[✔️] March 24, 2024 Global Warming News | Greenland ice, research paper, Kevin Anderson, Stoic climate, 1989 Exxon Valdez crash and spill

Richard Pauli Richard at CredoandScreed.com
Sun Mar 24 11:19:14 EDT 2024

/*March*//*24, 2024*/

/[ How much melting ice ? ]/
*Study reports enormous ice loss from Greenland glacier*
by Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres
MARCH 22, 2024
Ground-based measuring devices and aircraft radar operated in the far 
northeast of Greenland show how much ice the 79° N-Glacier is losing. 
According to measurements conducted by the Alfred Wegener Institute, the 
thickness of the glacier has decreased by more than 160 meters since 
1998. Warm ocean water flowing under the glacier tongue is melting the 
ice from below...

- -

[Research article]
*Extreme melting at Greenland's largest floating ice tongue*
Ole Zeising, Niklas Neckel, Nils Dörr, Veit Helm, Daniel Steinhage, 
Ralph Timmermann, and Angelika Humbert
22 Mar 2024
The 79° North Glacier (Nioghalvfjerdsbrae, 79NG) is one of three 
remaining glaciers with a floating tongue in Greenland. Although the 
glacier has been considered exceptionally stable in the past, earlier 
studies have shown that the ice tongue has thinned in recent decades. By 
conducting high-resolution ground-based and airborne radar measurements 
in conjunction with satellite remote-sensing observations, we find 
significant changes in the geometry of 79NG. In the vicinity of the 
grounding line, a 500 m high subglacial channel has grown since ∼ 2010 
and has caused surface lowering of up to 7.6 m a−1. Our results show 
extreme basal melt rates exceeding 150 m a−1 over a period of 17 d 
within a distance of 5 km from the grounding line, where the ice has 
thinned by 32 % since 1998. We find a heterogeneous distribution of melt 
rates, likely due to variability in water column thickness and 
channelization of the ice base. Time series of melt rates show a 
decrease in basal melting since 2018, indicating an inflow of colder 
water into the cavity below 79NG. We discuss the processes that have led 
to the changes in geometry and conclude that the inflow of warm ocean 
currents has led to the extensive thinning of 79NG's floating ice tongue 
near the grounding line over the last 2 decades. In contrast, we 
hypothesize that the growth of the channel results from increased 
subglacial discharge due to a considerably enlarged area of summer 
surface melt due to the warming of the atmosphere.

How to cite. Zeising, O., Neckel, N., Dörr, N., Helm, V., Steinhage, D., 
Timmermann, R., and Humbert, A.: Extreme melting at Greenland's largest 
floating ice tongue, The Cryosphere, 18, 1333–1357, 
https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-18-1333-2024, 2024.
Received: 16 Jun 2023 – Discussion started: 28 Jul 2023 – Revised: 09 
Dec 2023 – Accepted: 12 Jan 2024 – Published: 22 Mar 2024

/[ "Beyond dangerous" from a radical message maker - video 1:37 ]/
*Climate Change: Choosing to Fail, with Climate Scientist Kevin Anderson*
Climate Chat
Mar 11, 2024
In this Climate Chat episode, we interview climate scientist Kevin 
Anderson for a 2nd time. Out first, audio-only, interview in May 2021 
was one of the most listened to Climate Chat programs. Kevin tells it 
like it is and does not sugarcoat the situation. We will discuss carbon 
budgets and global temperatures, the desirability of carbon dioxide 
removal (CDR) and Sunlight Reflection Methods (SRM), and get Kevin's 
view on James Hansen's recent "Pipeline" paper. We will also discuss why 
society has so far chosen to fail on addressing climate change and what 
we can do if we decide to choose to succeed.

Kevin’s website is https://climateuncensored.com and he has an active 
twitter account at: @KevinClimate

/[ from the Daily Stoic - there's no mark for the date written, so let's 
just call it today ]/
*A Stoic Guide to Climate Change*
Stoicism serves well as a practical system of values for confronting 
modern-day dilemmas. And there is perhaps no more imposing set of 
problems facing society today than climate change and global warming. 
The question is, how can a philosophy founded thousands of years ago 
help us respond to the climate emergency?

While we can’t say with complete certainty what the Stoics would do in 
our current situation, we know that they saw the world as one 
interconnected, global community, or cosmopolis.

They acknowledged the interdependence of all of humanity, known as 
sympatheia, and believed in natural law and universal logos, of which 
every living thing was a part of. Most notably, they strived to live “in 
accordance with nature” by applying logic and reason to life’s challenges.

