mandatory requirements for electric vehicles,

    Because GHG emissions from every country mix rapidly in the
    atmosphere, all nations emissions are contributing to rising
    atmospheric GHG concentrations thus harming people and ecological
    systems on which life depends all over the world. Thus, the US may
    not formulate its climate change policies only on the basis of costs
    and benefits to itself alone, it must acknowledge and respond to the
    devastating climate change harms the United States is already
    contributing to that are being experienced around the world and
    particularly by poor people and nations that are most vulnerable to
    climate change impacts. For this reason, the Trump administration's
    justification for withdrawing from the Paris Agreement on the basis
    of "putting US interests first" is deeply morally indefensible and
    tragic because of the damage it will likely cause to the world,

    Because of the rapid speed required of the US to reduce its ghg
    emissions to net zero carbon emissions, the US urgently needs to put
    ghg emissions reductions on the equivalent of a wartime footing by
    not only adopting policy responses that can achieve ghg emission
    reduction goals required of it, but also by investing in research
    and development in new technologies that can facilitate and achieve
    the its ghg emission reduction obligations and increase carbon sinks
    that could reduce the rise in atmospheric ghg concentrations,

    The United States needs to develop a strategy to achieve these
    objectives in the next two years and begin implementing the strategy
    immediately as quickly as possible.
    By: Donald A. Brown, Scholar in Residence and Professor
    Widener University Commonwealth Law School
    dabrown57 at gmail.com


[Trump Trope Talk]
The Energy 202: When's a good time to talk climate change? Trump 
officials say: Not during a natural disaster 
One of President Trump's Cabinet members is taking heat this week over 
his comments about California's wildfires and climate change.

[Musical Satire from the Parody Project]
Parody Project
Published on Aug 16, 2018
[Music video with subtitles]

*This Day in Climate History - August 21, 2008 
- from D.R. Tucker*
August 21, 2007: U.S. District Judge Sandra Brown Armstrong rules that 
the George W. Bush administration violated the 1990 Global Change 
Research Act (signed into law, ironically enough, by Bush's father) by 
not producing a legally required climate assessment report. The report 
would finally be released in May 2008.




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