“Never in reply to the question, to what country you belong, say that 
you are an Athenian or a Corinthian, but that you are a citizen of the 
world” —Epictetus, Discourses 1.9

In short, most ancient philosophers believed that humans’ unique ability 
for rational discernment gave us an inherent responsibility to protect 
other living beings, such as plants and animals. For a chance at 
preserving our planet for future generations, we must embrace a similar 
mindset. Solving climate change will involve recognizing humanity’s 
shared role in creating the problem. Then, confronting it with a 
cohesive, unified effort that addresses the root causes with logical 

“Every hour of the day, countless situations arise that call for advice, 
and for that advice, we have to look to philosophy.” —Seneca, Letters 
from a Stoic XVI

*Scientific Consensus*

The Stoic idea of cosmopolitanism, or a single global community, has 
become fully realized in our connected, technologically advanced 
society. Climate change affects everyone, and humans are the only ones 
that can do anything about it. But before taking action, we must agree 
on a standard set of facts.

Climate change is defined as a long-term shift in weather patterns due 
to global warming. While climate change is, in part, a natural 
phenomenon, human activity and the burning of fossil fuels have 
accelerated global temperature changes over the past 200 years.

According to the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), “Human 
activities are estimated to have caused approximately 1.0°C of global 
warming above pre-industrial levels, with a likely range of 0.8°C to 
1.2°C.” Many scientists agree that a global average temperature rise of 
2°C above pre-industrial levels would result in irreversible societal, 
economic, and ecological damage – also known as “the point of no return.”

The Stoics acknowledged that the universe is cyclical, and that 
existence is both self-creating and destroying. But they also believed 
that the matter of the cosmos could be explained through observation.

Based on the scientific data available, it’s decidedly irrational and 
unethical to human society to collectively continue engaging in the 
activities that are destroying our planet. We can’t resolve this 
situation the way we created it—through single-state policies, greed, 
and unrestrained development. To course-correct, we must accept that our 
habits, values, and behaviors have contributed to the climate crisis and 
then take action.

The four Stoic virtues of wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance can 
help guide us. Importantly, we need to realize that we have a 
responsibility to act collectively AND individually. Even if political 
leadership is stifling our ability to react, even if victory against 
climate change seems almost impossible at times to realize, it is our 
duties if we believe it to be a worldwide crisis to take action against it.

*Don’t Wait for Society—Take Individual Action*

It’s no secret that the Stoics were big on personal responsibility. They 
also spent a lot of time reading, writing, and studying the world around 
them. It follows that the logical first step to getting involved with 
climate change would be to get informed on the issues. You can do that 
by following reports from organizations like the IPCC and Climate 
Central, as well as making an effort to keep abreast of developments by 
following the news. As a Stoic, you need to take responsibility for 
learning about the climate crisis and turning that knowledge into 
action, whether it’s by talking about it with other people or 
ascertaining what you can do in your own life.

*Travel less, and travel light*

The Stoics were skeptical of too much travel, even thousands of years 
ago. In his letter On Travel (CIV), Seneca asks, “What good has travel 
of itself ever been able to do anyone?” Today, travel and transportation 
are two of the most significant contributors of carbon emissions and 
greenhouse gases. In confronting the climate crisis, you should follow 
the lead of the Stoics and shy away from excessive travel. Minimizing 
international air travel is one way to do that: avoid unnecessary 
business travel, or traveling long distances for vacations more than 
once or twice a year.

Another way to minimize one’s carbon footprint is by avoiding overly 
convenient modes of travel. Owning a vehicle that guzzles gas or driving 
three blocks to the grocery store are indicative of a lack of patience. 
Replace your driving with walking or biking where possible. If possible, 
commute to work by public transportation, even if it means waking up a 
little earlier. What benefit do you get from rushing from place to 
place? Not only are you contributing bit by bit to the climate crisis, 
you miss out on the true pleasures in life: the ability to commune with 
nature, the pleasure of exercising your body, of being one with the world.

*Change your diet*

The Stoics prescribed a diet of moderation and simplicity, which also 
happens to be good for the environment. Avoid the urge to order out 
every night, something that produces waste from the packaging and the 
delivery driver’s travel. Instead, shop at your local farmer’s market, 
or buy local produce from your grocery store. Use this as a way to stay 
connected with your local environment, fostering awareness of place and 
situating yourself within your community. Eat less carbon-intensive food 
as well. If you make the switch from red meat (the most carbon-intensive 
meat) to poultry and fish or try to eat vegetarian or vegan just once a 
week, you can make a real impact on how much carbon your diet produces.

*Take Political Action*

Most ancient Greek and Stoic philosophers were politically involved in 
some way, either as writers, orators, advisors, or emperors. While they 
didn’t always agree on policy, they still tried to hold themselves to 
high ethical standards—regardless of whether a tyrant like Nero or a 
Stoic like Marcus Aurelius was in charge. In fact, Zeno, the founder of 
Stoicism, believed that society could function based on individual 
principles alone rather than the rule of law. Political infighting or a 
lack of consensus on climate matters shouldn’t preclude private citizens 
from acting with virtue.

Political action is indispensable for a modern Stoic and there are many 
ways to get involved. Even writing letters to your representatives in 
state or federal government, pushing them to support climate 
legislation, can have a real impact. If you’re already involved in 
government, you can introduce environmentally-friendly legislation and 
align with groups like Climate Mayors. If you’d rather work behind the 
scenes, you can volunteer for a campaign or donate to green politicians.

Consider joining a climate action committee or participating in climate 
strikes. Write to your local representatives and show up at town hall 
meetings. Tell them you support a zero emissions target. Vote for green 
politicians. Use your voice to speak up for others who may not have one. 
Even if you can’t single-handedly protect islands in the South Pacific 
from sea-level rise, you can fight public policies that are causing it 
in the first place. The Stoics wouldn’t sit quietly in the face of 
global injustices – they would muster up the courage to act. If you 
don’t observe the change you’re seeking in your political leaders, 
demand it or change what you can control.

*Protect the Collective Good*

“…we should look upon all people in general to be our fellow-countryfolk 
and citizens, observing one manner of living and one kind of order, like 
a flock feeding together with equal right in one common pasture.” —Plutarch

Marcus Aurelius said in Meditations that “what’s bad for the hive is bad 
for the bee.” As a phenomenon with immeasurably negative consequences 
for life on Earth, climate change is a key example of something “bad for 
the hive.” The Stoics were mindful of the importance of justice, deeming 
it the most important of the four Stoic virtues. Today, they would 
likely be mindful of how climate change can disproportionately affect 
people with less economic influence and power and try to correct such 

Is it ethical to save mansions in Miami from sea-level rise while the 
citizens of Kiribati are displaced? The Stoics might argue that we have 
a moral obligation to protect poor and disadvantaged populations. That 
means participating in cooperative, multilateral treaties like the Paris 
Climate Agreement, which aims to keep global warming to a maximum of 1.5 
degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

To help look out and show up for others, it’s important to make your 
voice heard. With the broad reach of online media and technological 
tools at our disposal today, communication and organization are two of 
the most powerful, effective, and low-cost ways to make an impact. You 
can subscribe to scientific journals and environmental news 
organizations, start a podcast, website or blog, or organize a simple 
beach clean-up. Write, speak, and otherwise share your knowledge. If 
Chrysippus could write 700 books, you can write one.

*Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is*

Since the Industrial Revolution, economic development and prosperity 
have gone hand-in-hand, but not without environmental consequences. 
Rather than spending all of your money on extravagant indulgences or 
growing your investment portfolio, use your prosperity and fortune to 
protect the planet. Some Stoics were born into wealth, while others 
acquired riches over time, but they all ascribed to the idea that the 
good life was a simple life. Marcus Aurelius would remind himself that 
luxury was in the eye of the beholder. An expensive bottle of wine was 
really just old grape juice. And his regal robes were made of sheep’s 
wool dyed with shellfish blood.

There’s a direct correlation between individual consumption and your 
environmental footprint. Buying less stuff is a start, but you can make 
a considerable statement with your purchase decisions. Support companies 
that use sustainable materials and business practices. Contribute to 
politicians who support environmentally friendly policies. Donate to 
environmental causes such as the Environmental Defense Fund, Sierra 
Club, and World Wildlife Fund. When in doubt, purchase carbon offset 
credits. You don’t have to sleep on the ground or live on stale bread to 
conserve the planet. But where could you make more conscious choices?

*Help Future Generations Find Their Own Power*

The Stoics believed that virtue could be taught and recognized the 
importance of passing on their philosophy to future generations. They 
did this through education – priming their successors for lives of 
public service from a young age. Marcus Aurelius began his studies at 
six or seven years old. In Discourses, Epictetus wrote (through his 
pupil, Arrian), “Be careful to leave your sons well instructed rather 
than rich, for the hopes of the instructed are better than the wealth of 
the ignorant.” (CXLV)

Education isn’t enough, however. The Stoics knew they had to lead by 
example in their private lives. It’s enough to start with focusing on 
what’s within your control in your household. Apply the four cardinal 
virtues of wisdom, morality, courage, and moderation to each decision 
you make. For example, is it wise to leave the lights on all day? Is it 
moral to fail to act when animals are going extinct and people are 
forced to become climate refugees? Can you exhibit more moderation in 
your consumption of food and online shopping?

Climate change is a multi-generational problem, one whose solutions will 
need to be imparted to our children, and our children’s children. But 
right now, things are backwards. The youth are the role models who are 
pressing (begging) the adults with power to act. The Stoics surely would 
admire Greta Thunberg’s courage, conviction, leadership, and sense of 
personal responsibility. But they would likely be wondering, where are 
all the adults in the room?

In our interview with Kai Whiting, he defined sustainable development 
as: “Development that meets the needs of the present without 
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” 
We need to keep this goal in mind so that both we and our children can 
live happy, fulfilled lives on this planet. The only way to do that is 
by setting a good example through our individual actions while holding 
each other accountable, as the Stoics did in their lives. Who are you 
teaching to be a steward of the planet? Who is emulating your actions?

*Prepare for Disasters—but Keep Them in Perspective*

Climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of climatic 
events. Extreme event attribution is “one of the most rapidly expanding 
subfields of climate science,” according to Scientific American.

The Stoics recognized that external events were outside of their 
control. When faced with a problem, they would take action, but they 
wouldn’t overreact or get consumed by fear and emotional anguish. Today, 
they would likely caution us against obsessing over extreme weather 
events and natural disasters.

 From a Stoic perspective, practicing askêsis—clear judgment and inner 
calm—is undoubtedly preferable to cultivating mass hysteria every time 
there’s a hurricane. Suffice to say, the Stoics would not spend much 
time glued to The Weather Channel, worrying about what might happen. 
They would remind themselves—and each other—that we have as much control 
over imminent threats as we do over death. Still, they would take 
appropriate precautions, busying themselves with what they can control 
while leaving the rest up to fate.

In the aftermath of a storm, when the floodwaters subsided, how would 
Stoics react? Likely, to help those who suffered by doing what they 
can—be it delivering aid, volunteering their time, or donating money and 

“The chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters 
so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my 
control, and which have to do with the choices I actually control. Where 
then do I look for good and evil? Not to uncontrollable externals, but 
within myself to the choices that are my own . . .” —Epictetus


We have many options before us. We can panic as super storms brew in the 
oceans or watch helplessly as the ice caps melt and the Amazon burns. We 
can wait for someone else to save the world, or we can do it ourselves. 
The Stoics would undoubtedly choose the latter, focusing on doing what’s 
right rather than worrying about the outcome.

*What will you decide to do next? *

Adopt a more plant-based diet?
Switch over to eco-friendly cleaning products?
Think twice before clicking the “Buy Now” button on Amazon?
Run for public office?
Trade your SUV for a Tesla?
Travel less?
  We can’t single-handedly diffuse a hurricane or save a species from 
extinction, but we can double down on what it means to live a principled 
life, remembering that it’s what you do when no one else is looking that 
makes the difference.

Each of us has the power to align our pursuit of happiness and the good 
life with ethical, responsible action in the best interest of the 
planet. We should accept our ability to make a difference – albeit small.

“Call to mind things which you have done that have been upright or 
courageous; run over in your mind the finest parts that you have 
played.” —Seneca

Are you playing your part in the climate crisis? Are you rising to the 
occasion? Only you can be the judge.

/[The news archive - a drunken crash - "the largest oil spill in US 
history" ]/
/*March 24, 1989 */
March 24, 1989: The notorious Exxon Valdez oil spill takes place.
1989: Exxon Valdez tanker spill

/Archive of Daily Global Warming News 

=== Other climate news sources ===========================================
**Inside Climate News*
**Climate Nexus* https://climatenexus.org/hot-news/*
   5 weekday
*Carbon Brief Daily https://www.carbonbrief.org/newsletter-sign-up*
Every weekday morning
more at https://www.getrevue.co/publisher/carbon-brief
*T*he Daily Climate *Subscribe https://ehsciences.activehosted.com/f/61*
Other newsletters  at https://www.dailyclimate.org/originals/ 

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